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Texas marketer shares how-to tips, insights

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 30, 2009

Think Like a Marketer book cover

Think Like a Marketer book cover

Lauron Sonnier, a Houston, Texas based marketing advisor, believes a company can have a strategic advantage in business by thinking, and acting on, marketing thoughts. To make her point she wrote Think Like a Marketer What It Really Takes to Stand Out From the Crowd, the Clutter and the Competition (Career Press, $15.99).

She wrote the book to demystify marketing, she says in the introduction. She hopes to help business executives and owners act with “a level head and fresh perspective” on marketing opportunities that are within easy reach. In her mind, it is essential to understand and think like marketers in order to take advantage of everyday marketing opportunities that are otherwise passing readers by without notice.

The 223-page softcover book is divided into twenty one chapters and six parts: Getting Into a Marketing Mindset; Stir the Pot; Standing Out from the Crowd, the Clutter and the Competition; Establish the Systems That Make Marketing Happen; Talk Like a Marketer; and Keep Marketing in Motion.

Sonnier is president of Sonnier Marketing and Communications, Inc. and has 20 years of marketing experience. In the past, she has worked in television, public relations, and advertising. The Louisiana native is also a public speaker and trainer.

Click here to buy Think Like a Marketer

Venezuelan ballad singer debut book released

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 23, 2009

Lo Que No Digo Cantando (Beyond The Music) book cover

Lo Que No Digo Cantando (Beyond The Music) book cover

Photos: Grupo Nelson

Ricardo Montaner, known for his Spanish language singing and composing, shares insights about special moments in his life, his religious convictions, and the role God plays in his life in Lo Que No Digo Cantando (Spanish for Beyond the Music), his first book, published last month (Grupo Nelson, $14.99). The launch took place simultaneously September 8, 2009, on the singer’s 52 birthday, in Spain, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, and the United States. A companion website,, went live in time for the book launch.

Montaner, known for his firm roots in the romantic ballad tradition, was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and raised in Maracaibo, Venezuela. In the Spanish language book, he concentrates on the experiences that helped shape his personality, paying particular attention to an incident that took place in a hospital in Montevideo, Uruguay where an encounter with a little boy affected how he sees the world.

Ricardo Montaner

Ricardo Montaner

In the book, he also discusses his family life and his formative experiences. The 219-page hardcover book includes several pages of black and white photos of the author with friends and acquaintances.

Montaner has worked to better the lives of children in Latin America and the United States. In 2007, he was presented with the Espiritu de Esperanza (Spirit of Hope Award) at the Latin Billboard Awards. He was also named Ambassador of Good Will for Latin America and the Caribbean by UNICEF. The singer has been married for twenty years to Marlene who also produces his video clips. The Miami residents are the parents of five children.

Click here to buy Lo que no digo cantando (Spanish Edition)

Angelino shares negotiation insights

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 16, 2009

How to Win Any Negotiation book cover

How to Win Any Negotiation book cover

Attorney Robert Mayer has appeared in more than 130 radio and television interviews to discuss legal issues and negotiation. In How to Win Any Negotiation Without Raising Your Voice, Losing Your Cool, or Coming to Blows (Career Press, $15.99), published in 2006, he discusses how to go about successful negotiations. He believes able negotiation requires flexibility and a multi-dimensional approach, saying in the book’s introduction that “today’s super negotiator is a problem solver who seeks hard bargain results while using a soft touch.”

The successful negotiator relies on an arsenal of possibilities, according to the author. These are drawn from advances in psychology, linguistics, trial advocacy, sales, and management communications; as well as more than 40 years of his professional experience as a negotiator and attorney representing companies, small and large, foreign governments and entertainers.

The 288-page softback book is divided into four distinct sections: Soft Touch: Finessing, Influencing and Persuading Others; Trouble Shooting: Settling for More; Hard Bargain: Winning When the Score Is Kept in Dollars; and The Deal-Maker’s Playbook: Low-Impact, High-Yield Tips, Tricks and Tactics.

