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Listen to podcast song from debuting Chilean rock band Los Bunkers

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 19, 2006

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Los Bunkers album cover 

Los Bunkers “Vida de Perros” album cover

Chilean rockers Los Bunkers recently had their U.S. debut on Nacional Records.  After a steady rise to fame in Chile and three albums under their belts, Los Bunkers bring their Brit-pop infused rock to U.S. shores.  “Vida de Perros” (“A Dog’s Life”), they feel, is sure to please fans of The Kinks, Franz Ferdinand, and The Strokes.  

According to their promoters, the album was received with open arms by Chilean audiences in the tens of thousands during the “Gira de Perros” tour, and the album’s heavy radio play in Mexico of the first single “Llueve Sobre La Ciudad” created a hit single there.

Comprised of two sets of brothers and another friend, Los Bunkers is Gonzalo Lopez (bass), Mauricio Duran (guitar and vocals), Alvaro Lopez (vocals and acoustic guitar), Mauricio Basualto (drums) and Francisco Duran (guitars, keyboards, harmonica and vocals).  Los Bunkers, formed in 1999 in Concepcion, Chile, was influenced by The Beatles, Sloan, and Supergrass.  They eventually migrated to Santiago, Chile and  released three albums, “Los Bunkers” (2001), “Canción de Lejos” (2002) and “La Culpa” (2003) before signing with Nacional Records for their first U.S. release “Vida de Perros.

To listen to “Llueve Sobre La Ciudad” by Los Bunkers from the “Vida de Perros” soundtrack, scroll down on until you see “Podcast” on the right hand side, then select “Llueve Sobre La Ciudad,” hit the play button or download it to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the May 2006 section of the podcast.

Click the button to hear the podcast:

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HMCA members receive discount on new audio resources featuring Hispanic market experts, leaders

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 18, 2006


Boca Raton, Florida –, a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on Hispanic marketing and public relations, will offer Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association members a 15 percent discount on its newly launched line of Hispanic marketing and public relations audio recordings until July 31, 2006. Information on the product line is available online at recently launched the first ever series of downloadable audio resources about targeting Latinos with marketing and public relations tools. Initial offerings include presentations by experts and leaders in the field such as Federico Subervi, Ph.D., professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Texas State University-San Marcos and co-author of the chapter titled “Latino Media: A Cultural Connection;” Michele Valdovinos, vice president of research and marketing, Phoenix Cultural Access Group and co-author of the chapter titled “A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market;” Dora O. Tovar, M.P.A., president, Tovar Public Relations and contributing author of the chapter titled “Hispanic Public Relations and Its Emergence as an Industry;” and Elena del Valle, principal, LNA World Communications and contributing author of the chapter titled “Cultural Understanding Key to Effective Media Training.” 

Started as a weblog for the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95), the website and companion podcast provide a place for readers and authors of the book, subscribers and visitors to connect, discover the latest Hispanic market news and updates and listen to expert interviews and presentations in an audio format.  Visitors may read updates and listen to podcast recordings on podcast announcements and the website audio player which appears under the heading “Podcast” or download them for convenient listening on their MP3 or iPod players. 

The Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts. Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book, which benefits the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA), a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence. 

