Wednesday, February 12, 2025

PRSA, HMCA Book Related Teleseminar Presentation Available on CD

Posted by Elena del Valle on February 8, 2006

Dora Tovar’s Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95) book related January 26, 2006 teleseminar, hosted by the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association, HMCA, and the Public Relations Society of America Multicultural Section was a record-breaking success for the Section. A CD recording of the teleseminar is now available for purchase for $225.

The teleseminar, presented by Tovar who is Multicultural Communications Section chair-elect and president, Tovar PR LLC, drew record attendance for a Section teleseminar, 83 sites from around the country. The presentation was based on Tovar’s chapter in Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations.

The Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA) is a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence. Hispanic market information, complimentary copies of the HMCA e-newsletter and invites to HMCA events, are available on the Association’s website. The Public Relations Society of America based in New York City, is the world’s largest organization for public relations professionals. The Society has more than 28,000 professional and student members. Details on the CD are available at Multicultural Section

HMCA, PRSA Announce Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations Book Related Teleconference

Posted by Elena del Valle on January 19, 2006


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                       Contact:  HMCA (305) 648-2848

Editors: Send review copy requests to

HMCA, PRSA Announce Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations
Book Related Teleconference

Miami, FL – The Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association, HMCA, and the Multicultural Section of the Public Relations Society of America, PRSA, announced a teleconference based on a chapter of a new book, Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95) to be held Thursday, January 26, 2006 at 2 p.m. The first title published on reaching Latinos with marketing and public relations strategies, Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations is appropriate for marketing professionals and students.

The teleconference entitled "Hispanic Public Relations: Responding to Growing Market Demands" is based on chapter 10 in the book and will be presented the author of that chapter, Dora O. Tovar, president, Tovar PR LLC.  Attendees at the virtual seminar will call a toll-free number where they will hear the presenters and access visual materials online. Admission is $85 for PRSA Multicultural Communications Section members, $150 for PRSA and HMCA members and $250 per site for nonmembers. Registration is available at .

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts and benefits HMCA.  Information on the book, including a list of authors and newsletter sign up instructions, is available at  .

Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book. Cover design was by Cris Ascunce of CAT Grafix, Inc. Topics include a U.S. Hispanic market outline, acculturation issues, reaching Hispanics online, reaching Hispanics in-language, demographic projections, perceptions, public relations, Hispanic media, electronic publicity and media training, special events and qualitative and quantitative research considerations.  Authors include a veritable who’s who of U.S. Hispanic marketing.  Research guru Carlos Santiago, president of the California based Santiago Solutions Group, wrote the foreword.

The Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA) is a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence. Hispanic market information, complimentary copies of the HMCA e-newsletter and invites to HMCA events, are available on the Association’s website The Public Relations Society of America based in New York City, is the world’s largest organization for public relations professionals. The Society has more than 28,000 professional and student members.

# # #

HMCA, PRSA Anuncian Teleconferencia Basada en Primer Libro Sobre Mercadeo y Relaciones Públicas Dirigidas al Mercado Hispano

Posted by Elena del Valle on January 19, 2006


Para Distribución Inmediata             Informes: HMCA (305) 648-2848

Nota al editor: Puede obtener una copia del libro para artículos y reportajes a través de

HMCA, PRSA Anuncian Teleconferencia Basada en Primer Libro Sobre Mercadeo y Relaciones Públicas Dirigidas al Mercado Hispano 

Miami, Florida – La Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (Asociación Hispana de Mercadeo y Comunicación conocida por sus siglas en inglés como HMCA) y la Sección Multicultural de la Public Relations Society of America (conocida por sus siglas en inglés como PRSA) anunciaron una teleconferencia en inglés basada en un capítulo del nuevo libro en inglés titulado Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations: Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95) para profesionales y estudiantes de mercadeo.  La teleconferencia se llevará a cabo el a las 2 p.m. hora este el jueves 26 de Enero de 2006.