Mayer, a professional mediator and Los Angeles resident, shares a law practice with this two children. According to promotional materials, Mayer interviewed over 200 haggling, selling and negotiating pros, including street and bazaar merchants in Bombay, Istanbul, Cairo, and Shanghai, to gather insights for his audience.

Click here to buy How to Win Any Negotiation

Technology journalist shares social marketing secrets

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 9, 2009

Secrets of Social Media Marketing book cover

Secrets of Social Media Marketing book cover

Photos: Quill Driver Books

In Secrets of Social Media Marketing How to Use Online Conversations and Customer Communities to Turbo-Charge Your Business! (Quill Driver Books, $15.95) Paul Gillin, a journalist specializing in technology, sets his sights on how readers can leverage social media to a business advantage. He believes that embracing change is essential for business success in today’s fast paced environment.

He argues in his book that the marketing changes taking place now are the best ones the profession has faced; and that those who take advantage of them will thrive while those who ignore them will be left behind and their past skills will become irrelevant.

Author Paul Gillin

Author Paul Gillin

The 290-page softcover book, published this year, is divided into 16 chapters. He begins by addressing why social media is worth dedicating time to and what tools are appropriate for the objective sought, focusing on the goal and not just joining for the sake of participating in a popular trend.

He goes on to discuss the importance of monitoring online conversations, identifying online influencers and how to connect with them, blogging and podcasting, social networks big and small, listening to online conversations to build content, engage customers and create trust; and developing content, storytelling, interactive devices, self promotion, measurement, and possible future trends.

Prior to working as a social media consultant Gillin covered computer industry issues as a journalist for fifteen years. He was editor-in-chief of TechTarget and held the same title at Computerworld. He wrote The New Influencers (see Consultant discusses role of social media leaders)

Click here to buy Secrets of Social Media Marketing

Advertising specialist discusses upside of failure

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 2, 2009

Celebrating Failure book cover

Celebrating Failure book cover

Ralph Heath, the former president of Ovation Marketing ad agency, believes failure and defeat are the best ways to learn how about success in life. In his newly published book, Celebrating Failure The Power of Taking Risks, Making Mistakes, and Thinking Big (Career Press, $14,99) he explains his reasoning.

In his opinion the best mistakes are those made by people taking chances and making decisions to further a job that needs to be done. To be successful, he is convinced, leaders must celebrate failure and the learning opportunities it fosters. By providing an environment where it is safe to make mistakes without fear of reprimand, ridicule, or dismissal senior business executives make it possible for their staff to grow and thrive while at the same time improving the company’s chances of success.

The 191-page book is divided into 30 chapters in which he shares stories of his personal failures as well as those of his business and associates. Heath, president of Heath Leadership Group, is a consultant, motivational speaker and business coach.

Click here to buy Celebrating Failure

Conference organizer, trend analyst discuss online influencers

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 25, 2009

Trust Agents book cover

Trust Agents book cover

Chris Brogan and Julien Smith believe the Internet has changed the nature of business relationships. While researching information is faster and more efficient with the advent of the Internet, unreliable websites, spam, blam and other suspect communication tools make it hard to trust online and related sources. Reaching out to strangers or responding to their outreach efforts in the virtual world is challenging, they say.  Winning over customers who are increasingly unwilling to respond to traditional media strategies and often are suspicious of expert claims requires a new approach, according to them.

They outline their thoughts on these issues in their newly published 271-page book, Trust Agents Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust (Wiley, $24.95). In the hardcover book Brogan and Smith discuss how the they think the web has become more humanized. Brogan indicates that “the people who succeed in understanding this and using the web to build businesses are called trust agents.”

In the book, an introduction and eight chapters focus on six characteristics and skill sets: standing out, belonging, having leverage, developing access, understanding, and establishing a network of contacts and relationships. The two co-authors discuss how readers can become trust agents, and make software, resources and tool recommendations. The chapter are titles as follows: Trust, Social Capital and Media; Make Your Own Game; One of Us; Archimedes Effect; Agent Zero; Human Artist; Build an Army; and The Trust Agent.