Miembros de HMCA reciben descuento sobre recursos educacionales de audio de

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 18, 2006


Para Distribución Inmediata            Informes: HMCA

Nota al editor: Hay fotos disponibles de los presentadores y del portal
Miami, Florida – Los miembros de la Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association ( Asociación Hispana de Mercadeo y Comunicación conocida por sus siglas en inglés como HMCA) recibirán un 15 por ciento de descuento sobre los nuevos recursos educacionales de audio de hasta el 31 de julio de 2006. Los nuevo recursos proporcionan información sobre los mercados latinos de los Estados Unidos y explican cómo llevar a cabo campañas de mercadeo y relaciones públicas dirigidas a dichos mercados. ( ) proporciona un foro virtual para el intercambio de información e ideas sobre el mercadeo y las relaciones públicas dirigidas a los latinos en los Estados Unidos. Información sobre los productos se encuentra en el recientemente lanzó la primera línea de recursos educacionales en audio por medio de download a través del Internet sobre el mercadeo y las relaciones públicas dirigidas a los latinos en los Estados Unidos.  Las presentaciones, en ingles,  disponibles a través del nuevo formato de audio son las siguientes: Federico Subervi, Ph.D., profesor del School of Journalism and Mass Communication de Texas State University-San Marcos y co-autor del capítulo titulado “Latino Media: A Cultural Connection”, Michele Valdovinos, vicepresidente de research and marketing de Phoenix Cultural Access Group y co-autora del capítulo “A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market”, Dora O. Tovar, M.P.A., presidente de Tovar Public Relations y autora del capítulo “Hispanic Public Relations and Its Emergence as an Industry” y Elena del Valle, socia de LNA World Communications y autora del capítulo “Cultural Understanding Key to Effective Media Training”.

Establecido como una continuación virtual del nuevo libro en inglés titulado Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations: Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95) para profesionales y estudiantes de mercadeo, el portal y su podcast compañero proporcionan un espacio virtual en el cual los autores y lectores del libro, las personas suscritas a recibir mensajes electrónicos del portal y los visitantes puedan comunicarse e intercambiar información y opiniones y escuchar presentaciones y entrevistas en audio podcast sobre el mercado latino y los temas relacionados. Los visitantes pueden escuchar las entrevistas grabadas en el portal a través del artículo sobre la entrevista, en el espacio “Podcast” y por medio de un download para escucharlas en su computadora, iPod o máquina de MP3.

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations ofrece 435 páginas en 15 capítulos con información, análisis de casos, materiales gráficos, información del mercado y opiniones sobre el mismo basadas en la experiencia de los 19 autores expertos y beneficia a HMCA. La Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association es una asociación profesional de voluntarios y sin fines de lucro dedicada a promover excelencia en el mercadeo dirigido a latinos.

7th Annual LAMC to expose Latin music trends

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 17, 2006

The Pinker Tones Belanova

The Pinker Tones and Belanova will perform at 2006 LAMC

Photos: LAMC

The 7th annual Latin Alternative Music Conference, LAMC, will continue its tradition of gearing people towards the marketing of Spanish-language alternative music and will once again be held in New York August 2-5, 2006. There is an early bird registration rate of $199 for those who those who register no later than June 1. Registration after that date is $249 and the price moves up to $299 a month before the event. 

The event will feature free concerts in Central Park Summerstage, celebrate Brooklyn Festival at Prospect Park Bandshell and Museo del Barrio as well as daytime performances by independent artists in Manhattan’s Puck Building in SoHo. This year’s conference will expose Latin music trends such as reggaeton, rock, pop, electronica and hip-hop merged with local traditions.

“We take pride in being ahead of the curve in exposing people to the latest trends in Latin music,” said Josh Norek, LAMC co-founder and organizer. “We’ve grown every year since we put on this event. It’s a lot of work, and the industry recognizes LAMC is a leading forum to hear music.”

Josh Norek  

Josh Norek, LAMC co-founder and organizer

The conference will provide networking opportunities for leading artists, label executives, journalists, marketers, managers, retailers and programmers. Independent artists Chetes, The Pinker Tones, Motel, La Monareta, Superaquello, and Spigka have been invited to perform. In addition to the music, industry panelists will also be on hand and to discuss dealing with digital media, Spanish and English concerning American Latinos, revenue streams artists should know about, and artists crossing over, which Jose Tillan, president of MTV Latin America and MTV Tres, will cover.