La teleconferencia, titulada "Hispanic Public Relations: Responding to Growing Market Demands," será presentada por la autora del capítulo 10 del libro, Dora O. Tovar, quien es presidente de Tovar PR LL. Los profesionales que acudan al seminario virtual contarán con un número de teléfono especial a través del cual escucharan la presentación y tendrán acceso a un portal virtual en el cual encontrarán los materiales visuales. El costo de la conferencia es de $85 para miembros de la sección, $150 para los miembros de HMCA y PRSA y $250 para el público general por cada conexión. Es posible inscribirse a través del portal de PRSA,

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations ofrece 435 páginas de información, análisis de casos, materiales gráficos, información del mercado y opiniones sobre el mismo basadas en la experiencia de los 19 autores expertos y beneficia a HMCA. El portal del Internet cuenta con información sobre el libro, una lista de autores e instrucciones sobre como recibir boletines electrónicos.

El libro, escrito por un grupo de expertos reconocidos por su conocimiento del mercado latino, cuenta con 15 capítulos escritos por 17 profesionales y dos profesores universitarios.  Cris Ascunce de CAT Grafix, Inc. diseñó la portada. Los capítulos tratan en detalle diversos aspectos del mercado Latino de los Estados Unidos, la aculturación latina, como ubicar a los latinos que navegan en el Internet, la importancia de dirigirse a los latinos en su propio idioma, proyecciones demográficas, la imagen latina, las relaciones públicas dirigidas a los latinos, la prensa Hispana, la publicidad electrónica, los eventos como elemento del plan de mercadeo, los aspectos de calidad y cantidad a considerar en cuanto a la investigación de los mercados latinos y como prepara a expertos y comunicadores para entrevistas con la prensa. Carlos Santiago presidente de la empresa Santiago Solutions de California escribió el prefacio.

La Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association es una asociación profesional de voluntarios y sin fines de lucro dedicada a promover excelencia en el mercadeo dirigido a latinos. Visite el portal de Internet de HMCA para obtener información sobre el mercado hispano, copias gratuitas del boletín de HMCA e invitaciones a eventos de la asociación. El Public Relations Society of America ( con oficinas principales en Nueva York, es la organización más grande del mundo de profesionales de relaciones públicas y cuenta con más de 28,000 miembros profesionales y estudiantes


PRSA Multicultural Section, HMCA Host Book Related Teleseminar

Posted by Elena del Valle on January 18, 2006

Dora Tovar

Dora Tovar, president Tovar PR LLC

The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Multicultural Section and the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA) have teemed up for a Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95) related teleconference to be held Thursday, January 26 at 2 p.m. ET. Based on Dora Tovar’s chapter in the Book, the teleconference, "Hispanic Public Relations: Responding to Growing Market Demands" will be available to PRSA, HMCA members and the general public.

Many practitioners target multicultural audiences. Hispanic markets are one of the most important emerging multicultural markets. The practice of public relations by Latinos and targeting Latinos requires knowledge and understanding of the Latino markets. 

During the teleconference, Tovar, president Tovar PR LLC, will address questions such as: What do public relations practitioners successful penetrating Latino markets do? What are the trends in the market? What has brought about current practice characteristics and how do the past trends influence the future? What impact does this have on the day-to-day practice of Hispanic public relations?

The presentation promises listeners will have an opportunity to: Learn how the Hispanic public relations market is growing and changing in response to demographics; identify value-added partnership opportunities for public relations practitioners; discuss the changing market demand for Hispamic public relations infrastructure; explore how public relations firms can partner with Hispanic public relations professionals; and examine the value of Hispanic public relations professionals across marketing and advertising disciplines.

Tovar is a contributing author of Hispanic Marketing and Public Relations: Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95, Her chapter promotes the emergence of Hispanic Public Relations as a distinct discipline. Dora provides marketing communications services to nonprofit, governmental and corporate clients in the areas of Hispanic marketing, crisis and litigation communications and public relations. Along with her communications expertise, Tovar offers clients public policy insights and advocacy efforts to promote relevant cultural competency practices.

Only one registration per site is required, allowing multiple listeners per site. Costs are as follows: PRSA Multicultural Communications Section members, $85; PRSA and HMCA members, $150 and nonmembers, $250. For program details and to register, visit event registration

HMCA, PRSA Host Book Related Teleconference

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 20, 2005

Hispanic Marketing & Communications Association                   

HMCA and PRSA Present

A Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations Book Related Teleconference

HMCA invites you to a teleconference based on the first chapter of a new book, Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations – Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95). The first title published on reaching Latinos with marketing and public relations strategies, Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations is appropriate for marketing professionals and students.

