Friday, March 21, 2025

New DVD released for preschoolers to learn Spanish

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 31, 2008


Preschooler Learns Spanish DVD cover

Photo: Galloping Minds Company

The Galloping Minds Company, introduced its newest DVD title, Preschooler Learns Spanish, nationwide September 16, 2008. Preschooler Learns Spanish was designed for children between one and five years old as an easy-to-follow introduction for early learners to basic Spanish vocabulary and phrases. Soon after its release the Preschooler Learns Spanish DVD, was named a winner in Dr. Toy’s Best New Products Picks for 2008.

On the DVD, each word within a select category is presented on screen along with a live-action video example and spoken several times in Spanish and English. The repetition is meant to provide young viewers the chance to hear, repeat and learn basic words and phrases in both languages. Video clips and festive music were included to  keep the child’s attention focused through each lesson.

Discover from a new mom market expert how to reach Latino moms by listening to

“Marketing to New Hispanic Moms – a case study” audio recording

Cynthia Nelson

Presenter Cynthia Nelson, COO, Todobebe

Find out about

• New Latina mom market
• Baby demographics including market size, profile
• New moms’ language preferences
• Latino baby market trends
• Factors influencing Hispanic baby market
• Location of new Hispanic moms’ market
• Issues affecting new Latino moms
• Todobebe strategies

Click for information on “Marketing to New Hispanic Moms – a case study”

The lessons address educational basics like colors, numbers and things children see every day. The DVD includes segments about Family, Action Words, Parts of the Body, Food, Means of Transportation, Everyday Objects, Nature and Animals and Numbers and Colors. Preschooler Learns Spanish has a running time of 36 minutes and a suggested retail price of $14.99.

Other Galloping Minds DVDs include Baby Learns Alphabet and Phonics, Baby Learns Shapes and Colors, Baby Learns Numbers and Animals and Preschool Baby Learns About Computers.

Galloping Minds titles have received awards and recognitions such as Baby Learns Alphabet and Phonics was rated amongst the top 5 Alphabet and Phonics DVDs by They have also received Dr. Toy’s Best Product Award, Creative Child’s Preferred Choice Award, five stars from Family Product Review, five stars from Midwest Book Reviews and the Dove Foundation Award for good family entertainment.

The DVDs are part of Cox Cable Networks Video on Demand, Direct TV, AT&T U-verse programming. Galloping Minds’ DVDs are available in the United States, United Kingdom, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Philippines and Middle-Eastern Countries.

Based in Cupertino, Galloping Minds was founded 2003. The owners are Bobby Sarin and Dimple Duggal.


Click here to buy Preschooler Learns Spanish

Los Angeles museum showcases Latin food history

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 30, 2008


Chef John Sedlar, founder, Museum Tamal

Photos: Arámbula Phillips Communications

In 2004, Museum Tamal, a museum dedicated to the study of Latin culture through cuisine opened in Los Angeles.  Described in promotional materials as “an historic excursion into the heart of South America, Mexico, Spain and the Southwestern United States, via the taste buds – presenting art good enough to eat,” the museum was founded by John Sedlar, a chef and southwestern cuisine aficionado, with the help of seven supporters. The target audience is 50 percent Latino and 50 non Latino with special emphasis on education for children.

Now, with the help of a local marketing company, Arambula Phillips Communications, Inc. , museum leaders hope to expand the brand and market the museum. The museum, dedicated to the celebration of Latin culture and food, counts Maseca, Juanita’s Foods,  Melissas’s World Variety Produce and Lawry’s among its financial supporters.

Hispanic Marketing and Public Relations Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority book

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations 1932534083

“A must resource for practitioners/professionals expecting to reach US Hispanics; also valuable for college programs in marketing, public relations and communications. Highly recommended.”

Choice magazine

Click here for information on the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations books

Exhibits and presentations focus on the regional dishes of Mexico and the foods of the American Southwest. Exhibits also showcase the indigenous ingredients and traditional cooking techniques and cultures of Central and South America, the Hispanic Caribbean, and the historic influences of Spain.

The museum will be centered on a restaurant and exhibition kitchen where Latin foods will be prepared and served to visitors. According to the museum website, the first 10 permanent exhibits illustrate the historic importance of Latin foods from pre-Columbian times to Tamale Technology, Chileology and chocolate.

