Thursday, July 18, 2024

Episcopalian priest weaves tale of human trafficking, drugs, love, friendship, justice

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 27, 2010

By Marga Fournier-Padró

A Death in Dallas book cover

Photos: Ascot Media Group, Inc.

In A Death in Dallas (Publish America, $24.95), a 239-page novel, Ernest E. Hunt addresses the subject of human slavery and drug trafficking, an issue that has existed almost since the beginning of time. Greediness, hunger for power and the weaknesses of many who fall prey to such crimes, leads to exploitation and human slavery. Much has been written and showcased in film about this subject of sex, rape, revenge, crime, drugs and human trafficking.

In A Death in Dallas a young Mexican schoolgirl is kidnapped, along with other students, from a border town in Mexico and smuggled into the United States by degenerates from both sides of the border. Smugglers from other countries down south use the same Mexican routes to take advantage of existing routes and corruption, deriving huge profits from exchanging girls and women for sex, especially the very young. There is also the added attraction and very profitable business of narcotic drugs.

The murder of a man on a street in Dallas left a mystery, a why. Someone phoned the police department to report a crime. When the police arrived they found a body but no witness. Was the deceased placed there to attract someone to shoot at? Did the sniper mean to shoot a policeman who came to investigate the death or simply to scare someone? Did it have anything to do with the kidnapping of the young Mexican girl? The mystery led authorities to discover a smuggling ring of humans and drugs.

The author brings together characters whose life mishaps produce enough adrenaline to cause a reaction between characters and allows them to understand each other’s pain. For some, their own internal crucifixion pushes them in favor of vengeance. For others, justice, duty or anger brings them together to fight and find ways to stop so much hurt and abuse.

The Iraq War leaves a soldier’s face and soul scarred. Mexplotations leaves a group of young girls terrified and scarred because of horrific abuses. The greed for power among members of a well known family who have lost their values and ethics makes some of them indulge in the worst kind of vices for the sake of money to buy their way to congress and for devious fun.

Author Ernest E. Hunt

An Iraq war hero’s somber thoughts make him perform a sniper act that eventually changes his life. The hero meets the heroine in a brothel and together they part in search of justice. The innocence and intelligence of the very young abused heroine draws more characters and drama into the story.

The members of a religious congregation, detectives, police from both sides of the border and even an employee distraught by the meanness of her employer join forces to uncover the source of the sex-drug ring and to entrap those involved, lifting a veil of scandal and corruption.

Although the author explains the horror of human degradation lived by Juanita Delgato, he only touches the tip of a slavery iceberg. In real life, outside of inner vice circles and advocates who fight for these victims, people don’t have the slightest idea of the horror stories lived by children involved in this human racket, be it in Nuevo Laredo, Juárez, Cancún in Mexico or in any city in the United States; activities that should be stopped and penalized everywhere and by all nations.

Fortunately, clean and pure love sprouts among some of the characters to overpower their own sad family love stories. The author’s search for factual sources enhances and adds substance to the book. Some could call it a thriller; however, it is a description of a very sad reality being lived every minute somewhere in the world. Nevertheless, the subtle way, language and sources of justice used by Hunt to vindicate much sorrow in some of the characters involved makes this story worth reading. His descriptive power made me feel like I was traveling along with each character, admiring or disliking the scenery and the story evolution.

According to his biography, Hunt was ordained in the Episcopal Church at Stanford University and was rector of the Church of the Epiphany in Manhattan for 16 years. He spent four years in Saint Matthews and 11 years in Paris, France.

There is no doubt that the author´s background influenced this fictional story, as he describes it, with the credibility of human violations happening every second all over the world. He was able to capture the essence of the problem, ending the story in a language that does not offend, one that can be read by students to open their eyes and make them aware of predators and people with few scruples.

Click here to buy A Death in Dallas

Coach shares tips for anger management

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 20, 2010

The Secret Side of Anger

Placing blame on others for our actions and feelings is a common misconception of where the blame should really be, according to Janet Pfeiffer, author, The Secret Side of Anger (Tate Publishing and Enterprises, LLC, $12.99). She believes that taking responsibility for our own feelings and how we deal with them is empowering and the best approach and that finding inner peace is the ultimate goal.

“Most of us believe that other people or situations have the ability to make us angry. This is a big misconception,” said Pfeiffer. In her book she shares the wisdom about anger she has acquired over the years through personal situations and professional experiences coaching others.