Julien Smith, co-author, Trust Agents

Julien Smith, co-author, Trust Agents

Brogan, who has been blogging since 1998, is co-founder of Podcamp, a new media conference series on the use of social media to build business and personal relationships. Smith, a trend analyst, has run web communities for 10 years. A resident of Montreal, Canada and he has been podcasting since 2004.

Click here to buy Trust Agents

Toronto technical writer shares Twitter tips in new book

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 18, 2009

Twitter Tips, Tricks and Tweets book cover

Twitter Tips, Tricks and Tweets book cover

In Twitter Tips, Tricks and Tweets (Wiley, $19.99) Toronto resident Paul McFedries shares step by step insights on Twitter. He wrote the book for beginners and those who have been Twitter fans and want to expand their knowledge. The book is filled with photos of the website and related media illustrating the author’s text and instructions. He starts out with very basic information to introduce first time users to Twitter, the growing and increasingly popular social media website.

From there he progresses, explaining how to add a picture, theme and background image to an account; send account updates; manage the 140-character limit and use non standard characters; follow Twitter etiquette; make updates private; use hashtags; find and follow people; retweet; understand and use Twitter’s mobile phone feature; find information on Twitter; use Twitter Scan, Twitterfall, TweetGrid, Monitter and others; share your Twitter presence and updates on other websites; use TweetDeck, twhirl, and Twitter websites like iTweet, Tweetree, and Tweetvisor; use Twitter gadgets and widgets; use tools to extend Twitter by shortening URLs, sharing photos, videos and music; post to multiple social networks; follow Twitter trends; and get your Twitter account ranking.

The 249-page paperback book is divided into nine chapters: How Do I Get Started with Twitter? What Can I Do to Customize My Twitter Profile? How Do I Send Twitter Updates? How Do I Follow Other Twitter Users? Can I Use Twitter on My Mobile Phone? How Do I Find Stuff in Twitter? Where Can I Display My Twitter Feed?  How Can I Take Twitter to the Next Level? and What Tools Can I Use to Extend Twitter?

McFedries, who wrote his first computer book in 1991, has 60 titles to his name and combined sales of more than three million books. He owns Word Spy, a website about words and phrases.

Click here to buy Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets

Marketing stragegist discusses new promotion rules, tools

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 11, 2009

The New Rules of Marketing & PR book cover

The New Rules of Marketing & PR book cover

Photos: Wiley

An update on marketing and public relations tools, The New Rules of Marketing and PR How to Use News Releases, Blogs, Podcasting, Viral Marketing and Online Media to Reach Buyers Directly (Wiley, $16.95), a 287-page paperback book by David Meerman Scott, was published this year. In it, the author outlines how the tools for marketers and public relations practitioners have changed. Where offline, he believes, the skills for practitioners have been interruption and coercion; online they are journalistic thinking and being a thought leader.

The title, first published in 2007, was recently updated and revised. Meerman Scott uses his own book to illustrate the power of the online world for promotion. He explains at the beginning of the book that he did no advertising for the book and all the promotion was through bloggers, press releases and media outreach. According to him it has been the top title in its category for more than one year.

The paperback book is divided into three main sections: How the Web Has Changed the Rules of Marketing and PR, Web-based Communications to Reach Buyers Directly, and Action Plan for Harnessing the New Rules; and twenty-one chapters. He begins by discussing why the old rules are ineffective in the online world. Then, he outlines the new rules and proposes that it’s good to reach the buyer directly online.

In the second section, he talks about blogs, podcasts, news releases, online forums, spreading the world online, and successful websites. Finally, he dedicates chapters 10 to 21 to planning and developing promotions online.

David Meerman Scott, author, The New Rules of Marketing & PR

Meerman Scott is former vice president of marketing for two publicly traded technology companies and was Asia marketing director for Knight-Ridder, a newspaper publishing and electronic information company. He has lived and worked in New York, Tokyo, Boston, and Hong Kong and has presented at industry conferences and events in thirty countries on four continents.

