Posted by Elena del Valle on October 11, 2018
2025 podcast guest list in alphabetical order:
Peter Amato, Ph.D., founder, Inner Harmony Wellness Centers about nutraceuticals
Jonathan George, CEO, Unleash Your Rockstar
Rodger Mort, COO, Packaging And Crating Technologies
Aras Nazarovas, information security researcher, Cybernews
Hernan Tagliani, president, The Group Advertising
2024 podcast guest list in alphabetical order:
Mario D’Aquila, M.B.A., COO, Assisted Living Services, Inc.
Melissa Daniels, producer, Norita
Howard S. Dvorkin, C.P.A., chairman,
Clement Feng, vice president of Product Management, Briggs & Stratton Energy Solutions
Brooke Goff, CEO, Goff Law Group
Paul Hargreaves, CEO, Cotswold Fayre
Rodger Mort, COO, Packaging And Crating Technologies
Alejandra Requena, news anchor, Canela News
Maria Rodriguez, owner, Vanguard Communications
Sarah Schoellkopf, producer, Norita
Obie Silverwood, author, Industrial Real Estate Investing and Management
2023 podcast guest list in alphabetical order:
Michael R. Agostino,, CEO, Network of Advanced Specialty Healthcare (N.A.S.H.)
Timothy Baker, C.F.A., founder, Metric Financial
Jennifer Chesak, author, The Psilocybin Handbook for Women
Fred Cohen, M.D., headache specialist, Mount Sinai Medical System, New York City (migraines)
Barbara C. Cruz, co-author, The Cuban Sandwich
Jeff Houck, co-author, The Cuban Sandwich
Andrew Huse, co-author, The Cuban Sandwich
Stephen M. Kohn, author, Rules for Whistleblowers
Lara Pizzorno, lead author, Healthy Bones Healthy You
Miriam Schulman, author, Artpreneur
David Waltner-Toews, author, On Pandemics
2022 podcast guest list in alphabetical order:
Mathieu Champigny, group chief executive officer, CoCreativ
Nazeera Dawood, CEO, Vendorship Inc.
Ivan Estrada, author, Brand With Purpose
Talia Henkle, Ph.D., cancer content creator, Sparrow
Jackie Lange, CEO, Panama Relocation Tours
Roger Osorio, author, The Journey to Reinvention
Andrew Ross, author, Sunbelt Blues
Thomas Savidge, research manager, Center for State Fiscal Reform at ALEC
Dina Rubio, co-owner, Don Ramon
Stanley Wong, co-founder, DistroScale
2021 podcast guest list in alphabetical order:
Barry Alexander, CEO, Aquiline Drones
Erika Benson, co-owner, Gokce Capital LLC
Erika Benson, co-owner, Gokce Capital LLC, part two
Javier Folgar, founder, Toa Waters
Eric Goulder, M.D., founder, Heart Attack Stroke Prevention Center of Central Ohio (HASPC)
Tony Hereau, vice president of Cross-Platform Insights, Nielsen
John Incledon, president, Hisamitsu America
Robert Knight, P.h.D., director, Florida Springs Institute
Karla Legaspy, filmmaker, The Daily War
Jon Lieff, M.D., author, The Secret Language of Cells
Staci Reidinger, president, Reidinger Public Relations
Sofia Tafich, freelance journalist, WhoWhatWhy
2020 podcast guest list in alphabetical order:
Calvin Carter, CEO, Bottle Rocket – part 1
Calvin Carter, CEO, Bottle Rocket – part 2
Susan J. Douglas, author, In Our Prime
Torbjørn Ekelund, author, In Praise of Paths
Gary Dudney, author, The Mindful Runner
Marleny Gomez, realtor, HomeSmart
Zuhair Haleem, Ph.D. student, University of Florida
Bel Hernandez Castillo, CEO, Latin Heat Media
Engelina Jaspers, author, Marketing Flexology
Krista Jenkins, Ph.D., professor of Politics and Government, Fairleigh Dickinson University
Julie Kalabalik-Hoganson, PharmD, director, Pharmacy Practice, Fairleigh Dickinson University
Jenni Lehtimäki, Ph.D., senior researcher, Finnish Environment Institute
Shiva Nag Kompella, Ph.D., post doctoral research associate, University of Manchester
Gaby Lechin, senior vice president, Global Results Communications
Randy Pherson, author, How to Get the Right Diagnosis
Naibe Reynoso, founder, Con Todo Press
Hilary Topper, author, Branding in a Digital World
2019 podcast guests in alphabetical order:
Rana Adib, executive secretary, Ren21
Louis Bezich, author, Crack the Code
Todd Caponi, author, The Transparency Sale
Michele Colopy, program director, Pollinator Stewardship Council
Javier Delgado, founder, PeopleToo LLC
Katherine Eban, author, Bottle of Lies
Tiffany Finck-Haynes, program manager, Friends of the Earth
Lisa Lindsley, capital markets advisor, SumOfUs
Tom McMakin, co-author, How Clients Buy
Shital Mars, CEO, Progressive Care