Mixed in with jokes, personal and professional anecdotes and occasional references to God, Pfeiffer presents readers with tips on reducing anger that she says have made her personal and professional life better. In the 190-page book Pfeiffer explains that: thoughts lead to feelings and feelings are our choice; it is up to each person to choose the thoughts and feelings he or she has and how to deal with them; and it is up to each individual to take responsibility for his or her life.

“No individual or event has the power to make you mad. Anger is actually a choice, one that occurs depending on that person’s perception (thought). What we choose to think about an experience we’re having or the person we’re involved with determines how we feel. For instance, if someone criticizes you, you can think ‘She’s so mean!’ Or, you can choose, ‘How unfortunate someone could be so insensitive.’ The former evokes anger, the latter, sadness. The truth behind her actions matters little. You only need to concern yourself with how you choose to perceive her and allow her behavior to affect you.”

Pfeiffer, described in promotional materials as a certified violence counselor and motivational speaker, believes unresolved anger leads to resentment and bitterness and can damage a person’s relationships, health, career, and happiness. She is convinced that feeling anger is not in and of itself bad. What’s important is how people handle the feeling and what they do about it, she says in the book.

She believes that only if mishandled in a destructive or violent way does anger turn negative. She asserts that anger is an important and useful emotion that people can take advantage of to change their lives. An example of positive results that may follow anger is when someone witnesses an injustice in society which fuels his or her anger and eventually leads to the creation of new laws.

Anger, by definition, she says, is a feeling of distress born of feelings of helplessness or powerlessness. When people feel victimized it is because they feel others are controlling them but in reality power and control come from within. Regaining our personal power eliminates feelings of helplessness and anger. Others no longer have the ability to push our buttons and make us mad, she says.

Her tips on reducing anger include: Put everything into perspective. Ask yourself if the situation is worth getting upset about. If not, let it go. If it is important, identify what needs to change and create a plan to accomplish that. Switch your focus (thought) from the problem (negative) to the solution (positive). The moment you feel anger well up inside you, remember SWaT: Stop, Walk and Talk. Stop what you are doing. This prevents the situation from escalating. Next, Walk away. Creating distance allows you to calm down and cool off. “Out of sight, out of mind.”

Third: Talk yourself calm. Discuss your feelings and situation with a neutral party, seeking deeper understanding and guidance. If no one is available, talk to yourself. Repeat calming statements such as “I am fine. I am calm. I can handle this is an intelligent and rational manner.” Create a “Peace Plan”: daily activities to engage in that will naturally reduce your levels of anger. Each of these naturally replaces stress and anger with feelings of peace and serenity. Even a simple act such as deep breathing or smiling will help alleviate anger, she believes.

Pfeiffer, president and chief executive officer, Pfeiffer Power Seminars, LLC, is a motivational speaker, an instructor at a battered women’s shelter, personal coach, columnist, and founder of The Antidote to Anger support group.

Click here to buy The Secret Side of Anger

Columbia University Press publishes book about Hispanic New York

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 13, 2010

Hispanic New York A Sourcebook

In June, Columbia University Press published Hispanic New York A Sourcebook (Columbia University Press, $29.95), a book edited by Claudio Iván Remeseira, founder and director of the Hispanic New York Project which is hosted by Columbia University’s American Studies Program, about the Hispanic history of the city and its Latino communities. It may also be published in Spanish by a Latin American publishing company.

The book was designed as an anthology of scholarly, literary, autobiographical, and journalistic writings for high school and college students and based on a seminar taught by the editor and Roosevelt Montás, a colleague at Columbia University. It was meant to be a companion book to Hispanic New York: A Cultural Guide, a title that is still under production.

In addition to Remeseira the 547-page softcover book is the work of fourteen men and nine women: Jack Agueros, Theodore S. Beardsley Jr., Paul Berman, Dionisio Cañas, Ruby Danta, Margarite Fernández Olmos, Frank M. Figueroa, Gabriel Haslip-Viera, Carmen Dolores Hernández, Orlando José Hernández, José Marti, Ed Morales, Antonio Muñoz Molina, Frances Negrón-Muntaner, Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert, Luis Pérez-Oramas, Milagros Ricourt, Clara Rodriguez, Virginia Sánchez Korrol, Roberto Suro, Bernardo Vega, Walt Whitman, and Ana Cecilia Zentella.

