Friday, February 7, 2025

HispanicMPR Products

Posted by Elena del Valle on April 9, 2006

Tap the most desirable exploding market in the U.S. today! Listen to our Hispanic market experts share insights and tips about the markets in audio presentations and interviews available only here!

Improve your strategies, better your action plan, get ahead of the competition.

Listen to experts share their insights on easy-to-download recordings and CDs. Turn your business around by reaching this coveted market. Impress your boss, your client, and your colleagues by getting the inside scoop right here! Scroll down to take the first step today!

Find out about Latino buying preferences
Listen to

“Hispanic Holiday Shopping Patterns” audio recording


Presenter Manuel Delgado, chief executive officer, Agua Marketing

A presentation by Manuel Delgado and Q&A with Manuel Delgado and host Elena del Valle about how Latinos shop for the holidays based on a national survey.

Find out about

• National quantitative study findings
• Implications of the study’s findings
• Being Hispanic
• Hispanic family definition, characteristics
• Nuclear family and extended family
• Spanish language issues
• Hispanics and religion
• Hispanic sub-segments

Available exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD’s.

Not sure? Click here to listen to a short interview with Manuel Delgado.

Click here for information on Hispanic Holiday Shopping Patterns audio recording

Make Latinos loyal to your brand
Listen to Author Isabel Valdes in

“Hispanics Customers for Life” audio recording


Isabel Valdes gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about

• Immigrants adaptation to their new country, culture
• Latino cultural values and their role
• Case studies, insights on Latinos as long term customers
• Acculturation
• Latinos and how they adapt to their host country
• Adaptation, assimilation
• Difference between assimilation and acculturation

Click here for information on Hispanic Customers for Life audio recording

“Happy for No Reason” audio recording


Presenter Marci Shimoff, author, Happy for No Reason 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out (Free Press, $24.95) and president, Esteem Group

What: An audio presentation by Marci Shimoff and Q&A with Marci Shimoff and audio program host Elena del Valle about using your energy to attract clients and customers.

Happy for No Reasonaudio recording consists of 89 minutes of useful insights and information by the internationally famous author and speaker.

Available exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD’s.

What you receive: Downloadable recording of a 39-minute audio presentation “Happy for No Reasonaudio recording and a bonus 50-minute interview of Marci Shimoff.

Total: 89 minutes of recording, 39 minutes of presentation and 50 minutes of interview!

Not sure? Click here to listen to a short interview with Marci

More information on “Happy for No Reason” audio recording with Marci Shimoff

“How to Use Your Energy to Attract Clients and Customers” audio recording


Presenter Heather Dominick, owner, EnergyRich Coaching, Inc.

A presentation by Heather Dominick and Q&A with Heather Dominick and audio program host Elena del Valle about using your energy to attract clients and customers.

How to Use Your Energy to Attract Clients and Customersaudio recording consists of 106 minutes of useful insights and information by a national coach.

Available exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD’s.

What you receive: Downloadable recording of a 50-minute presentation “How to Use Your Energy to Attract Clients and Customers” audio recording and a bonus 56-minute interview of Heather Dominick.

Total: 106 minutes of recording, 50 minutes of presentation and 56 minutes of interview!

Not sure? Click here to listen to a short interview with Heather

Discover ways to energize your business development strategies. If you’re a small business owner or solo practitioner, Heather’s presentation may change your life.

More information on “How to Use Your Energy to Attract Clients and Customers”audio recording by Heather Dominick

“Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement: measuring conversations and social media” audio recording


A presentation by Katie Delahaye Paine and Q&A with Katie Delahaye Paine and host Elena del Valle about measuring online relationship.
Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement” consists of 118 minutes of useful insights and information by a national measurement expert. “Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement” was recorded in January 2008.

Available exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD’s.

What you receive: Downloadable recording of a 37-minute presentation “Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement” and a bonus 81-minute interview of Katie Delahaye Paine.

Total: 118 minutes of recording, 37 minutes of presentation and 81minutes of interview!