Tomas Cookman

Tomas Cookman, LAMC co-founder 

Norek and Tomas Cookman founded LAMC in 2000. According to them, the event has averaged more than 20,000 concert fans and 1,000 music industry attendees. Past performers include Jorge Moreno, Si Se, Cielo Ceniza, and Los Abandoned. Past panelists include Stella Mars, marketing manager for DMX Inflight, and David Chitel, chairman and CEO for LatCom Communications. For additional information online, visit — Sergio Carmona

Latin American contest for Spanish language websites opens to U.S. sites

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 16, 2006

Arroba de Oro award

Arroba de Oro award

Photo: Arroba de Oro

Miami, Florida – Since 2001, Arroba de Oro has held a contest in Latin America to recognize web sites that best contribute to the development of the Internet industry in the region. Arroba de Oro is Spanish for gold “@” symbol. This year, Arroba de Oro in conjunction with Univision Online will expand the contest to include Spanish language websites in the United States for the first time. The goal is to honor companies, organizations and individuals that serve the U.S. Hispanic market in Spanish via their web sites.

According to the award organizers, 40 percent of Hispanics access the Internet from home. Arroba de Oro, which was originally established in El Salvador, hopes to strengthen and highlight Hispanic Internet penetration by showcasing the web sites that actively target this market through Spanish-language programming and features.

Creativity, design, content, and the ability to identify with the U.S. Hispanic Spanish speaking community are some of the factors the Arroba de Oro contest will consider when granting its awards on August 18 in a gala ceremony in Miami.

Web sites can register free by May 20 in the following 13 categories: Government and Non Government Organizations,  Art, Culture and Tradition,  Clubs and Sports Associations,  Gastronomy, Humor, Online Newspapers, Personal Web Pages, Professional Services,  Religion and Spirituality, Hotel, Tourism and Restaurants, Educational Institutions,  Corporate Sites and Fan Clubs.

A jury of 50 members from 17 countries, will certify the winners of each category after registered voters cast their electronic ballots online. During the ceremony winners will receive awards that include Best Design, Best Home Page, and Most Online Votes and take home $75,000 in cash and prizes. More information is available online at

Hispanic overview part of university’s first multicultural marketing course

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 15, 2006

Nancy Hernandez 

Nancy Hernandez, president and founder, Abrazo Multicultural Marketing

Photos: Abrazo Multicultural Marketing, Multicultural Marketing Resources, Inc.

The University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee-IDEAL (Institute for Diversity Education & Leadership) got a taste of multicultural marketing when it held the New York University based course “Marketing to the New Majority: How to Reach the Multicultural Consumer” for the first time on May 5 with a successful turnout.  Multicultural marketing experts, including two Hispanic guest speakers, provided overviews of different marketing groups. They discussed trends, methods, and approaches for the 35 registered participants, most of them marketing professionals or nonprofessionals looking to get a grasp on the subject.
“There were more people registered than anticipated. The speakers were well-received. There was good feedback and a high level of presentation and interaction with the class,” said Lisa Skriloff, president, Multicultural Marketing Resources, Inc., and instructor for the course.

Lisa Skriloff

Lisa Skriloff, president, Multicultural Marketing Resources, Inc.

One of the popular discussions was “Hispanic Market Overview, Hispanic Marketing through a Business Lens” presented by Nancy Hernandez, president and founder of Abrazo Multicultural Marketing. Rick Aguilar, president, Aguilar Productions, talked about Hispanic conferences and festivals. 

Hernandez has a master’s degree in International Business from Marquette University and more than ten years of marketing experience. During the presentation, she shared past experiences and explained the reasons marketers and advertisers are reaching this market and why they should. She also discussed ways to reach the market through campaigns and case studies.

“A lot of success hinges on the approach; about how to approach the task of multicultural marketing and build campaigns that fit the company at that time,” said Hernandez.

Other topics covered during the course were Asian Pacific American and African American markets and multicultural markets in the Midwest and in the Twin Cities. Presenters discussed how to develop marketing strategies through advertising, public relations, direct marketing, and event marketing to different ethnic groups.