Claudio Iván Remeseira, editor, Hispanic New York A Sourcebook

“Since the moment I had the idea of producing this book to the moment it reached the bookstores, it was almost three years. But I started collecting the material that eventually made up the book around 2001. So you can safely say that the book took almost a decade in the making, and the last three years of that period to come into fruition,” said Remeseira by email when asked how many years the project required.

The book is divided into two main sections, People and Communities and Cultural Hybridizations, and 23 chapters: Introduction, The Evolution of the Latino Community in New York, A Vindication of Cuba, Memoirs of Bernardo Vega, Halfway to Dick and Jane, New York Teetering on the Heights, The Hispanic Impact Upon the United States, In Search of Latinas in U.S. History, 1540-1970s, The Spanish Element in Our Nationality, Racial Themes in the Literature, The Emergence of Latino Panethnicity, Creole Religions of the Caribbean, New York City Center and Transit Point for Hispanic Cultural Nomadism, Puerto Rican Voices in English, Spanish in New York, Spanish in New York a Moving Landscape, New York’s Latin Music Landmarks, The Story of Nuyorican Salsa, Mariachi Reverie, The Art of Babel in the Americas, The Life and Passion of Jean-Michel Basquiat, A Splendid Outsider, and Carlos Gardel in New York.

Click here to buy  Hispanic New York: A Sourcebook

Social media services executive outlines Facebook business uses, benefits

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 6, 2010

Facebook Marketing: Designing Your Next Marketing Campaign

Photos: Que Publishing

In July 2010 Facebook announced it has 500 million users (although on another page of the Facebook website the company’s own description listed the day of this writing 400 million users who have returned to the site in the last 30 days). Founded in February 2004, Facebook is described in the About Facebook heading of the Press section of the company website as “a social utility that helps people communicate more efficiently with their friends, family and coworkers. The company develops technologies that facilitate the sharing of information through the social graph, the digital mapping of people’s real-world social connections. Anyone can sign up for Facebook and interact with the people they know in a trusted environment.”

The Statistics page of the Press section of the Palo Alto, California based company indicates 70 percent of its users are outside the United States. At the same time it seems to be popular with big companies: Two-thirds of comScore’s Top 100 websites in the United States and half of comScore’s Global Top 100 websites have integrated with Facebook, according to the data on that same page.

Perhaps as a result it seems everybody is thinking about, wants to, or has a business page on Facebook although curiously in the company’s own description the utility is for “friends, family and coworkers.” At the same time whether for personal, business or combination profiles there have been a number of concerns over the life of the website and especially recently about privacy and the company’s efforts to bank on member data to make a profit.

Author Justin Levy

Earlier this year Facebook changed its default privacy settings to allow third-party partner websites described as partners to access information from user profiles whenever they wanted to unless users went back to their profiles after the new policy was announced to block that use. Millions of users were said to have complained and as many as 25 million were thought to have closed their accounts in protest before the company responded.

As director of Business Development, Marketing and Client Relations at New Marketing Labs Justin Levy makes his living with Facebook, in part. The company he works for offers consulting services to middle and large sized companies that want to leverage their social media presence. According to his bio, his clients include Sony, Microsoft, Citrix Online, SAS, and Molson Coors. Earlier this year, he published the second edition of Facebook Marketing: Designing Your Next Marketing Campaign (Pearson Education, Inc., $24.99).

In the 195-page softcover book he discusses his thoughts on Facebook as a social media business tool. He addresses establishing a presence, creating ads on Facebook, privacy, using Facebook Connect and Live Stream Box to reach potential customers outside Facebook, reputation monitoring, widgets and apps, and sweepstakes to build traffic.

The book is divided into 11 chapters: From Dorm room to Boardroom: The Growth of Social Networks, Getting Around Facebook: The Basics, Establishing a Corporate Presence, Extending Facebook into the Interwebs: The Power and Reach of Facebook Connect, Facebook Advertising: How and Why You Should Be Using It, Extending the Experience with Facebook Apps, Addressing Privacy Concerns, Developing a Facebook Marketing Strategy, Using Facebook to Develop Communities, Best in Class, Shaking the Crystal Ball: What’s Next for Facebook.

