Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Listen to podcast with Joel Bary, CEO, board member

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 11, 2006

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Joel Bary

Joel Bary, CEO and board member,


A podcast interview with Joel Bary, CEO and board member, is available on the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, During the podcast, he discusses online marketing to Hispanics with Elena del Valle, host of the podcast.

Prior to joining in 1999 as a business developer, Joel Bary was CEO of MultiMarketing Group, a Venezuelan based marketing and advertising integrated group of companies. The company offered design and manufacture of custom exhibit displays for point-of-purchase and tradeshows, market research and marketing strategy development, and production of promotional and marketing events.

He led the expansion of MultiMarketing Group into Latin America as well as the foundation of to which he was appointed CEO in 2001. is a specialized U.S. Hispanic and Latin-American online marketing and advertising agency founded in 1999 in Caracas, Venezuela. Its headquarters are in Miami, Florida with branches in Argentina, Chile, México and Venezuela.

While working with Joel has served some of the most important traditional advertising agencies in the region, as well as Fortune 500 companies including AmericanAirlines, Master Card, General Motors, Discovery Networks, Unilever, PalmOne and Nike. He studied architecture at the Simon Bolivar University in Caracas, Venezuela.

Over more than 12 years in marketing and advertising, he has been awarded several international recognitions, specifically in graphic design and corporate image. He received an honorary mention by the UNICEF, two short-listed nominations to the Lion Awards in Cannes (online advertising category) and most recently, the 2006 National Leadership Award by the National Republican Congressional Committee, naming him honorary chairman of the Business Advisory Council on behalf of the State of Florida.

To listen to the interview, scroll down until you see “Podcast” on the right hand side, then select “HMPR Joel Bary,” hit the play button or download it to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home. You can also subscribe to the podcast by right clicking over the podcast box and selecting “copy shortcut” then inserting the URL address in the podcast section of your iTunes program listed under the “advanced” column. The podcast will remain listed in the September 2006 section of the podcast.  

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“Marketing to Hispanics Online” audio recording

Identifying and characterizing the booming Hispanic online market

JoelBary Alex Carvallo Matias Perels

 Joel Bary, Alex Carvallo and Matias Perel

To purchase a downloadable or CD audio recording with a presentation on marketing to Hispanics online by Joel Bary and interviews with Joel Bary, Alex Carvallo and Matias Perel visit the Resources Section

Immigration stories topic of new documentary

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 8, 2006

Tania WaisbergFacundo Lujan 

Tania Waisberg and Facundo Lujan

Photos:Tania Waisberg and Facundo Lujan

Stories are frequently told of doctors and lawyers who immigrated to the United States only to wash dishes. It is unfortunate but many lose their credentials and even identities when trying to live out the American dream. Is the immigrant story the same for all professions? What happens to artists?

Tania Waisberg and Facundo Lujan set out to answer these question with their documentary “Portraits of Artists as Latino Immigrants,” scheduled for a screening at Encuentros at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts in San Francisco on September 27. The 32 minute documentary tells the story of four artists who immigrated to California. Through their stories and art the artists show the process of adapting and the hopes of success that are common for immigrants to the U.S.

Portrait artists

Artists from “Portraits of Artists as Latino Immigrants”

The artists selected for this project are in different stages of the immigration process and represent various artistic disciplines. Salvadorian born Victor Cartagena has been making art in the Bay area for more than a decade. His work can be found through out California and even Hawaii. Cartagena’s work focuses on the immigrant experience and social issues in the U.S. Using sculpture, video and audio he brings to light economic and political issues.

With a focus on glass sculpture brothers Eimar and Jamex de la Torre portray their artistic talent. Born in Guadalajara, Mexico they have spent the majority of their lives in the United States. Their work can be found in museums in Chicago, Arizona and their home state of California.

Maria Amparo Escandon is on the other side of the spectrum as a writer. She has written screenplays as well as short stories and published a novel, Santitos.  Escandon was born in Mexico City and now lives in Los Angeles where she created Acento, an advertising agency for the Hispanic Market.