Downloadable “Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement” MP3’s $119.95

Audio CD’s of “Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement” $139.95

More information on Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement

Click here to listen to a short interview with Katie

“Marketing to Multicultural Kids” audio recording


A presentation by Michele Valdovinos and Q&A with Michele Valdovinos and host Elena del Valle about multicultural children based on a Phoenix Multicultural and Nickelodeon study of 1,300 multicultural children ages 6-14 and their parents in 16 United States markets. During the study, company representatives interviewed 2,600 non Hispanic white, African American, Asian and Hispanic participants over several months.

Marketing to Multicultural Kids” consists of 37 minutes of useful insights and information by a leading Latino market expert based on surveys and in-person interviews of multicultural children and their parents. The findings assist market researchers to identify what children do and why, the behaviors and motivations behind Hispanic children’s actions. “Marketing to Multicultural Kids” was recorded in September 2007. Available exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD’s.

What you receive: Downloadable recording of a 37-minute presentation “Marketing to Multicultural Kids” and a bonus 44-minute interview of Michele Valdovinos.

Total: 81 minutes of recording, 37 minutes of presentation and 44 minutes of interview!

Downloadable “Marketing to Multicultural Kids” MP3’s $119.95

Audio CD’s of “Marketing to Multicultural Kids” $139.95

More information on Marketing to Multicultural Kids

Click here to listen to a short interview with Michele

“Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising” audio recording

Liria Barbosa

A presentation by Liria Barbosa and discussion with Liria Barbosa and host Elena del Valle about Hispanics’ views on advertising based on C & R Research research on the topic.

Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising” audio recording consists of 74 minutes of useful insights and information by a leading Latino market expert. “Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising” was recorded in May 2007. Available exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD’s.

What you receive: Downloadable recordings of a 26-minute presentation “Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising” and a bonus 48-minute interview of Liria Barbosa.

Total: 26 minutes of presentation and 48 minutes of interview time!

Downloadable “Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising” MP3’s $109.95

Audio CD’s of “Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising” $129.95

More information on Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising

Click here to listen to a short interview with Liria

“Beyond the 30 Second Spot” audio recording

Listen to a 105-minute discussion

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Panelists Ivan Cevallos, Hunter Heller, Kitty Kolding and Cynthia Nelson

Our panel of national experts discuss

• Challenges of measuring the impact of the 30-second ad spot
• Innovative tools are useful to reach Latinos
• Changes in marketing to Hispanics
• On which market segment are the changes most relevant
• Effects of technology and time shift on consumer behavior
• Role of multi-screens
• Getting started
• Tips for marketing professionals

Click here for information on Beyond the 30 Second Spot

Click here to listen to a recording with Ivan Cevallos, Hunter Heller, Kitty Kolding and Cynthia Nelson.

“Changing Latino Landscape” audio recording

Cesar Melgoza

Presenter Cesar Melgoza, managing director, Latin Force Group

“Changing Latino Landscape” A presentation by Cesar Melgoza about the changing Latino landscape.

This product consists of 39 minutes of useful insights and information by a leading Latino market expert and a bonus copy of the 79-page Geoscape International American Marketscape DataStream: 2007 Series PDF – a $1,250 value!

Changing Latino Landscape” was recorded in June 2007. Available exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD.

What you receive: Downloadable recording of a 39-minute presentation “Changing Latino Landscape” by Cesar Melgoza, managing director, Latin Force Group.

Downloadable “Changing Latino Landscape” MP3’s $109.95

Audio CD of “Changing Latino Landscape” $129.95

Listen to a short interview with Cesar

More information on Changing Latino Landscape

“Best in Class Hispanic Strategies” audio recording

Carlos Santiago Derene Allen

Presenters Carlos Santiago, president, Santiago Solutions Group & Santiago ROI and Derene Allen, managing partner, Santiago Solutions Group

A presentation by Carlos Santiago and Derene Allen and discussion with Carlos Santiago and Derene Allen and host Elena del Valle about best practices to reach Latino audiences.

This product consists of 108 minutes of useful insights and information by leading Latino market experts. “Best in Class Hispanic Strategies” was recorded in 2007.

Available for the first time exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD’s.