Click here to buy Facebook Marketing

Author examines lying issues

Posted by Elena del Valle on July 30, 2010

Playing the Lying Game

Photo: Gini Graham Scott, J.D., Ph.D.

Even though as individuals and members of society we frown on lying everybody lies, even animals. It is in our DNA to lie as a way to enhance our likelihood of surviving and thriving in a competitive environment, according to experts on lying. Not everyone lies as much as others, for the same reasons or to the same type people in their lives. How someone lies, to whom, why and how often are some of the distinguishing characteristics in the lying spectrum. Even the definition of a lie varies.

Many people may disagree about the definition of a lie. Is it a lie, for example, to use a marketing photo in a hotel brochure that makes a hotel look better than it does in real life? To rearrange furniture for the photo shoot in a way that shows only the prettiest side of a room? Is it a lie when someone doesn’t share all that he or she knows about something? In other words, when it comes to lying is omitting information the same as actually saying something the speaker knows not to be the truth?

In Playing the Lying Game Detecting and Dealing with Lies and Liars from Occasional Fibbers to Frequent Fabricators (Praeger, $44.95) Gini Graham Scott, J.D., Ph.D. explores lying, its history, motivations, the types of lies and liars and to whom they are told, and issues to consider when deciding whether to confront a liar. She also includes a simple lying self assessment questionnaire.

Author Gini Graham Scott, J.D., Ph.D.

The 211-page hardcover book published this year is divided into 14 chapters in four sections: Why Do We All Lie?, Identifying the Different Types of Liars, Lying in Public and Professional Life and Lying in Personal and Private Life. In the last chapter, Conclusion, the author suggests people are more likely to be comfortable interacting with others who have similar beliefs and attitudes about lying; she also addresses confronting a lie, confessing, getting caught, forgiveness and dealing with lies.

According to her biography, Graham Scott is a consultant and college instructor who has authored more than 50 books.

Click here to buy Playing the Lying Game

Former Miss Universe shares her faith, life secrets with Spanish speakers

Posted by Elena del Valle on July 23, 2010

La belleza de saber vivir book cover

Photo: Grupo Nelson

Barbara Palacios, Miss Universe 1986, banked on her beauty queen reputation to gain the attention of potential readers and fans for a Spanish language book she published recently in the United States. In La belleza de saber vivir 9 pasos para conducir tu vida (Grupo Nelson, $14.99) she shares insights about her philosophy of life and the importance of religion in her life.

The 224-page hardcover book is divided into nine chapters, one for each of the nine steps she proposes her readers follow to live a fulfilling and faith oriented life: La Aceptación, El Enfoque, El Equilibrio, El Liderazgo, El Optimismo, La Gratitud, El perdon, La Dignidad and La Fe. The chapters represent what she considers life’s important paths: acceptance, vision, balance, leadership, optimism, gratitude, forgiveness, dignity and faith.

According to her biography, Palacios’ business ventures include several advertising agencies. She also leads her own company, BP Group featuring her own line of jewelry, beauty products and several stores that bear her name across the United States. The motivational speaker lives in Miami with her husband and two sons.

Click here to buy La belleza de saber vivir (Spanish Edition)

University of Miami scholar discusses possible Cuba future

Posted by Elena del Valle on July 16, 2010

Mañana in Cuba

Photos: Tara Inc.

In Mañana in Cuba The Legacy of Castroism and Transitional Challenges for Cuba (Authorhouse, $24.95), a 184-page English language softcover book published this year, Jose Azel, Ph.D. addresses the possible future situation in Cuba, the country of his birth. He examines the issues that he believes afflict the island nation with an emphasis on challenges and opportunities.

In the book, he offers policy approaches based on what he assesses to be the current situation and Cuban mindset on the island he has not seen since his youth. He also discusses the potential benefits he sees for the United States if the Castro ruled nation one day becomes a democracy. And, he explores the concept of Choice Architecture based on “the lessons learned in Eastern Europe.”

“The book is a little history, political science, a little philosophy, psychology, sociology just very multidisciplinary which I think reflects my own thinking,” said Azel. He explained by phone that although much has been written about the past of Cuba this book is novel because of its focus on that country’s future.

The University of Miami logo and the words “Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida” appear at the beginning of the book. One hundred percent of the author proceeds of the book are designated to benefit the Institute with which he is affiliated.