The course was developed at New York University which held a similar two-day course the previous weekend. The success of the original course at New York University inspired the course at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee IDEAL which is considering offering another session. —Sergio Carmona

Yahoo! en espanol gives soccer fans new Spanish language voice

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 12, 2006

Yahoo! Sports

New Yahoo! en español sports website

Photos: Yahoo!

The Internet is used to voice opinions of love and hate. Sport’s fans who love the sport but hate the opposing team are commoners in the Internet community.  Relying on fans’ desire to voice their opinions online, Yahoo! en español recently launched World Cup fan sites where visitors are able to use message boards, Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds and polls. The sites are available on Yahoo! en español at, Yahoo! Mexico at and Yahoo! Argentina

Adam Chandler

Adam Chandler, national manager, U.S. Hispanic Sales, Yahoo!

“Much of the excitement of sporting events comes from not only rooting for your team, but from also sharing that love of the sport with others,” said Adam Chandler, national manager, U.S. Hispanic Sales, Yahoo! 

With the World Cup only weeks away fans worldwide will have access to some of the most recent news, pictures and video clips via the new websites. Yahoo! fan site sponsors include Motorola, DirecTV and General Motors.

Yahoo! and the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) have had an exclusive multi-year global relationship since 2001.  They jointly produced and market FIFA’s official World Cup website for this year’s games in Germany.  Yahoo! has since become one of the 15 official FIFA partners. Also included in the deal was the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan.  Due in part to this partnership advertisers on the FIFA World Cup website can spread their message through out Yahoo!’s global network. According to Yahoo! representatives, their network reaches more than 400 million visitors every month; and Hispanic monthly visits alone have already topped 11 million. —Melissa Gonzalez

Listen to podcast interview with Daniel Ayala, SVP, Wells Fargo about remitance services for Hispanics

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 11, 2006

Click here to sponsor a podcast  

Daniel Ayala 

Daniel Ayala, senior vice president and business unit manager, Wells Fargo Global Remittance Services group

Photo: Wells Fargo

A podcast interview with Daniel Ayala, senior vice president and business unit manager, Wells Fargo’s Global Remittance Services group, is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, During the podcast, Daniel discusses marketing financial services to Hispanics with Elena del Valle, host of the podcast.

As senior vice president and business unit manager for Wells Fargo’s Global Remittance Services group Daniel is responsible for developing, executing, and managing the bank’s global consumer remittance strategy. His team is primarily focused on the product development and management of consumer remittance product operations for Latin America and Asia. Daniel and his team manage the InterCuenta Express, Dinero al Instante, and other products focused on consumer remittances to India, the Philippines, Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

Daniel is a global payments systems expert with more than 15 years of experience.  Previously, he was responsible for product management, marketing, and sales management activities for Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, and Bank of America.

He graduated from DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and received his master’s degree in business administration from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  Daniel is also a Certified Cash Manager (CCM) with the Association for Financial Professionals. He and his family live in the San Francisco Bay Area in California.

To listen to the interview, scroll down until you see “Podcast” on the right hand side, then select “HMPR Daniel Ayala,” hit the play button or download it to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the May 2006 section of the podcast archive.

Click the button to hear the interview:

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Latina Style magazine to hold business oriented event in Albuquerque

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 11, 2006

 Robert E. Bard

Robert E. Bard, president, Latina Style magazine

Photo:  Latina Style magazine

Latina Style magazine with the participation of the U.S. Small Business Administration, will host the 2006 Latina Style Business Series from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, May 12, 2006 at the Hyatt Regency Albuquerque Hotel. Admission to the advertorial event costs $60.

The event centers on exhibits and presentations from sponsors American Airlines, ExxonMobil, McDonald’s, New York Life Insurance, State Farm Insurance, Wal-Mart and Wells Fargo. The registration fee includes seminars, networking opportunities in the exhibit area, breakfast, lunch, a commemorative gift bag and a two-year subscription to Latina Style magazine, a lifestyle magazine for professional Hispanic women.  