The teleconference entitled "A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market," has the same title as the first chapter of the book and will be presented by the chapter authors, Jonathan Ashton and Michele Valdovinos of Cultural Access Group.  Attendees at the virtual seminar will call a toll-free number where they will hear the presenters and access visual materials online. Admission is $85 per site for HMCA members, $150 for PRSA members and $250 per site for nonmembers.

The Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA) is a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence. Hispanic market information, complimentary copies of the HMCA e-newsletter and invites to HMCA events, are available on the Association’s website (  The Public Relations Society of America ( ), based in New York City, is the world’s largest organization for public relations professionals. The Society has more than 28,000 professional and student members. 

Register Today!

HMCA member cost per site: $85 (join HMCA today
Nonmember cost per site: $250

Registrations must be in writing,

Choose one of the links below, print and complete the form to register.

Download in Adobe Acrobat Format (requires Adobe’s free reader)

Download in Microsoft Word Format

Fax your completed form to 212-460-5460,


Mail to

PRSA Registration

411 Lafayette Street, Suite 201,

New York, NY 10003

HMCA, PRSA Anuncian Teleconferencia Basada en Primer Libro Sobre Mercadeo y Relaciones Públicas Dirigidas al Mercado Hispano

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 16, 2005

Para Distribución Inmediata   

Informes: HMCA
                 (305) 648-2848 

Nota al editor: Puede obtener una copia del libro para artículos y reportajes a través de
HMCA, PRSA Anuncian Teleconferencia Basada en Primer Libro Sobre Mercadeo y Relaciones Públicas Dirigidas al Mercado Hispano 

Miami, Florida – La Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (Asociación Hispana de Mercadeo y Comunicación conocida por sus siglas en inglés como HMCA) y la Sección Multicultural de la Public Relations Society of America (conocida por sus siglas en inglés como PRSA) anunciaron recientemente una teleconferencia basada en el primer capítulo del nuevo libro en inglés titulado Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations: Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95) para profesionales y estudiantes de mercadeo.

La teleconferencia, titulada “A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market”, tiene el mismo título que el primer capítulo del libro y contará con presentaciones de los autores del capítulo, Jonathan Ashton y Michele Valdovinos de la compañía Cultural Access Group. Los profesionales que acudan al seminario virtual contarán con un número de teléfono especial a través del cual escucharan la presentación y tendrán acceso a un portal virtual en el cual encontrarán los materiales visuales. El costo de la conferencia es de $85 para miembros de la sección, $150 para los miembros de PRSA y $250 para el público general por cada conexión.

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations ofrece 435 páginas de información, análisis de casos, materiales gráficos, información del mercado y opiniones sobre el mismo basadas en la experiencia de los 19 autores expertos y beneficia a HMCA. El portal del Internet cuenta con información sobre el libro, una lista de autores e instrucciones sobre como recibir boletines electrónicos.

El libro, escrito por un digno grupo de expertos reconocidos por su conocimiento del mercado latino, cuenta con 15 capítulos escritos por 17 profesionales y dos profesores universitarios.  Cris Ascunce de CAT Grafix, Inc. diseñó la portada. Los capítulos tratan en detalle diversos aspectos del mercado Latino de los Estados Unidos, la aculturación latina, como ubicar a los latinos que navegan en el Internet, la importancia de dirigirse a los latinos en su propio idioma, proyecciones demográficas, la imagen latina, las relaciones públicas dirigidas a los latinos, la prensa Hispana, la publicidad electrónica, los eventos como elemento del plan de mercadeo, los aspectos de calidad y cantidad a considerar en cuanto a la investigación de los mercados latinos y como prepara a expertos y comunicadores para entrevistas con la prensa. Carlos Santiago presidente de la empresa Santiago Solutions de California escribió el prefacio.

La Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association es una asociación profesional de voluntarios y sin fines de lucro dedicada a promover excelencia en el mercadeo dirigido a latinos. Visite el portal de Internet de HMCA para obtener información sobre el mercado hispano, copias gratuitas del boletín de HMCA e invitaciones a eventos de la asociación. El Public Relations Society of America ( con oficinas principales en Nueva York, es la organización más grande del mundo de profesionales de relaciones públicas y cuenta con más de 28,000 miembros profesionales y estudiantes



HMCA, PRSA Announce Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations Book Related Teleconference

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 16, 2005

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                       

(305) 648-2848

HMCA, PRSA Announce Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations
Book Related Teleconference

Miami, FL – The Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association, HMCA, and the Multicultural Section of the Public Relations Society of America, PRSA, announced a teleconference based on the first chapter of a new book, Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95). The first title published on reaching Latinos with marketing and public strategies, Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations is appropriate for marketing professionals and students.