The film has already received awards from the Sacramento and San Francisco’s Women’s film festivals. “Portraits” was also recently screened at the Nosotros American Latino Film Festival which was founded by Ricardo Montalban. Additional information is available online at — Melissa Gonzalez

Market researchers provide insights on Latino family in online recording

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 7, 2006

Brenda Hurley Liria Barbosa

Brenda Hurley and Liria Barbosa discuss the Latino family

Photos: Brenda Hurley, Liria Barbosa

There are 42 million Latinos living in the United States, and one out of every four children is of Hispanic descent. Latino market researchers Brenda Hurley, vice president of C & R Research, and Liria Barbosa, senior research analyst of C & R Research, provide insights and information on Latino family culture in the recently released online recording “Latino Family Dynamics.” Hurley and Barbosa recorded “Latino Family Dynamics” in March 2006 with host Elena del Valle. The two-hour recording is available for download as an MP3 file in the Resources Section of for $69.95 and $89.95 on CD and delves into the Latino family culture.

“Understanding the Latino family dynamic helps you understand where opportunities lie.  For example, Hispanic households are larger than non-Hispanic households, therefore they index higher on purchasing items such as soap and detergent,” said Hurley. “Family is at the heart of the Latino household, therefore, they make an effort to do things together as a family and get together with extended family regularly and for special celebrations.” 

For “Latino Family Dynamics,” Hurley and Barbosa used different research methods, consisting of demographic statistics obtained through the U.S. Census and interview techniques including surveys. They also used photojournalism photographing Hispanic family households and a wide variety of their celebrations.

“As the Hispanic population grows, the bicultural segment of the population is also growing. Due to globalization, Internet and Cable TV, the newly arrived are acculturating at a faster rate,” said Barbosa. “Those who are fully acculturated have also developed an interest for learning about their roots and therefore start retro-acculturating. In certain areas of the country, such as many cities in Texas and Miami, Hispanics are the majority of the population.  In those areas, the Hispanic culture is very intertwined with mainstream culture.  Spanish language radio is more popular than English, the typical meals are a fusion of the Hispanic and American foods and common Spanish words are used on an everyday basis along with English.”
Hurley and Barbosa discuss several topics regarding Latino families. Among the topics included are adapting general market messages when targeting Latinos, educational differences between U.S. born and foreign born Latinos, their purchasing habits, their family characteristics, their extended families, family responsibilities, identifying the decision maker and information provider within a family, family activities, interaction between generations, impact of acculturation on the family, and future trends.

“Diversity exists even inside the typical U.S. Hispanic household. It is not uncommon for different members of the household to have different nationalities, language preferences and language proficiency,” said Barbosa.

Barbosa is a graduate of the Burke Institute Intensive Moderator Training Program, and has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. She has headed projects including initial design, recruitment, execution, moderation, analysis and final written reports. Hurley has provided custom research solutions for her clients utilizing online and offline methodologies. Her involvement in the development of CRIMSON (C & R’s Multimedia Surveying Network) enabled her to design and execute studies using the system. Barbosa and Hurley work for Latino Eyes, a division of C & R Research.  — Sergio Carmona

“Latino Family Dynamics” audio recording

Brenda Hurley Liria Barbosa

 Brenda Hurley and Liria Barbosa

To purchase a downloadable or CD audio recording with extended information on Latino Family Dynamics by Brenda Hurley and Liria Barbosa visit the Resources Section.

You Don’t Speak for Me group members express differing opinion on immigration

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 6, 2006

Col. Al Rodriguez

Colonel Al Rodriguez

Photo: You Don’t Speak For Me

For many Latinos May 2006, when numerous immigration related rallies and walkouts took place, will be remembered for the solidarity and determination of the Hispanic community. Different generations of Hispanics, and non Hispanics, took part in the demonstrations, from high school walkouts to retired immigrants marching in one of the many rallies throughout the country. Among the reasons they took a stand was to protest the criminalization of immigrants. Many demonstrators were against undocumented immigrants being labeled felons which would happen if some of the proposed legislatin is approved. More immigration related events are scheduled this month as a reminder to the rest of the country of the value and contributions of Latinos to America and a way to urge Congress to take immigration reform seriously. As additional demonstrations surface another Latino voice, albeit a much softer one, has risen with an opposing point of view.

You Don’t Speak For Me (YDSFM), a self described national coalition of concerned Americans of Hispanic heritage brought together by Colonel Al Rodriguez, charges that individuals and groups claim to speak on behalf of the Hispanic community in the United States as a whole without making homeland security a priority. The group is said to include first and second generation Americans as well as recent legal immigrants who believe illegal immigration harms America and guest worker amnesty will do the same.