In addition to Sedlar; Eddie Sotto, art and design consultant, Sotto Studio; John Harrisson, exhibit writer; Norman Kolpas, culinary media consultant and exhibition writer;  Howard Shapiro, Ph.D., exhibit writer and technical consultant; Orlando Ramirez, exhibit writer; and Carlos Arambula and Richard Phillips, marketing consultants, Arambula Phillips Communications, Inc. Arambula Philips Communications.


Carlos Arambula, marketing consultant, Arambula Phillips Communications

“Food is at the heart of Latin identity which represents family, livelihood and a way of life,” said Arambula. “The ingredients, methods and culinary techniques indigenous to Hispanic heritage are the unique focus of this project and we are very excited to be a part of the experience.”

The museum marketers are planning media appearances, cross promotion with other museums, undraising events, and partial exhibits to help spread the word and draw visitors and sponsors.

Arambula Philips Communications launched a Museum Tamal website in September 2008 to provide information and serve as a membership and resource hub. Arambula Philips Communications is the brainchild of Carlos Arambula and Richard Phillips who work to develop brands across cultural, language and geographical boundaries. Between them they have over 35 years of work experience in the domestic, Hispanic and international markets.

Sedlar grew up in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In his early twenties, he was a chef in Southern California. Eventually he started his first restaurant, Saint Estephe, where he combined the traditional foods of his childhood with classic French techniques, developing what he termed Modern Southwest Cuisine. Sedlar is a restaurant consultant and author.

“Happy for No Reason” audio recording


Presenter Marci Shimoff, author, Happy for No Reason

What: An audio presentation by Marci Shimoff and Q&A with Marci Shimoff and audio program host Elena del Valle about finding happiness.

Available exclusively on!

More information on “Happy for No Reason” audio recording with Marci Shimoff

Parents: Speak of these things to your children

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 29, 2008

Democracy, Rights, Responsibility and Voting
By Adrienne E. Katz Katz
Member, League of Women Voters of Orange County


Adrienne E. Katz Katz, member, League of Women Voters of Orange County

Children of all ages know something important is happening during a Presidential Election, especially this one—they can’t miss the television commercials and concerned discussion among adults.  Even some computer games are showing campaign commercials.

These challenging times are ideal for giving kids an overview of American government, with an explanation of their rights, responsibilities and the roles as citizens that they will assume when they turn eighteen.  The reminders listed below, and the simple tools and websites readily available, will make your task easier.

Click here to read the complete article

“Happy for No Reason” audio recording


Presenter Marci Shimoff, author, Happy for No Reason

What: An audio presentation by Marci Shimoff and Q&A with Marci Shimoff and audio program host Elena del Valle about finding happiness.

Available exclusively on!

More information on “Happy for No Reason” audio recording with Marci Shimoff

2008 Executive Leadership Training and Mujer Awards Conference

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 28, 2008

Information provided by our Event Partner


November 13-14, 2008 – Orlando, Florida

Join the National Hispana Leadership Institute (NHLI) for two days of professional and cutting edge leadership development, networking, education and inspiration; facilitated by some of the country’s most successful Latinas, top-level executives from both the public and private sectors, authors and fitness experts.

Featured panelists and speakers include: Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, New York Times bestseller author of “Dirty Girls Social Club” and the recent “Dirty Girls on Top”; Congresswomen Loretta and Linda Sánchez co-authors of the memoir “Dream in Color: How the Sánchez Sisters are Making History in Congress”; Ysabel Duron, Anchor and Reporter at San Francisco’s KRON-TV 4, and renowned motivational speaker Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch, Founder & President of Educational Achievement Services.

Workshops include health and wellness, policy, professional development, leadership, business, and corporate tracks.

The gathering will culminate with the Mujer Awards Gala which pays tribute to the sustained lifetime achievements of three exceptional Hispanic women.  This year’s honorees are Media Mogul and President of Galan Entertainment, Nely Galán, Dr. Angela Díaz, MD, MPH, a national leader, health advocate and Director Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center in NY, and Rossana Rosado, Publisher and Chief Executive Officer of New York’s El Diario-La Prensa.

The National Hispana Leadership Institute NHLI is a national leadership development organization focused on future Latina leaders. Created in 1987 to address the disparity of representation of Latinas in leadership, NHLI’s mission is to develop Hispanas as ethical world leaders through training, professional development, relationship building, and community activism.

