Sunday, August 25, 2024

Hollywood celebrity shares lifestyle beauty secrets

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 24, 2016

Pretty Happy

Pretty Happy

Photo: HarperCollins Publishers

Based on her personal experience Kate Hudson, actor and producer, believes the path to good health requires discipline and involves listening to her body and her mind, feeling good in her body and connected with it by slowing down, eating well, exercising and meditating. Making lifestyle changes takes time and effort, she says. To reach her goal she follows four guidelines she calls pillars: Cultivating an intuitive relationship with her body; eating well; awakening her body; and the miracle of mindfulness.

In Pretty Happy: Healthy Ways to Love Your Body (Dey Street Books, $26.99), a 235-page hardcover book published February 2016, she and Billie Fitzpatrick explain her approach to life. It includes questionnaires for readers and is divided into ten chapters and three main areas: Becoming Body Smart, The Four Pillars in Practice, and Living Body Smart. In the book, peppered with color photos of Hudson, thin, with blond highlights and make up, she says she believes in self acceptance.

In her personal journey toward healthy living she relied on a variety of sources, she explains at the beginning. At the end of the book she shared a short list of books for readers who want to know more. She believes in Ayurvedic eating with an emphasis on whole alkaline (as opposed to acidic) foods. In the book, she shares a sample list of acidic and alkaline foods. She is convinced that enjoying what she does when she exercises is important. Although moving is essential, there is no single answer that applies all the time or to everyone, and each person has to dedicate time to understanding her or his body, Hudson says.

Fitzpatrick has collaborated on nonfiction books about mind-body health, nutrition, fitness, neuroscience, business and sexuality. Hudson is cofounder of Fabletics. She was unavailable to respond to questions, according to a representative from her publishing company.

Pretty Happy

Click to buy Pretty Happy

How Personal Branding Can Help Latinas Achieve More

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 15, 2016

By Jay Gronlund,
President, The Pathfinder Group

Jay Gronlund

Jay Gronlund, president, The Pathfinder Group

On May 19, 2016 I went to the “Latinas & Power” symposium in Hartford, CT, at the invitation of the main organizer, Marilyn Alverio. Although this event had been running for 13 years, it was my first time attending.

What a pleasant surprise! Over 500 Latina of all ages attended, and the enthusiasm was ubiquitous and profound. There were two main goals: to educate Latinas on the skills to become more proactive politically and in business and careers, and secondly to motivate and inspire, giving them the confidence that they can indeed accomplish more in life.

Click to read the entire article How Personal Branding Can Help Latinas Achieve More

Latin Alternative Music Conference July 6-9, 2016

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 14, 2016


LAMC (Latin Alternative Music Conference), New York City July 6-9, 2016

The LAMC (Latin Alternative Music Conference) is the only major conference celebrating and supporting genres of Latin music that are left of center and forging the way Latinos, especially young, bicultural-millennial Latinos in the U.S., define themselves. Hailed by The New York Times as the “Sundance of Latin music”, the LAMC is also the largest Latin music conference in the US. The 17th annual LAMC continues its focus of being dedicated to music, food, film, books, art and tech.

Researcher, consultant, academic explore path to migraine free life

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 10, 2016

Migraine Health, Diet Guide and Cookbook

The Complete Migraine Health, Diet Guide and Cookbook

Photos: Robert Rose

When it comes to migraines science is still in the dark in many respects. Elizabeth Dares-Dobbie BSc, Lawrence Leung, MBBChir, and Susan Hannah believe migraine headaches are caused by histamines. They are convinced that lifestyle and understanding the triggers that cause migraines can lead to managing the chronic condition in order to prevent them, reduce their frequency or deal with them after they occur.

In The Complete Migraine Health, Diet Guide and Cookbook (Robert Rose, $24.95), the three share their ideas on the topic along with 150 recipes designed to minimize foods likely to trigger migraines. The 336-page book, published in 2013, was the first book for all three and required 15 months from idea to publication. It is divided into three main parts: Understanding Migraine, Cluster and Tension Headaches; Managing Primary Headaches; and Low-Histamine Diet Program.

Elizabeth Dobbie

Elizabeth Dares-Dobbie

When asked by email via their publisher how their book stands out among the many titles on the subject Dares-Dobbie and Hannah replied: “Our Migraine book offers a complete package for the reader. Starting with a description of the symptoms and physiology of the 3 different headache types: migraine, tension, and cluster, moving on to the current guidelines health professionals follow when providing care for headaches. Next, we provide an in-depth description of the various drugs given for each scenario, the options for therapies provided both by traditional Western medicine or alternative medicine and end that section with lifestyle tips to reduce the impact of headaches. We describe the theory of how high histamines may cause headaches for some people, explaining exactly what happens in our bodies, and go on to provide a low histamine diet meal plan, followed by 150 recipes that work with the meal plan. Through the recipe section, we give tips on how to reduce histamines in family favourite recipes, such as serving hot sauces at the table rather than including them in a dish (for people whose histamine levels rise to cause a headache from hot sauce). Our book is easy to read and well organized.”