The book is divided into two parts and thirteen chapters. The chapters in Part One are: Cuba: Alternative Roads in an Uncertain Future; Freedom from Fear; Search for Meaning; The First Law; No Le Pidas Peras Al Olmo; Carajo, Somos como Somos; Cuban Informality and Choice Architecture; and The Pursuit of Happiness. The chapters in Part Two are: Personnel Reforms; Institutional Reforms; Political Reforms; Economic Reforms; and Concluding Thoughts.

In his conclusion Azel states that “The most insidious and devastating legacy of Castroism is that Cuban society, living in constant fear, has forgotten how to feel free.” And that “… promoting a Cuban society that relearns how to feel free should be a common denominator of all mañana in Cuba visions.

Author Jose Azel, Ph.D.

Azel left Cuba in 1961 as a 13 year-old political exile in the Operation Pedro Pan, a child refugee program. A senior scholar at the Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies (ICCAS) at the University of Miami he dedicates his time to the in-depth analysis of Cuba’s economic, social, and political state. He has a particular interest in post-Castro Cuba strategies. It took him a year of intense writing to complete the book.

Click here to buy Mañana In Cuba

Estate planning attorney discusses merits of wills, living trusts

Posted by Elena del Valle on July 9, 2010

Living Trusts for Everyone book cover

Photos: Allworth Press

Since Attorney Ronald Farrington Sharp switched his practice from family law to estate planning he became convinced that for most of his clients advance planning would help them save on after death fees. In legal terminology he believes a trust is better than a will and less expensive too. Many people are familiar with a will but what is a trust?

In his recently published book, Living Trusts for Everyone Why a Will is Not the Way to Avoid Probate, Protect Heirs and Settle Estates (Allworth Press, $14,95), he explains both concepts and the misconceptions involved in each of them. He believes wills benefit attorney and trusts benefit families. Unscrupulous attorneys drive the business of probate and wills in order to make a percent of the monies in the estate when their clients pass away, he says. Instead he proposes readers consider relying on trusts to avoid the probate process and to reduce estate taxes as well as for easier management of their assets for children and disabled heirs.

According to Farrington Rich clients do not have to be wealthy to benefit from a trust. In the 147-page softcover book, he shares ways for readers to avoid expensive legal fees, protect heirs, and settle estates. He discusses the different types of trusts, funding a trust, the role of trustees and guardians, selecting an attorney to draft the trust; what establishing a trust should cost, and who should establish a trust. he explains that there are dozens of trust types. Although he does not specifically focus on trusts from a business perspective many of the issues he raises about wills and trusts likely interest business people and business owners as they refer to the protection and inheritance of estates and assets.

The book is divided into twelve chapters: Trusts and Wills Defined; You Must Have a Trust If; A Comparison: Trusts and Wills; Trust Seminars: A Free Meal, But at What Cost; Watch Out for Attorneys; Trustees; Making Your Trust Work: Funding; You Do Not Need a Trust If; The Many Types of Trusts; Problems with Trusts; Guardians, Powers of Attorney and More; and Trustee Instructions for Death or Disability; and three appendices.

Author Ronald Farrington Sharp

Farrington Sharp is the founder of Ronald Farrington Sharp and Associates Law Firm established in 1975, and owner of the Michigan Law Clinic in Wayne, Michigan and the Great Lakes Legal Clinic in Southeastern Michigan. According to promotional materials, he has prepared over 3,000 trusts and estate plans. Prior to writing this book he authored Winning the Divorce War. He divides his time between Michigan and Florida.

Click here to buy Living Trusts for Everyone

Consultant: long term planning essential to corporate health, survival

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 11, 2010

The Business Tree book cover

Does your company have a business plan? Do you know what it is? If the answer is no. You are not alone. Only 2 percent of the businesses of the world have functioning strategic plans. At the same time most businesses (82 percent) and almost all (98 percent) of new businesses are small and emerging businesses. So far so good for entrepreneurs. The discouraging news is that 70 percent of new businesses go under in the first five years and 90 percent do so within 10 years. Many business owners may already be familiar with these statistics.

What they may not know is that 83 percent of businesses in the United States employ 20 people or less and only a mere 7 percent employ 100 or more. Although Hispanics own 7 percent of businesses in the United States 98 percent of Hispanic-owned businesses have 50 employees or less*.