Click here to buy The New Rules of Marketing and PR

Attorneys discuss asset protection in new book

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 4, 2009

Financial Self-Defense book cover

Financial Self-Defense book cover

Attorneys Arnold S. Golstein, JD, Ph.D. and Hillel L. Presser, JD provide tips to readers about legal ways to safeguard their assets against lawsuits, divorce, creditors, bankruptcy, tax collections and foreclosure in their recently published book, Financial Self-Defense: How to Protect Everything You Own…From Everyone…Everytime! (Garrett Press, $16.95).

They believe that asset protection requires a proactive approach and a shift in attitude on the part of those wishing to safeguard their wealth. They say that too many people dedicate much time to accumulating wealth but little or no time to protecting the wealth they acquire, suggesting readers dedicate one minute to asset protection thinking for every hour of asset accumulation.

The 236-page paperback book is divided into twelve chapters: Planning, Strategies, For Your Home and Other Real Estate, For Your Investments, For Your Retirement Accounts, For Your Estate and Inheritance, For Your Business or Professional Practice, For Your Other Assets, Against Lawsuits, From Foreclosures, In Divorce, and Against the IRS.

Goldstein, a member of the Massachusetts and Federal bars, is a professor at Lynn University and a professor emeritus at Northeastern University where he received a Ph.D. He has written several other books on wealth protection which, according to promotional materials, are best sellers. He has 40 years of experience. He has, according to his website, represented 20,000 clients on wealth protection issues. Presser is co-founder of Presser/ Goldstein, LLC.

Click here to buy Financial Self-Defense

Academics examine Latino immigrant effect on the South

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 28, 2009

Latino Immigrants and the Transformation of the U.S. South

Latino Immigrants and the Transformation of the U.S. South

Photos: University of Georgia Press

In the past decade the Latino population in the South has doubled bringing with it social, economic and cultural changes. In 2004, a conference on Mexican immigration to the southern part of the United States was held in Atlanta, Georgia with the help of the Consulate of Mexico in Atlanta and four universities. The edited conference proceedings were published initially by the Institute of Mexico in Atlanta. The editors, Elaine Lacy and Mary E. Odem, expanded the topic to encompass Latin American immigration to the United States South and this year published a collection of articles by 10 contributors in a book titled Latino Immigrants and the Transformation of the U.S. South (University of Georgia Press, $24.95).

Elaine Lacy, co-editor, Latino Immigrants and the Transformation of the U.S. South

Elaine Lacy, co-editor, Latino Immigrants and the Transformation of the U.S. South

In the book, ten academics, five women and five men from the United States and Mexico, dedicated 175 pages to an examination of issues relating to Latinos and the South. Latino Immigrants and the Transformation of the U.S. South is divided into nine chapters: Cultural Enclaves and Transnational Ties: Mexican Immigration and Settlement in South Carolina by Lacy; New Scenarios of Migration: Social Vulnerability of Undocumented Veracruzanos in the Southern United States by Rosío Córdova Plaza; The Dalton Story: Mexican Immigration and Social Transformation in the Carpet Capital of the World by Víctor Zúñiga and Rubén Hernández León; Globalization and Latin American Immigration in Alabama by Raymond A. Mohl; Hispanic New Comers to North Carolina: Demographic Characteristics and Economic Impact by James H. Johnson Jr. and John D. Kasarda; Race, Migration and Labor Control: Neoliberal Challenges to Organizing Mississippi’s Poultry Workers by Angela C. Stuesse; Latino Immigrants and the Politics of Space in Atlanta by Odem; New Americans in a New South City? Immigrants and Refugee Politics in Nashville, Tennessee by Jamie Winders; and Popular Attitudes and Public Policies: Southern Responses to Latino Immigration by Lacy and Odem.

Mary Odem, co-editor, Latino Immigrants and the Transformation of the U.S. South

Mary Odem, co-editor, Latino Immigrants and the Transformation of the U.S. South

Lacy is professor of history and assistant to the executive vice chancellor at the University of South Carolina, Aiken. She has published several articles on Latino immigration to the United States and Mexican cultural politics. Odem is associate professor  of history and women’s studies at Emory University and the author of a number of publications about women, gender, immigration and ethnicity in the history of the United States.

Click here to buy Latino Immigrants and the Transformation of the U.S. South