According to the group’s website its members espouse five main principals: All immigration should be legal; undocumented immigrants should receive no benefits or privileges; amnesty should not be allowed; securing national borders should be a priority and immigration laws should be enforced; and immigrants should learn English.

“Homeland security is not a racial or ethnic issue, nor is it a partisan one. It is a matter of life and death, as current events have once again demonstrated how vulnerable our nation remains to fanatic Islamic terrorists,” said Rodriguez. “Our southern border is a sieve, a dangerous, life-threatening sieve. Criticism of the failure to control that border is, by no stretch of the imagination, an attack on any particular ethnic group. It is a legitimate criticism of the failure of the Bush Administration to protect the nation and of the people who violate our laws.

Rodriguez believes homeland security is at great risk due to the government’s failure to protect the nation’s borders. Rodriguez and his followers want to make it clear that the Hispanic community does not have a unanimous opinion on immigration issues. The organization’s members, scattered through out the country, are predominantly first generation American citizens. Coalition officers are Rodriguez, chairman, and four vice chairs, Mariann Davies, Claudia Spencer, Justin Rangel, and Maria Chojnowski.

“American Hispanics stand shoulder to shoulder with other Americans as our nation and our people face unprecedented threats to our security. If the terrorists succeed in breaching our borders and carrying out another attack, they will not discriminate in their campaign of mass murder. Pointing out that our borders are out of control is not offensive. The failure of either party to do anything about it is offensive, reckless and inexcusable,” said Rodriguez.

There are unconfirmed rumours that You Don’t Speak for Me has ties to FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a national, nonprofit, public-interest, organization claiming 198,000 members dedicated to immigration reform. A You Don’t Speak for Me spokesperson didn’t respond to questions on the subject. — Melissa Gonzalez contributed to this article.

Immigration groups unite, schedule events for early September

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 5, 2006

Jaime Contreras 

Jaime Contreras, president, National Capital Immigration Coalition and District Chair and Supervisor of SEIU Local 32BJ

Photo:  National Capital Immigration Coalition

Washington, DC – The National Capital Immigration Coalition (NCIC) in partnership with the We Are America Alliance (WAAA) is planning to make a statement on September 7, 2006. They expect hundreds of thousands of immigrants, business people, students, people of faith, working families, and other supporters to converge in Washington, D.C. to urge members of Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform before the November elections. The rally will take place on the National Mall, 3rd Street NW between Constitution and Independence Avenues, at 4 pm and will end with a march around the Capitol.

“An overwhelming majority of Americans believes that our immigration system is broken and wants Congress to find a real solution,” said Jaime Contreras, president of the National Capital Immigration Coalition and District Chair and Supervisor of SEIU Local 32BJ. “On September 7th, we will call for comprehensive immigration reform to protect all workers and stop dividing our families.”

The Washington rally is one of a series of Labor Day weekend events across the country.  Other events planned include a Chicago march to the house of Speaker Dennis Hastert starting on September 1, and rallies in Phoenix on September 4 and Los Angeles on September 9. Each is unified in the call for comprehensive immigration reform they belive protects workers; stops massive deportations that divide families and communities; and provides an earned path to citizenship to undocumented people living and working in the U.S. 

The mobilizations are part of the civic participation and voter registration effort announced by the WAAA in the spring. Since then, immigrants across the country have been participating in Democracy Summer, which has included advocacy drives, voter registration, and workshops on becoming a citizen.

NCIC is a group of organizations dedicated to advocating, educating, and mobilizing the immigrant community in the Washington, D.C. metro area toward citizenship and civic participation. We Are America Alliance is a newlyformed national alliance of immigrant, grassroots, labor, local, statewide and national organizations such as Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), Center for Community Change, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR), New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC), and National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) among others. Additional information on the events is available online at

Chilean rock band Los Tres to release new album in September

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 1, 2006

Los Tres 

Los Tres

Photo: Los Tres

Chilean rock band Los Tres is releasing a new album, “Hagalo Usted Mismo” (Do It Yourself), on September 26, 2006. A follow up to 2001’s “Freno de Mano,” it combines melodic rock with traditional Chilean folkloric influences and instruments, and classic rock sounds.  “Camino,” the first single, is described in promotional materials as having an upbeat, vintage rockabilly sound. “Camino” broke radio records for initial airplay on its Chilean release and has been going strong on rock stations throughout Mexico. 