More information on “Best in Class Hispanic Strategies”

Listen to short interview with Carlos and Derene

“Segmentation by Level of Acculturation” audio recording

Miguel Gomez Winebrenner

Presenter Miguel Gomez Winebrenner, senior consultant, Cheskin

A presentation by Miguel Gomez Winebrenner and discussion with Miguel Gomez Winebrenner and host Elena del Valle about Segmentation by level of acculturation based on his chapter on the same topic in the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book.

This product consists of 77 minutes of useful insights and information by a leading Latino market expert. “Segmentation by Level of Acculturation” was recorded in July 2007. Available exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD’s.

What you receive: Downloadable recordings of a 27-minute presentation “Segmentation by Level of Acculturation” and a bonus 50-minute interview of Miguel Gomez Winebrenner.

Total: 27 minutes of presentation and 50 minutes of interview time!

More information about “Segmentation by Level of Acculturation”

Listen to an interview with Miguel

“Hispanic Projections” audio recording – now including 2007-2008 update!

Roger Selbert, Ph.D.

Roger Selbert, Ph.D. presenter

A presentation by Roger Selbert, Ph.D. and discussion with Roger Selbert, Ph.D. and host Elena del Valle about the future trends of the U.S. Latino market. This product consists of 123 minutes of useful insights and information by a leading Latino market expert. Hispanic Projections” was recorded in May 2006 and June 2007.

Available for the first time exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD’s.

What you receive: Downloadable recordings of a 28-minute presentation “Hispanic Projections” and a 24-minute presentation “Hispanic Projections 2007-2008 Update” by Hispanic market expert Roger Selbert, Ph.D. based on the chapter he authored by the same title in the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book and two bonus interviews of Roger Selbert, Ph.D. (2006 interview of 34-minutes and 2007 update of 37 minutes) totaling 52 minutes of presentation and 71 minutes of interview time.

More information on “Hispanic Projections”

Listen to an interview with Roger Selbert, Ph.D.

“Marketing to New Hispanic Moms- a case study” audio recording

Cynthia Nelson

Presenter Cynthia Nelson, COO, Todobebe

A presentation by Cynthia Nelson and discussion with Cynthia Nelson and host Elena del Valle about targeting new Hispanic moms centered on a Todobebe case study.

This product consists of 76 minutes of useful insights and information by a leading Latino market expert. “Marketing to New Hispanic Moms” was recorded in 2007. Available exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD’s.

What you receive: Downloadable recordings of a 25-minute presentation “Marketing to New Hispanic Moms – a case study” and a bonus 51-minute interview of Cynthia Nelson.

Total: 25 minutes of presentation and 51 minutes of interview time!

Information on “Marketing to New Hispanic Moms – a case study”

Listen to an interview with Cynthia

“Emotional Branding: How to capture the heart and mind of the Hispanic consumer” audio recording

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Presenters Jay Gronlund and Mario Quiñones

A presentation by Jay Gronlund and Mario Quiñones and discussion with Jay Gronlund and Mario Quiñones and host Elena del Valle about emotional branding to Latinos.

This product consists of 104 minutes of useful insights and information by leading Latino market experts. “Emotional Branding: How to capture the heart and mind of the Hispanic consumer” was recorded January 2007 during the Strategic Research Institute 13th Annual Blockbuster Marketing to U.S. Hispanic and Latin America conference in Miami, Florida. Available for the first time exclusively on!

Complete our Visitor Survey and receive a complimentary copy today.

Listen to short interview with Jay and Mario

Click here for more information on “Emotional Branding”

“Latino Identity and Situational Latinidad” audio recording

Diana Rios, Ph.D. Federico Subervi, Ph.D.

Presenters Diana Rios, Ph.D. and Federico Subervi, Ph.D.

A presentation by Diana Rios, Ph.D. and Federico Subervi, Ph.D. and discussion with Diana Rios, Ph.D. and Federico Subervi, Ph.D. and host Elena del Valle about Latino identity. This product consists of 119 minutes of useful insights and information by leading Latino market experts. “Latino Identity and Situational Latinidad” was recorded in September 2006.

Available for the first time exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD’s.

Click here for more information on Latino Identity and Situational Latinidad

Listen to a short interview with Diana Rios, Ph.D. and Federico Subervi, Ph.D.