 The teleconference entitled “A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market,” has the same title as the first chapter of the book and will be presented by the authors of that chapter, Jonathan Ashton and Michele Valdovinos of Cultural Access Group.  Attendees at the virtual seminar will call a toll-free number where they will hear the presenters and access visual materials online. Admission is $85 for Section members, $150 for PRSA members and $250 per site for nonmembers.

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts and benefits HMCA.  Information on the book, including a list of authors and newsletter sign up instructions, is available at  .

Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book. Cover design was by Cris Ascunce of CAT Grafix, Inc. Topics include a U.S. Hispanic market outline, acculturation issues, reaching Hispanics online, reaching Hispanics in-language, demographic projections, perceptions, public relations, Hispanic media, electronic publicity and media training, special events and qualitative and quantitative research considerations.  Authors include a veritable who’s who of U.S. Hispanic marketing.  Research guru
Carlos Santiago, president of the California based Santiago Solutions Group, wrote the foreword.

The Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA) is a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence. Hispanic market information, complimentary copies of the HMCA e-newsletter and invites to HMCA events, are available on the Association’s website The Public Relations Society of America ( ), based in New York City, is the world’s largest organization for public relations professionals. The Society has more than 28,000 professional and student members.

# # #

Editors: Send review copy requests to

HMCA, PRSA Anuncian Teleconferencia Basada en Primer Libro Sobre Relaciones Públicas Dirigidas al Mercado Hispano

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 15, 2005


Para Distribución Inmediata Informes:

(305) 648-2848

Nota al editor: Puede obtener una copia del libro para artículos y reportajes a través de

HMCA, PRSA Anuncian Teleconferencia Basada en Primer Libro Sobre Mercadeo y Relaciones Públicas Dirigidas al Mercado Hispano

Miami, Florida – La Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (Asociación Hispana de Mercadeo y Comunicación conocida por sus siglas en inglés como
HMCA) y la Sección Multicultural de la Public Relations Society of America (conocida por sus siglas en inglés como PRSA) anunciaron recientemente una teleconferencia basada en el primer capítulo del nuevo libro en inglés titulado Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations: Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95) para profesionales y estudiantes de mercadeo.

La teleconferencia, titulada “A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market”, tiene el mismo título que el primer capítulo del libro y contará con presentaciones de los autores del capítulo, Jonathan Ashton y Michele Valdovinos de la compañía Cultural Access Group. Los profesionales que acudan al seminario virtual contarán con un número de teléfono especial a través del cual escucharan la presentación y tendrán acceso a un portal virtual en el cual encontrarán los materiales visuales. El costo de la conferencia es de $85 para miembros de la sección, $150 para los miembros de PRSA y $250 para el público general por cada conexión.

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations ofrece 435 páginas de información, análisis de casos, materiales gráficos, información del mercado y opiniones sobre el mismo basadas en la experiencia de los 19 autores expertos y beneficia a
HMCA. El portal del Internet cuenta con información sobre el libro, una lista de autores e instrucciones sobre como recibir boletines electrónicos.

El libro, escrito por un digno grupo de expertos reconocidos por su conocimiento del mercado latino, cuenta con 15 capítulos escritos por 17 profesionales y dos profesores universitarios.
Cris Ascunce de CAT Grafix, Inc. diseñó la portada. Los capítulos tratan en detalle diversos aspectos del mercado Latino de los Estados Unidos, la aculturación latina, como ubicar a los latinos que navegan en el Internet, la importancia de dirigirse a los latinos en su propio idioma, proyecciones demográficas, la imagen latina, las relaciones públicas dirigidas a los latinos, la prensa Hispana, la publicidad electrónica, los eventos como elemento del plan de mercadeo, los aspectos de calidad y cantidad a considerar en cuanto a la investigación de los mercados latinos y como prepara a expertos y comunicadores para entrevistas con la prensa.
Carlos Santiago presidente de la empresa Santiago Solutions de California escribió el prefacio.

La Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association es una asociación profesional de voluntarios y sin fines de lucro dedicada a promover excelencia en el mercadeo dirigido a latinos. Visite el portal de Internet de
HMCA para obtener información sobre el mercado hispano, copias gratuitas del boletín de
HMCA e invitaciones a eventos de la asociación. El Public Relations Society of America ( con oficinas principales en Nueva York, es la organización más grande del mundo de profesionales de relaciones públicas y cuenta con más de 28,000 miembros profesionales y estudiantes


HMCA, PRSA Announce Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations Book Related Teleconference

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 15, 2005

(305) 648-2848

HMCA, PRSA Announce Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations

Book Related Teleconference

Miami, FL – The Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association, HMCA, and the Multicultural Section of the Public Relations Society of America, PRSA, announced a teleconference based on the first chapter of a new book, Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95). The first title published on reaching Latinos with marketing and public strategies, Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations is appropriate for marketing professionals and students.

The teleconference entitled “A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market,” has the same title as the first chapter of the book and will be presented by the authors of that chapter, Jonathan Ashton and Michele Valdovinos of Cultural Access Group. Attendees at the virtual seminar will call a toll-free number where they will hear the presenters and access visual materials online. Admission is $85 for Section members, $150 for PRSA members and $250 per site for nonmembers.

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts and benefits HMCA. Information on the book, including a list of authors and newsletter sign up instructions, is available at .

Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book. Cover design was by Cris Ascunce of CAT Grafix, Inc. Topics include a U.S. Hispanic market outline, acculturation issues, reaching Hispanics online, reaching Hispanics in-language, demographic projections, perceptions, public relations, Hispanic media, electronic publicity and media training, special events and qualitative and quantitative research considerations. Authors include a veritable who’s who of U.S. Hispanic marketing. Research guru Carlos Santiago, president of the California based Santiago Solutions Group, wrote the foreword.

The Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA) is a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence. Hispanic market information, complimentary copies of the HMCA e-newsletter and invites to HMCA events, are available on the Association’s website The Public Relations Society of America ( ), based in New York City, is the world’s largest organization for public relations professionals. The Society has more than 28,000 professional and student members.

# # #

Editors: Send review copy requests to

PRSA, Hispanic PR Wire Host Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations Book Signing

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 19, 2005

The Census revealed Hispanics are the largest minority in the U.S.   In Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95), the first book to address marketing and public relations as a means to reach Latino audiences, 19 Hispanic market experts tell you what to do about it. Several of those experts will attend the PRSA 2005 International Conference, October 22-25 at the Fontainebleau Resort in Miami Beach. Book editor and contributing author Elena del Valle and Heidi Eusebio, David Henry and Federico Subervi, Ph.D., also contributing authors, will be presenters at the Multicultural Communications Section Master Class Session “Changing the Face of Public Relations: Latino Media Issues including Electronic Publicity and Media Training” Monday October 24 at 8:30 a.m.   

They will also participate in a book signing hosted by PRSA and Hispanic PR Wire from 5:30 to 6:30 pm during the Exhibit Hall Reception Sunday, October 23, 2005. Book copies will be available for purchase at the PRSA bookstore near the registration booth for the duration of the conference. Book authors will gather at the Hispanic PR Wire booth for the book signing. Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations benefits the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association, a national 100 percent volunteer driven professional association.   

Confirmed authors 


Elena del Valle

Elena del Valle, editor, project director and contributing author

Principal, LNA World Communications

Heidi Eusebio

Heidi Eusebio, contributing co-author

Vice president Diversity Solutions, Edelman


David Henry

David Henry, contributing author

President and founder, TeleNoticias


Federico Subervi

Federico Subervi, Ph.D., contributing co-author

Professor School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Texas State University-San Marcos


Christine Clavijo-Kish, contributing co-author

CEO LatinClips

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts and benefits HMCA.  Information on the book, including a list of authors and newsletter sign up instructions, is available at  .

Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book. Cover design was by Cris Ascunce of CAT Grafix, Inc. Topics include a U.S. Hispanic market outline, acculturation issues, reaching Hispanics online, reaching Hispanics in-language, demographic projections, perceptions, public relations, Hispanic media, electronic publicity and media training, special events and qualitative and quantitative research considerations.  Authors include a veritable who’s who of U.S. Hispanic marketing.  Research guru Carlos Santiago, president of the California based Santiago Solutions Group, wrote the foreword.