The album, produced by Joe Blaney (The Clash, Prince, Charly Garcia) was recorded earlier this year in New York City and features the participation of drummer Steve Jordan (Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, Aretha Franklin); and Café Tacuba’s Emmanuel del Real, who participated as an invited musician and produced and mixed several of the songs. 

The collaboration with Café Tacuba was a natural step after the success of Tacuba’s four-song EP of Los Tres covers “Vale Callampa,” which brought Los Tres back into the spotlight and introduced the trio to an international audience.  Del Real accompanied Los Tres before a crowd of 30,000 fans in Santiago, Chile and also at their performance at the Latin American equivalent of Coachella, Vive Latino in Mexico City.

Los Tres, originally formed in Concepcion in the late 80s, is Alvaro Henriquez (vocals, guitar, piano), Angel Parra (lead guitar) and Roberto “Titae” Lindl (bass). To listen to “Camino” from the new album, “Hagalo Usted Mismo” click on the play button below.

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Tennessee immigration law firm launches website in Spanish

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 31, 2006

Jeremy Jennings

Jeremy S. Jennings, principal attorney at Jennings Immigration Law Office

Photo: Jennings Immigration Law Office

Knoxville, Tennessee — Jennings Immigration Law Office recently launched the first Spanish-language version of its immigration oriented website. Although the English and Spanish version of the firm’s website are similar, the Spanish version includes information of particular interest to Spanish speakers from Central and South America.

“One of the challenges that the Latino community faces is easy access to reliable immigration information. By offering the website in Spanish, I hope to help bridge this gap,” said Jeremy S. Jennings, principal attorney, Jennings Immigration Law Office. “Immigration law is filled with difficult legal terms and concepts. It also involves many different government agencies. Our first version of the Spanish site provides links to Spanish-language websites offered by the different government agencies, where they are available, and provides a glossary of immigration terms in the Spanish language as well. Future versions of the Spanish site will offer immigration news updates and commentary as well.”

The Spanish language version of the website includes information on hiring an attorney, types of services the law firm offers, a list of resources including links to websites with content in Spanish, and how to become involved in the political process by contacting legislators. and, the firm’s two website versions, were developed by the Nashville-based Website Strategy Company, MediaJolt. Jennings Immigration Law Office is a Knoxville-based immigration law firm.

Hispanic women’s conference to draw influential Latinas

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 30, 2006

Eva Longoria 

Actress Eva Longoria

Photo: Eva Longoria

Phoenix, Arizona — The Hispanic Women’s Corporation (HWC) is hosting a two-day conference, the 21st National Hispanic Women’s Conference, October 12-13, 2006 at the Phoenix Convention Center. According to their promotional materials the conference, with expected attendance of 2,000, is the largest gathering of Latinas in the country offering leadership and professional development. A corporate luncheon honoring Latinas Eva Longoria, Julie Stav and Maria Marin is scheduled for Friday, October 13.

The program will highlight influential Latinas who are expected to share their success stories. There also will be a series of workshops on financial planning, professional development, entrepreneurship, and leadership. The event kicks-off October 12 with a youth leadership conference targeting 400 local area school students. On site registration costs $300. Early registration is available for $200 and $275 depending on the registration date. 

Actress Longoria, of the television program Desperate Housewives, will make a special appearance sponsored by Qwest Communications, to receive the Latina Visionary and Community Empowerment Award.

“I am honored to be part of this important conference that educates and improves the lives of Latinas,” said Longoria.

State Farm Insurance Co., will present the conference honorary luncheon chair and international financial expert Stav, founder and owner of Retirement Benefit Systems and Julie Stav Inc. Stav is also an author and host of a daily radio show.

Marin will receive this year’s Latina Excellence Award for her successful career and contributions to the Hispanic Women’s Corporation.  She is a motivational trainer in personal empowerment and The Art of Negotiation. Marin is also a national newspaper columnist, who writes on personal growth topics for women. Her column Mujer Sin Límites (Woman Without Limits) is published weekly in the U.S. and Puerto Rico.

The Conference and this year’s theme, Latina Power: The Billion Dollar Markets, have attracted well known companies such as General Motors, State Farm, Wall-Mart, Sam’s Club, Qwest Communications, Ford, Univision, Wells Fargo and Dillards as sponsors.

The Hispanic Women’s Corporation, a 501 C (3) non-profit organization, was founded to promote higher education, community involvement, professional advancement and leadership development for the improvement of Latinas cultural quality of life. 