“Hispanic Market Translation Issues” audio recording

Martha E. Galindo

Presenter Martha E. Galindo

Presentation by Martha E. Galindo and interview with Martha E. Galindo about reaching Latinos in language and Hispanic Market Translation Issues.This product consists of 85 minutes of useful insights and information from a leading expert including a 40-minute presentation by Hispanic market expert Martha E. Galindo, president and CEO, Galindo Publicidad, Inc. and a bonus 45-minute interview.

The “Hispanic Market Translation Issues” presentation and companion interview with Martha E. Galindo is available for the first time exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase the recording on downloadable MP3 or audio CD. Use the following links to get more information and purchase these audio products:

More information on Hispanic Market Translations Issues

Listen to a short interview with Martha

“Electronic Publicity and Broadcast Public Relations” audio recording

David Henry

David Henry presenter

Presentation by David Henry and interview with David Henry about reaching Latinos consumers with electronic publicity tools.

This product consists of more than one hour of useful insights and information from a leading expert including a 32-minute presentation by Hispanic market expert David Henry, president and founder, TeleNoticias and a bonus 47-minute interview.

The “Electronic Publicity and Broadcast Public Relations” presentation and companion interview with David Henry were recorded in July 2006.

It is available for the first time exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD’s.

Use the following links to get more information or purchase these audio products:

More information on Electronic Publicity and Broadcast Public Relations

Listen to a short interview with David

“Hispanic Market Overview” audio recording

Michele Valdovinos Elena del Valle, MBA

Presenters Michele Valdovinos and Elena del Valle, MBA

Presentations by Michele Valdovinos and Elena del Valle on U.S. Hispanic markets and an interview of Michele Valdovinos.

This product consists of two presentations by Hispanic market experts:
“A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market” presented by Michele Valdovinos in March 2006 based on the chapter she co-coauthored by the same title in the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book.

“Defining the U.S. Hispanic Market” presented by Elena del Valle in April 2006 based on live presentations at “Hispanic Market: What’s in it for You?” where she was the keynote speaker in an event sponsored by Fifth Third Bank, Naples Sun Times, The Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce and Edison College in March 2006 in Naples, Florida; and “Defining the Hispanic Travel Market” at the Miami Herald Travel Experience and Tourism Industry Conference 2006 in Miami, Florida in April 2006.

Available for the first time exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on two audio CD’s.
Use the following links to get more information or purchase these presentations:

More Information on Hispanic Market Overview

Listen to a short interview with Michele

“The Next Step: Secondary Latino Markets” audio recording

Dora O. Tovar, MPA

Presenter Dora O. Tovar, MPA

Dora O. Tovar, MPA presents insights into using secondary U.S. Hispanic markets to reach rapidly growing Latino populations. She has identified three markets with population growth in triple digits that are often ignored by campaigns focused on the top three U.S. Latino metropolitan areas. A downloadable recording of a presentation by Hispanic market researcher Dora O. Tovar, MPA and bonus interview of Dora Tovar, MPA totaling 51 minutes.

Find out what makes secondary markets valuable as part of an overall approach to reach this rapidly growing and brand loyal demographic.

Find out about:
• The size and composition of the top U.S. Latino markets
• Secondary Latino markets and why they are important
• Characteristics secondary markets present
• The latest Latino boom taking place
• Possible future trends
• Much more

Available for the first time exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD.

Use the following links to get more information or purchase these presentations:

More Information on The Next Step: Secondary Latino Markets

Listen to a short interview with Dora

“Latino Media and Hispanic Media Training” audio recording

Federico Subervi, Ph.D. Elena del Valle, MBA

Presenters Federico Subervi, Ph.D. and Elena del Valle, MBA

Presentations on “Latino Media” and “Hispanic Media Training” by Federico Subervi, Ph.D. and Elena del Valle and interview of Dr. Subervi.

If you’re ready to improve your Latino media reach and enhance your Hispanic media training skills, Latino media and Hispanic media training is for you. Available for the first time exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on two audio CD’s.

Use the following links to get more information or purchase these presentations:

More Information on Latino Media and Hispanic Media Training

Listen to a short interview with Federico Subervi, Ph.D.