They set out to share with readers ways to identify the signs and symptoms for migraines, cluster, and tension headaches; learn about headache triggers; understand diagnosing tests; learn about treatments traditionally used by physicians and other healthcare providers, including the use of prescription medications, physiotherapy, and surgery; consider the benefits and risks of alternative treatments, such as acupuncture, body-mind medicine, and medicinal herbs; understand the role of nutrition and diet in the management of headaches; and adopt a healthy meal plan that focuses on enjoying antihistamine headache foods and eliminating foods that increase the risk of headache.

Susan Hannah

Susan Hannah

When asked why they believe there is a link between histamines and migraines, Dores-Dobbie and Hannah replied, “Long-standing research has shown a link between histamines and migraines. For decades, people with migraines have been warned away from foods high in histamines, such as red wine, old cheese, chocolate, and more. We relied on recent research to identify foods with different levels of histamine, including foods that have no histamine, and foods that help to reduce histamine, such as fresh and dried herbs added to recipes.”

Dares-Dobbie is a registered dietitian and nutrition consultant with expertise in diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol management, geriatric nutrition, gastroenterology, and food allergies. She runs a nutrition consulting business and practices in long term care in Kingston, Ontario.

Lawrence Leung

Lawrence Leung

Hannah is a freelance writer, book designer, photographer and former research associate at the Department of Family Medicine at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. She is keenly interested in lifestyle choices and diet as possible therapeutic strategies for improving health conditions and quality of life. Leung, associate professor in the Department of Family Medicine at Queen’s University, is a published medical research scientist and practicing physician of Western and traditional Chinese medicine.

Migraine Health, Diet Guide and Cookbook

Click to buy The Complete Migraine Health, Diet Guide and Cookbook

Author believes in link between geography, genius

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 27, 2016

Geography of Genius

Geography of Genius

Photos: Simon & Schuster, Justin Tsucalas

Travel enthusiast and journalist Eric Weiner has become convinced there are clusters of geniuses around the world. The connection between our surroundings and our most innovative ideas, according to him, is notable in the present day and throughout history. In The Geography of Genius (Simon and Schuster, $26.95), a hardcover book published this year he explains what he has discovered during his travels. The book required four years of effort from idea to publication.

But, who is a genius? Weiner defines the term, “A genius is not simply someone with a high IQ, a know-it-all. A genius is a see-it-all. That is, someone who makes a conceptual leap and, in doing so, produces something useful or beautiful.”

When asked by email who might want to read his book he said, “Anyone interested in creativity and innovation. Or history, for that matter. Or just a good read. I pride myself on taking complex subjects, like genius, and simplifying them without over simplifying them.”

As to w hy he believes creativity begins at home, the author said,

“If creative genius is a function of place, as I argue it is, then there is no more important place than home. It is where we learn how to interact with the world. As parents, this is a big responsibility. Our children learn more about creativity by simply being a part of a family than they do from all of the ‘creativity exercises’ combined.”

Eric Weiner, author, Geography of Genius

Eric Weiner, author, The Geography of Genius

As to what he means when he says creativity is a relationship that unfolds at the intersection of person and place, he said,

We tend to think of creativity as taking place in isolation. The myth of the lone genius is the best example of this, but it is just that, a myth, Creativity always takes place within a certain context. (and a certain time.) Freud’s radical theories about the human mind, for instance, could only have taken place in Vienna of 1900. The place, and time, were ripe for his ideas. Without this ripeness, even the most brilliant idea will die on the vine.”

For those who want to foster geniuses what are the essential elements?

Weiner believes t
hey are: Diversity, Discernment and Disorder.

“Places that are diverse–not only ethnically but also intellectually–are the most creative,” the author said. “They are like a rich and flourishing rain forest, as opposed to a desert. We need tolerance but we also need discernment. Not all ideas are good ones. Creative people don’t get attached to the bad ones. They are willing to ‘kill their darlings’ and move on. A certain degree of disorder, of chaos, even, is essential for a creative place and a creative person. Chaos is the bridge between old orders and new ones. Innovative people embrace it.”

The biggest challenge to writing the book was finding the right balance, between depth and accessibility, humor and seriousness, personal observations and universal truths, he explained.

“The greatest reward is when I receive an email from an appreciative reader who tells me that my book changed her life, in some way, large or small,” he said when asked what was the greatest reward to writing his book. “Ideally, I managed to get her to think about a familiar topic in a a fresh way, That’s what it’s all about.”

Weiner writes a regular column for BBC Travel. Prior to this book he wrote three books including, The Geography of Bliss, a The New York Times bestseller translated into 20 languages. Weiner is the recipient of the Borders Original Voices Award, and a finalist for the Barnes & Noble Discover Award. As a long-time foreign correspondent for National Public Radio, he reported from more than 30 nations, from Iraq to Indonesia, covering some of the major international events of recent times. His next book, still untitled, will be about practical philosophy.