For an overview of the conference schedule and to register online, visit

Watch video – non profit promotes Latino vote through PSAs, grassroots efforts

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 28, 2008


A scene from the Voto Latino telenovela

Photos, video: Voto Latino

In the last weeks before the national election Voto Latino representatives hope to maximize Latino voter participation as much as possible. Voto Latino will also soon premiere the final episode of the La Pasión de la Decisión parody telenovela series starring Rosario Dawson and Wilmer Valderrama as well as celebrity guests Perez Hilton, and Jane Fonda. At the same time, Voto Latino co-produced television specials were scheduled to air on Latino youth networks MTV Tr3s and LATV this month. Scroll down to watch Voto Latino video.

Since January 2008, Voto Latino has reached out to millions of Latinos and registered more than 26,000 new voters in key Battleground States. Leaders at the non-partisan organization hope to double Voto Latino’s initial voter registration goals.


A scene from La Pasión de la Decisión parody telenovela

Additional Voto Latino initiatives include grassroots efforts in partnership with national media outlets to prompt Latino voter awareness and registration. Voto Latino recently won the Myspace Impact Award for Community Organizing, carrying over 70 percent of the online vote. Voto Latino received a grant from Myspace that will go toward Voto Latino’s get out the vote efforts.

Latino Vote produced a television special hosted by Rosario Dawson and Fat Joe, in conjunction with MTV Tr3s about the presidential candidates and issues that matter to Latino youth. Latino Vote also produced “Decisión 2008,” a television special in conjunction with LATV. Shot in front of a live studio audience, the debate on the presidential election is moderated by the network’s Humberto Guida and includes Maria Teresa Petersen, executive director, Voto Latino; Malverde, a political activist and hip-hop artist; and Carlos Arias, a Latino producer.

“Beyond the 30 Second Spot” audio recording

Listen to a 105-minute discussion

hmpr_Ivancevallos150.jpg hmprHunterheller150.jpg

hmprKittykolding150.jpg hmpr_Cynthia_Nelson150.jpg

Panelists Ivan Cevallos, Hunter Heller, Kitty Kolding and Cynthia Nelson

Our panel of national experts discuss

• Challenges of measuring the impact of the 30-second ad spot
• Innovative tools are useful to reach Latinos
• Changes in marketing to Hispanics
• On which market segment are the changes most relevant
• Effects of technology and time shift on consumer behavior
• Role of multi-screens
• Getting started
• Tips for marketing professionals

Click here for information on Beyond the 30 Second Spot

The non profit organization launched a voter initiative with Youtube and PBS, Video Your Vote, to distribute 100 digital video cameras to Latino voters to document their experience at the polls on Election Day. The participants will upload their footage to a dedicated Youtube channel accessible to the general public at <>

The organization partnered with iTunes Latino and Apple to distribute 100,000 iTunes/Voto Latino download cards donated by Apple.  The download cards, filled with five free songs and a link to non-partisan voter registration, are being distributed nationally via partnerships with radio stations Latino 96.3 (Los Angeles), Univision Radio (Los Angeles), La Kalle (San Francisco), Latino Vibe (Phoenix), Entravision (Denver) and La Que Buena (Chicago) and LATV.

As part of the ongoing aggressive Get Out the Vote (GOTV) effort in Colorado, Voto Latino will host a GoTV Bash in Denver on October 30. The event will feature members of an artist coalition who leverage their celebrity to promote civic engagement. Voto Latino organizers plan to reach out to 500,000 voters Colorado to invite them to vote.

Voto Latino is developing public service announcements in Spanish with record label Fonovisa/Disa about the importance of voting and civic engagement targeted at the Midwest and Western states. The partnership may mark one of the first times voter registration PSA’s are being targeted to new citizens originally from Mexico. Participating artists include Jenni Rivera, El Chapo de Sinaloa, La Arolladora Banda Limon, Yolanda Perez and El Gringo.

The organization is also planning voter registration drives at the concerts of Voto Latino celebrity coalition members Enrique Iglesias, Aventura, Jaguares, Ozomatli and Los Amigos Invisibles.

Founded in 2004, Voto Latino is a non-partisan, nonprofit voter engagement organization that works to promote an enfranchised America by leveraging celebrity voices, multi-media platforms, and youth themselves to promote positive change. Voto Latino’s mission is to engage a new generation of Americans in civic participation.