“The emergence of the Latina entrepreneur as a catalyst for prosperity is a welcome change in our community. Latinas are starting and succeeding in business all across the country,” said Robert E. Bard, president, Latina Style magazine. “Latinas are outpacing all other business startups three to one.”  

Event topics include “Access to Capital” with Kim Sanchez Rael, venture capitalist, Fly Wheel Venture Capital, as moderator and Ed Cadena, acting district director, U.S. Small Business Administration and Cathy Sorenson, lending coordinator, New Mexico Community Development Loan Fund as panelists. “SBA Certifications/Facilitating Teaming Agreements/Federal & Prime Contractor’s Contracting Opportunities” with Anna Muller, president, NEDA Business Consultants, as moderator and Geraldine Garcia, assistant director, U.S. Small Business Administration; Theresa Armijo, chief, Contracting Division U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Bonnie L. Apodaca, director, Supply Chain Management, Sandia National Laboratories and panelists.
Another discussion will be about “Basic of a Business & Developing a Business” with Patricia Chavez, PLC Enterprises as moderator and Lillian Apodaca, attorney, Bingham, Hurst, Apodaca  Wile; Valerie Borrego, certified public accountant; Adam Roberts, Webmaster technology, ABQ Hispano Chamber of Commerce and Theresa Saiz-Wilmert, Agent, State Farm Insurance, as panelists. “Taking Control:  A Session for Latina Professionals and Entrepreneurs” will feature Carla Aragon, anchorwoman, KOB-TV as mistress of ceremony and Maria Marin, president, Voice of Empowerment will present the keynote address.         
During “Latina Entrepreneur Panel: Lessons Learned” Maria Elena Alvarez, president, Primetime Monthly News will be moderator with Ana Segura, president, Stubblefield Screen Print Co. LLC; Debbie Harmon, president, US Supply & Distribution and Kimberly de Castro, president, Wildflower International Ltd., as panelists. A networking reception will follow. More information is available online at launches Resources Section

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 10, 2006

Elena del Valle Federico Subervi, Ph.D. 

Presenters Elena del Valle, MBA and Federico Subervi, Ph.D

 Dora Tovar Michele Valdovinos

Presenters Dora O. Tovar, MPA and Michele Valdovinos

Boca Raton, FL –, a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on Hispanic marketing and public relations, launched a Resources Section featuring its eponymous book and the first ever series of downloadable audio recordings on Latinos and how to reach them effectively with marketing and public relations tools. Resource product prices range from $49.95 for the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book to $129.95 for two recorded presentations in a CD set. Details are available online at

Initial offerings include presentations by experts and leaders in the field. Michele Valdovinos, vice president of research and marketing, Phoenix Cultural Access Group, and co-author of a chapter titled “A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market” and Elena del Valle, MBA, principal, LNA World Communications, and editor of the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book present  “Hispanic Market Overview.” Dora O. Tovar, MPA, president, Tovar Public Relations, and contributing author of the “Hispanic Public Relations and Its Emergence as an Industry” chapter presents “The Next Step: Secondary Latino Markets.”  Federico Subervi, Ph.D., professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Texas State University-San Marcos and co-author of the “Latino Media: A Cultural Connection” chapter and del Valle, contributing author of the “Cultural Understanding Key to Effective Media Training” chapter present “Latino Media and Hispanic Media Training.”


Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book cover

Started as a weblog for the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book, provides a place for readers and authors of the book, subscribers and visitors to connect, discover the latest Hispanic market news and updates and listen to expert interviews and presentations in an audio podcast downloadable format.  Visitors may listen to podcasts on the podcast announcement page and the website’s audio player which appear under the heading “Podcast” or download them for convenient listening on their MP3 or iPod players.

The Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts. Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book, which benefits the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA), a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence. For details on the book, visit