Geography of Genius

Click to buy The Geography of Genius

Europe based search engine strives to make difference on environment

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 18, 2016


Click to enlarge

Photos: Ecosia

Ecosia, a Berlin, Germany based search engine, has between 2 and 2.5 million monthly active users who submit about 750,000 searches a day. The company’s search results and ads are powered by Bing. What makes the company special? In a world where it seems everyone is driven by greed alone, Ecosia donates 80 percent of its monthly profits ($50K to $80K each month) to planting trees in Brazil and Burkina Faso. Where the search engines keep track of users and their habits, Ecosia doesn’t.

“We don’t engage in any long-term saving or selling of personally identifiable user data,” said, Christian Kroll, chief executive officer and founder, Ecosia, by email when asked about the company’s privacy policies. “We believe that our users’ data and their privacy should be protected.”

Most of the search engine’s users are based in the Germany, Austria and Switzerland (DACH) region, where the company has captured 10 percent of non-Google users, followed by France and Spanish speaking countries, according to Kroll. Going forward he and his colleagues see the biggest potential in English speaking markets, and hope to eventually capture 2 percent of the global search market.

“We see Ecosia as a tool that allows users to capitalize on a daily habit (in this case searching the web) and do good without any further cost or effort on their side,” said Kroll. “We want to inspire others to come up with more business ideas like that and encourage them to use a share of their profits to support a good cause by proving that it’s actually possible.”

Christian Kroll, chief executive officer and founder, Ecosia

Christian Kroll, chief executive officer, Ecosia

“I decided to move to Berlin because it was closest to my family and offered (and still does) great opportunities for tech and green start-ups,” he said when asked about his choice of base. “The rent is very affordable, there are many creative and highly talented people from all over the world and people generally seem very open to topics like sustainability and shared economy.”

The entire Ecosia team is based in Berlin. There are 15 people, most of them full-time workers. Kroll founded the company in 2009 after traveling extensively. Despite several attempts it was not possible to speak with Kroll by phone in time for the publication of this note. Long term, the company aspires to plant 1 billion trees and end deforestation.

Importance of Engaging Hispanic Millennials for Strong Brand Equity

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 11, 2016

By Jay Gronlund,
President, The Pathfinder Group

Jay Gronlund

Jay Gronlund, president, The Pathfinder Group

The concept of brand equity (i.e. the perceived value of a brand) firmly arrived in the 1980’s when consumer goods companies reacted to a surge of cut throat discounting with a new search for a more sustainable way to boost sales and profits. The answer was to pour money into well-crafted brands, increase pricing, and highlight distinctive product features, all designed to create a more compelling brand image that would lead to greater loyalty. As David Aaker wrote in his book in 1991, “Managing Brand Equity”, aggressive marketing is needed to generate awareness, create a positive perception of relevant brand qualities, and grow loyalty, the three pillars of brand equity.

Click to read the entire Importance of Engaging Hispanic Millennials for Strong Brand Equity

Marketing professor explores popularity of things

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 6, 2016



Photos: Simon & Schuster, Deborah Feingold

Jonah Berger, Ph.D., who teaches marketing at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, is convinced popular topics share identifiable commonalities. After spending 15 years studying and researching how social influence works and how it drives products and ideas to catch on he thinks he has uncovered some of the reasons that people talk more about some products and ideas than others. In Contagious Why Things Catch On (Simon & Schuster, $14.69), a New York Times bestseller title published in 2013 and named Best Marketing Book of 2014 by the American Marketing Association, he outlines his theories on the topic.

He says that while people don’t pay attention to advertisements, they listen to their peers. In his book, which took more than 10 years from idea to publication, he outlines six basic principles he is convinced drive things to become popular. He describes them as Social Currency, Triggers, Emotion, Public, Practical Value, and Stories.

Following an introductory chapter, he dedicates a chapter to each of the principles in his 244-page hardcover book. He cites examples of how a steakhouse executive got buzz for his restaurant by adding a luxury sandwich to his menu, why anti-drug commercials may have increased drug use, and why 200 million consumers shared a video about a blender.

Johan Berger, author, Contagious

Johan Berger, author, Contagious

He wrote the book for “anyone who wants to get something to catch on. Might be a small business owner with a new service, a marketing manager launching a new product, or someone who wants to get others to change their behavior.” 

When asked by email how he defines contagious for marketing purposes the marketing professor said it is “something that spreads from person to person via word of mouth.”

He shares surprising tidbits. For example, in the Leverage Game Mechanics section, he discusses how less than 10 percent of the estimated 10 trillion frequent flyer miles remain unused. In the Make People Feel Like Insiders section, he talks about the new found popularity of the McDonald’s McRib, which despite its name is made mostly of tripe, heart and stomach meat.

His second book, Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces that Shape Behavior, on a similar topic is due out June 2016. One of the biggest challenges to writing and publishing the book, he said, was pulling all the research together.


Click to buy Contagious