Make Latinos loyal to your brand
Listen to Author Isabel Valdes in

“Hispanics Customers for Life” audio recording


Isabel Valdes gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about

• Immigrants adaptation to their new country, culture
• Latino cultural values and their role
• Case studies, insights on Latinos as long term customers
• Acculturation
• Latinos and how they adapt to their host country
• Adaptation, assimilation
• Difference between assimilation and acculturation

Click here for information on Hispanic Customers for Life audio recording

Listen to podcast interview with Luis Martinez, CEO, Punto Rojo Sports Marketing Group about European athletic brands targeting U.S. Hispanics

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 27, 2008


Luis Martinez, CEO, Punto Rojo Sports Marketing Group

Photo: Punto Rojo Sports Marketing Group

A podcast interview with Luis Martinez, CEO, Punto Rojo Sports Marketing Group is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, During the podcast, he discusses how European athletic brands plan to target U.S. Hispanics via sports marketing ventures with Elena del Valle, host of the podcast.

Luis, originally from Mexico, has to his credit over 25 years of experience in Hispanic marketing and advertising in the U.S. and Latin America. During his career, Luis has supported the efforts of companies such as General Motors, Greyhound Lines Inc., Frito Lay Inc., Coors Brewing Company, Alaska Airlines, Intel, Pedro Domeq Wines and Spirits, Pepsi Cola, Kellogg’s, Tabasco, AT&T, and Western Union.

His experience includes major general market advertising agencies with their Hispanic assignments such as WONGDOODY Advertising, Momentum World Wide and Bozell & Jacobs. Luis has a B.A. from University of Texas and a M.A. from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in Mexico City.

To listen to the interview, scroll down until you see “Podcast” on the right hand side, then select “HMPR Luis Martinez,” click on the play button below or download the MP3 file to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save it to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the October 2008 section of the podcast archive.

Make your ads resonate with Hispanics
Listen to C&R’s Research Director Liria Barbosa in

“Hispanics’ Perspective on Advertising” audio recording

Liria Barbosa

Liria Barbosa gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about

• Type of ads Latinos prefer
• Latino top media choices
• Percent of Latinos who tried products because of ads
• Percent of Latinos who purchased products because of ads
• What makes an ad “Hispanic”
• If ad language is important for bicultural Latinos
• What to keep in mind when targeting bicultural Latinos with ads

Click here for information on Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising

Watch video – new film revisits tale of Andean mountain crash survival

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 24, 2008


A scene from the film Stranded – click on the image to enlarge

Photos, video: Zeitgeist Films

On October 13, 1972 after boarding a flight for a match in Chile a team of students from Montevideo, Uruguay disappeared. Two days before Christmas, 16 of the 45 passengers resurfaced having survived 72 days after their plane crashed on a remote Andean glacier. Stranded: I’ve come from a plane that crashed on the mountains, a documentary about their story, opened in theaters October 22, 2008.

Following the crash, the governments of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay searched the area for the survivors without success. Seventy days after the plane crashed, a Chilean shepherd in the foothills of the Andes, caught sight of two men on the other side of a torrential river. Gesticulating frantically, they fell to their knees, their arms wide open. The shepherd took them for tourists and left.

The next day, he returned to the same spot and noticed that the men were still there. The sound of the water was so loud on the banks of the river that it was impossible for the three men to hear each other so the shepherd threw a piece of paper and a pen, wrapped in a handkerchief, over the river. The two bearded men in rags wrote something on the paper and threw it back to the shepherd: “We’re from a plane that crashed on the mountains. Fourteen of our friends are still alive up there.”


 A scene from the film Stranded – click on the image to enlarge

Following their rescue, the survivors admitted they had eaten human flesh to survive: “… the day came when we had nothing left to eat, and we said that Christ, by offering his flesh and blood during the Last Supper, had shown us the way by indicating that we had to do likewise: take his flesh and blood, incarnated in our friends who had died in the crash… It was a personal communion for each one of us… It’s what helped us to survive…”

The story was first documented in the 1973 bestseller Alive and the 1993 Ethan Hawke movie by the same name. The recently released documentary was made by Gonzalo Arijon, a childhood friend of some of the survivors, and was produced by Marc Silvera and 16 of the survivors.

“Several of these survivors are friends of mine. We shared the same carefree teenage years. I was shocked by their disappearance and dumbfounded when they came back to life. I shared whole nights with them, listening to their stories which constantly revolved around their survival up there. Their tragic – but also amazing! – epic continued to haunt them, day after day, year after year. And it’s still the case today,” said Arijon.