What causes so many entrepreneurs to remain small or to lose their way and fail? Hank Moore, who makes a living advising companies on ways for them to remain healthy and profitable in the future, is convinced a plan for growth is essential for companies who want to be around past the initial years.

Also, to be competitive companies have to have a strategic plan that outlines their long term future and the tools that allow them to adapt to changing market conditions. Often he finds the companies that get into trouble are those that failed to plan properly from the start. He estimates that it costs six times as much to make adjustments to a company midway compared to one that set out with a strategic plan from the onset.

In his recently published book, The Business Tree Growth Strategies and Tactics for Surviving and Thriving (The Career Press, $15.99) Moore shares some of the wisdom he has acquired during a career as a corporate strategist.

The 224-page paperback book is divided into 10 chapters. The tree part of the title refers to the organization itself while each branch represents a component or aspect of the company. According to his biography, Moore, who specializes in big picture issues, has advised 5,000 clients including 100 of the Fortune 500.

*See Hispanic Business magazine May 2010

Click here to buy The Business Tree

Autism rates rising, affecting more boys, minorities

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 4, 2010

Click on image to enlarge (Source: CDC, Chart: HispanicMPR)

The incidence of autism is increasing. In a December 2009 report by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the condition, the government researchers confirmed that the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in the United States is 1 percent of the population, or one in 110 of children 8 years of age in 2006.

This may alarm some people because autism has been a much misunderstood developmental condition. Autism sufferers are unable to interact normally within society. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) “is a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior.”

Boys are four times more likely to suffer from autism than girls. The disorder occurs across ethnic, age and socioeconomic groups. Increases of autism among children including some minorities between 2002 and 2006, according to the CDC report, were significant: there was a 91 percent increase in Hispanic children (noteworthy was a 144 percent increase in Arizona); a 41 percent in black non-Hispanic; and a 55 percent increase in white non-Hispanic.

At the same time, it seems possible Hispanic children are diagnosed accurately with autism less frequently than other children. A Reuters Health article refers to a 2009 American Journal of Public Health article that in turn cites a study in Texas schoolchildren that may indicate Latino children in that state are under diagnosed because they are less likely to have health insurance or access to medical care. Is it possible this is the case in other states?

According to a recently published book, every 20 minutes a child is diagnosed with autism. Yet no one knows why cases of autism are increasing worldwide.

Author William Stillman

William Stillman, an adult sufferer of Aspeger’s Syndrome (a milder condition on the autism spectrum), has explored and written about the issue extensively. This year, he published The Autism Prophecies How and Evolution of Healers and Intuitives Is Influencing Our Spiritual Future (New Page Books, $14.99) with the goal of revealing what he believes to be the truth about autism and its purpose.

He is convinced mind control and speaking unknown languages could be among the abilities possessed by some people with autism; that it is possible for parents to distinguish between their child’s spiritual interactions and what some might consider hallucinations; and that autism sufferers posses wisdom that may help society prepare for future hardships, resulting in a rebirth of civility, respect, and compassion.

“Given the growing rates of autism worldwide, the face of business will be required to adapt in the coming decades so that individuals with autism can contribute as taxpaying citizens, not citizens that tax an already overburdened system,” said Stillman by email when asked about the impact of autism in the business community.

“In the same manner that industries presently serve our aging population, individuals with autism will be poised for success in partnership with businesses that will adjust to meet their needs as consumers, and will redefine business approaches that tap the unique skills and talents of those same consumers. Many people with autism will always require physical care and support but their cognitive ability to problem-solve, conceptualize, and apply a rare and alternative logic can be maximized to great advantage in the future.”

The Autism Prophecies book cover

The 205-page paperback book is divided into nine chapters within three parts: Healers, Mysterious Ways and Future Forecasts. In the book, he shares comments he has received from the parents of autistic children he has met through his work and as a result of prior books he has authored. He also shares examples of what he believes are autistic sufferer’s spiritual gifts and anecdotes about the possible sensitivities of people with autism.

Described in promotional materials as an autism spectrum self-advocate, consultant, and speaker Stillman authored The Soul of Autism and Autism and the God Connection prior to writing this book. The Pennsylvania resident also wrote The Autism Answer Book, Empowered Autism Parenting, and Demystifying the Autistic Experience. Stillman also writes columns for The Autism Perspective and Children of the New Earth magazines.

Click here to buy The Autism Prophecies