Pew Hispanic Center: U.S. Cuban population significantly different from other Hispanics

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 29, 2006

Ileana Oroza 

Ileana Oroza, director, University of Miami Spanish-language Masters in Journalism Program

Photo: Ileana Oroza

The Pew Hispanic Center recently released the “Cuban Fact Sheet” with updates on the 1.4 million Cubans in the U.S. The information in the Fact Sheet is based on Census data, Pew, Institute for Public Opinion Research, and Cuban Research Institute of Florida International University opinion polls. Pew researchers indicate Cubans represent 4 percent of Latinos in the U.S. and are distinct from other Hispanic groups. In general, they are older, have a higher median household income, a higher educational level and a higher rate of home ownership than other Hispanic groups.

“I’m not surprised by most of the information; not even by the significant increase in the number of Cubans who favor a dialogue with the Cuban government. That is part of a healthy trend we have been watching for the past few years,” said Ileana Oroza, director, Spanish-language Masters in Journalism Program, University of Miami. “Clearly Cubans in the United States are becoming more comfortable with the notion that it’s more productive to discuss issues and try to reach consensus that it is to build walls. The higher poverty rate among older Cubans is a cause for concern.”

According to Pew’s findings Cubans are more likely to think of themselves as white than are other Latinos. They are also more likely than other Hispanics to think of the U.S. rather than their country of birth as their real homeland. More than half of Cubans (52 percent) who responded to the Pew Hispanic Center 2006 National Survey of Latinos thought of the U.S. as their real homeland. Only 33 percent of Puerto Rican respondents, who are U.S. citizens by birth, considered the U.S. their real homeland. Mexican and Central and South American respondents, at 36 percent and 35 percent respectively, showed slightly higher rates than Puerto Ricans.

“It’s interesting to note the high number of Cubans who say they consider the U.S. to be their real homeland; again, not surprising. It brings to mind the contributions that Cubans have made to U.S. culture, Pulitzer Prize winners, Obie award winners, top dramatists, novelists, scientists, business leaders. We’re not quite 1.5 million, but we’ve made a home here and put our talents to work for this country,” said Oroza.

Pew also highlights that there are almost twice as many foreign born Cubans, (912,686) as U.S. born Cubans (535,998). At the same time, U.S. policy, according to the Fact Sheet, has been more welcoming to Cubans than to any other group from Latin America. Virtually all Cuban migrants who touch American soil are allowed to remain in the country.

Florida is home to more than two thirds of Cubans (990,000) and 70 percent of Florida Cubans are U.S. born. Other states with large Cuban concentrations are New Jersey, New York, California and Texas. More information is available online at the Pew Hispanic Center.

Listen to podcast interview with Matias Perel, CEO Latin3, about search engine marketing to Hispanics

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 28, 2006

Matias Perel 

Matias Perel, founder and president, Latin3

Photo: Latin3

A podcast featuring an interview with Matias Perel, founder and president, Latin3, is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, During the podcast, Matias discusses online search marketing to Hispanics with Elena del Valle, host of the podcast.

Matías founded Latin3 in 2000. Since then he has led the company to a leading position among interactive marketing agencies in the U.S. and Latin America. He has a 10-year professional track record in the U.S. and Latin American advertising industries.

A native of Argentina, he has lived and worked in the U.S. for many years gaining knowledge of the Hispanic and Latino communities. Matias is invited to participate in seminars and conferences in the region and is frequently interviewed on CNN en Español.

Matias, a past board member of the Miami chapter of the International Advertising Association, serves on the Hispanic Committee of the Internet Advertising Bureau. He is also enrolled in the business graduate program at Harvard Business School.

As president of Latin3, Matias is charged with leading the company while working with clients to assist them to gain e-strategic advantage in the U.S. Hispanic and Latin American regions. Some of Latin3’s clients include Cisco Latin America, Dell Latin America, Lexicon, Microsoft Latin America, Nextel International, Pepsi Latin America & USH, Reebok, Sony Latin America, Sunbeam Latin America, TACA Airlines, Visa International, and Xerox.

To listen to the interview, scroll down until you see the “Podcast” on the right hand side, then select “HMPR Matias Perel” hit the play button or download it to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the August 2006 section of the podcast.

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“Search Engine Marketing to Hispanics” audio recording

Matias Perel 

Presenter Matias Perel, founder and president, Latin3

To purchase a downloadable or CD audio recording presentation and discussion with extended information on search engine marketing to Hispanics by Matias Perel visit the Resources Section