“Despite a best-seller (Alive! The Story of the Andes Survivors by Piers Paul Read, five million copies sold in English alone), and despite a Hollywood movie (Alive by Frank Marshall, a 1993 Disney-Paramount co-production), we still have the feeling that this story has never been told from the inside, that what they have to say has never really been heard. And there is always this growing feeling among them that they have something to tell us, to transmit to us, that is way beyond an ‘enormous anecdote’…

Thirty years after the event, I suggested making a film about it. A film that tells of the creation of a new society, cut off from the rest of the world, requiring the reinvention of codes and rules. No leaders—in the traditional sense of the term—but rather a collection of personalities that are gradually revealed, which harmoniously head towards a common objective: to get out of this hell together, and return to the land of the living together. An exemplary story about exceeding oneself, getting to know one another, that deals with the importance of friendship and solidarity in extreme situations.”


A scene from the film Stranded

Arijon relied on on-location interviews, archival footage and reenactments to share the story, told by the survivors themselves, with the audience. Thirty-five years after the crash, the survivors returned to the crash site which they named the Valley of Tears, where they shared their harrowing story on film.

“At the time when the group was having trouble making the decision, I remember saying: ‘If I were dead, there, in the snow, and you were debating whether or not to use my body in an attempt to survive… If, while being dead, I had the possibility of getting up, I would kick your asses, you bunch of idiots! ’ They all listened to me in silence, and I think that these words helped the group to take the step,” said Gustavo Zerbino, one of the survivors.

“When Roberto cut the first thin strips of meat, he placed them on the cabin. I went to eat hastily, in secret… I felt ashamed the whole time I was up there. I wanted to hide that. For a long time, I was obsessed by this story of human meat… But I couldn’t admit it…,” said Adolfo “Fito” Strauch, another survivor.

The film is 126 minutes long in color and black and white in Spanish with English subtitles. Stranded received awards at festivals around the world including the 2007 Sundance Film Festival.

Arijon, born in Uruguay in 1956 has lived in France since 1979. Over the past 15 years, he has directed several documentaries, including Lula’s Brazil: Managing a Dream; Far Very Far from Rome; The Dark Side of Milosevic; Rio de Janeiro–A Vertical War; and For These Eyes.

“Happy for No Reason” audio recording


Presenter Marci Shimoff, author, Happy for No Reason

What: An audio presentation by Marci Shimoff and Q&A with Marci Shimoff and audio program host Elena del Valle about finding happiness.

Available exclusively on!

More information on “Happy for No Reason” audio recording with Marci Shimoff

Young LA entrepreneurs offer California residents organic beverages

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 23, 2008


Bonadea Tamarindo and Jamaica aguas frescas

Photo: Simon & Baker

Bonadea Drinks, a Los Angeles beverage company, began offering aguas frescas (Spanish for refreshing waters) to customers last month. Believing that there is a rising demand for healthy, organic beverages the owners of Bonadea Drinks, Arnulfo Ventura, a Southern California native and the son of Mexican immigrants and Jose L. Domene, a Mexico native, launched their company ealier this year.

Domene and Ventura hope to bring a unique twist to the market by mixing their secret family recipes into aguas frescas. They use all natural, organic ingredients sweetened with organic agave nectar.

“In three weeks Bonadea has become our best selling juice drink. Our customers love the natural, authentic taste of the Tamarindo and the Jamaica,” said Sarah Hiken, co- owner, the Village Cheese House in Palo Alto.

The beverages, made in Northern California, are available for purchase in California and sell between $1.99 and $2.49, depending on the retail outlet. The all-natural, agave-sweetened, aguas frescas come in Tamarindo (tom-a-reen-doe) and Jamaica (ha-mike-uh) flavors.

The roselle plant base used in the Jamaica drink is said to aid with digestion, weight control, high blood pressure, circulatory stimulation, fevers, and cholesterol. The tamarind is said to aid with digestion, blood sugar levels, sore throat, alcoholic intoxication, high blood pressure, circulatory stimulation and cholesterol. The agave nectar is extracted from the core of the agave plant, also commonly referred to as the piña of the plant in Spanish.


Arnulfo Ventura, co-founder, Bonadea Drinks

“Our Bonadea authentic aguas frescas bring a fresh Latin twist to the stagnate beverage market,” said Ventura, co-founder, Bonadea. “Our family’s secret aguas recipes have been a smash hit with everybody from beverage connoisseurs to parents looking for a healthy beverage alternative for their kids. Bonadea was founded from a basic unfulfilled need experienced by Jose and myself.  We were both health conscious, on-the-go and wanted a beverage we could culturally relate to, in short, we felt overlooked at the shelf.  Now we want to share our favorite aguas recipes with the rest of the world.”