“Marketing to Hispanics Online” audio recording

Identifying and characterizing the booming Hispanic online market

Joel Bary Alex Carvallo Matias Perel

Joel Bary, Alex Carvallo and Matias Perel

Presentation by Joel Bary and interviews with Joel Bary, Alex Carvallo and Matias Perel about the U.S. Hispanic online market

This product consists of more than four hours of useful insights and information from leading experts including a 50-minute presentation by Hispanic online market expert Joel Bary who is CEO and board member of

“Marketing to Hispanics Online” was recorded in June 2006. The interviews with Joel Bary, Alex Carvallo, U.S. Hispanic media manager for Consumer Marketing at Intel Americas, and Matias Perel, founder and president of Latinthre3 were recorded in 2006.

Available for the first time exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD’s.

Use the following links to get more information or purchase these presentations:

More information on “Marketing to Hispanics Online Identifying and characterizing the booming Hispanic online market”

Listen to short interview with Joel Bary

Listen to short interview with Alex Carvallo

Listen to short interview with Matias Perel

“Search Engine Marketing to Hispanics” audio recording

Matias Perel

Presenter Matias Perel, president and founder, Latin3

Matias Perel presents insights on the characteristics and effectiveness of search engine marketing targeting Hispanics. He discusses the latest trends, demographic data and opportunities available in this youth oriented and fast growing market that is being ignored by many traditional media campaigns. Discover what makes search engine marketing to Hispanics valuable as part of an overall approach to reach this valuable and increasingly desirable consumer group.

Find out about

  • The 16 million Latino online users
  • Types of online access among Hispanics
  • Latino online user language preferences
  • What they do online
  • Usage by age
  • Income levels among Hispanics who visit the Internet
  • Internet use by Hispanics
  • Natural search
  • Paid search
  • Top search engine among Hispanics
  • Ad content issues
  • Opportunities available to purchase undervalued ad words
  • How language ussage affects ad selection
  • Hispanic attitudes toward online ads
  • Media outlets where Hispanics spend their time
  • Most effective programs to reach Hispanics online

Available for the first time exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD.

Use the following links to get more information or purchase these presentations:

More information on Search Engine Marketing to Hispanics

Listen to a short interview with Matias Perel

“Latino Family Dynamics” audio recording

Brenda Hurley Liria Barbosa

Brenda Hurley and Liria Barbosa

Brenda Hurley and Liria Barbosa discuss “Latino Family Dynamics” with host Elena del Valle. This product consists of two hours of useful insights and information from leading Latino market researchers Brenda Hurley and Liria Barbosa from Latino Eyes, a division of C&R Research. A downloadable recording of 2 hours of useful insights and information from leading Latino market researchers Brenda Hurley and Liria Barbosa from Latino Eyes, a division of C&R Research.

Find out about:

  • Reaching Latino families
  • Whether its necessary to adapt general market messages when targeting Latinos
  • Whether its necessary to adapt products and services when targeting Latinos
  • Top motivators for Latino family migration
  • Educational pattern differences between U.S. born and foreign born Latinos
  • High school, college graduation among U.S. born and foreign born Latinos
  • Latino family country of origin breakdown by U.S. geographical location
  • Largest concentration of Ecuadorians, Cubans and Brazilians in the U.S.
  • Country of origin settlement patterns for Latino families across the U.S.
  • Factors that affect Latino migration patterns within the U.S.
  • Type of work of Latino migrant workers and how to trace work patterns
  • Latino purchasing habits and products they favor
  • Segmenting Latinos by level of acculturation

Available for the first time exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD.

Use the following links to get more information or purchase these recordings:

More information on Latino Family Dynamics

Listen to short interview with Brenda and Liria

First ever Hispanic marketing title selected for Choice Outstanding Academic Title!

Hispanic Marketing and Public Relations book

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations 1932534083

What others are saying

“A must resource for practitioners/professionals expecting to reach US Hispanics; also valuable for college programs in marketing, public relations and communications. Highly recommended.”

— R.R. Attison, emeritus, CUNY, Choice

“The book is so thorough and will certainly be a keeper for PR folks bookshelves.”

— Lori George Billingsley, The Coca-Cola Company

To hear Lori George Billingsley’s comments about the book,