“Segmentation by Level of Acculturation” audio recording

Miguel Gomez Winebrenner

Presenter Miguel Gomez Winebrenner


  • Assimilation versus acculturation
  • Factors that affect Latino acculturation
  • How to know if someone is acculturated
  • Number of years necessary for acculturation
  • Effects of immigration debate on acculturation
  • Three main ways of segmenting Latinos

Click here for details about “Segmentation by Level of Acculturation”


 Jose L. Domene, co-founder, Bonadea Drinks

The young entrepreneurs launched their company while completing their studies, receiving their Masters in Business Administration June 2008 at Stanford University. Bonadea first launched in San Francisco and the greater Bay Area, selling at local health markets, sandwich spots, and Mexican grills and restaurants. To mark the launch in Los Angeles, Bonadea staff designed new labels to introduce the aguas frescas to the Latino dominated Los Angeles market.

The partners developed the name of their company, Bonadea (pronounced bone-uh-dee-uh), from Bona Dea, believing the Latin roots translate to “the Good Goddess, the deity of fruitfulness in the earth and the patron of healing, chastity and virginity in women.”

In searching for a name, they wanted a word to honor the women in their lives and the family recipes they shared with them; they also wanted a word that reflects the ancient process they use in extracting the base of the aguas from their virgin state while attempting to preserve some of their natural health benefits. They also liked that it sounds like buen dia (Spanish for good day) or buena idea (Spanish for good idea).

Bonadea Drinks was established in Los Angeles, California earlier this year. The company is wholly owned by Domene and Ventura.

Make your ads resonate with Hispanics
Listen to C&R’s Research Director Liria Barbosa in

“Hispanics’ Perspective on Advertising” audio recording

Liria Barbosa

Liria Barbosa gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about

• Type of ads Latinos prefer
• Latino top media choices
• Percent of Latinos who tried products because of ads
• Percent of Latinos who purchased products because of ads
• What makes an ad “Hispanic”
• If ad language is important for bicultural Latinos
• What to keep in mind when targeting bicultural Latinos with ads

Click here for information on Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising

Ogilvy adds multicultural category to awards

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 22, 2008

David Burgos

David Burgos, account group director, MillwardBrown

The David Ogilvy Awards for Excellence in Advertising Research presented annually by the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) recently added a multicultural category award to mark the 15 anniversary of the awards. The announcement was made by Robert Barocci, president and chief executive officer of ARF.

“Adding the Multicultural category to the David Ogilvy Awards is a natural progression as multicultural research continues to play an important role in advertising,” said David Burgos, vice president, Multicultural Practice, Millward Brown, and co-chair of the ARF Multicultural Advertising Council. Burgos has led the initiative with ARF to raise awareness of the importance of multicultural marketing and strategy.

“The addition of this new category reflects the fact that the multicultural segment is one of tremendous growth and purchasing power, and requires targeting strategies and campaign development that work in tandem with the mainstream rather than in silos.”

“Best in Class Hispanic Strategies” audio recording

Carlos Aantiago hmprDereneallenfeb07s.jpg

Presenters Carlos Santiago and Derene Allen

  • Find out what makes 25 percent of the top 500 Hispanic market advertisers out perform the remaining companies

  • Discover what questions to ask, steps to take to be a Best in Class company

Click here for more about “Best in Class Hispanic Strategies” audio recording

“The industry is aware of many outstanding multicultural campaigns that achieve marketplace success. It’s time to acknowledge the creative and research excellence behind these successes. Broader awareness of multicultural marketing will narrow the gap between ethnic and mainstream marketing and lead to better integration of the two over time,” said Joel Rubinson, chief research officer, ARF.

The list of judges for the new multicultural category will be released at the next annual gala. Past judges have included leaders in the marketing and research industry. Organizers promise that the upcoming Awards will have a similar caliber of judges including experts in multicultural marketing and research.

“The Ogilvy Awards do not honor research methods, tools or techniques. Rather, they celebrate breakthrough programs where creative inspiration and research insights combine to produce an outstanding advertising campaign. Examples of these breakthrough moments are: When skillful analysis and creative interpretation produce ideas that help drive strategy, creative and media planning; when research overcomes fear and conjecture to give life to unique advertising by providing evidence of its marketplace potential; when the creative process uses research to find unexpected ways of looking at and talking about a brand and its promise,” said a spokesman for the Ogilvy Awards when asked about the selection criteria for the multicultural awards.

The ARF Ogilvy Awards celebrate the role of consumer research in creating successful advertising.  Named to recognize David Ogilvy’s spirited advocacy of the importance of research in making good advertising better, the awards honor some of the best research-driven campaigns in business categories and the industry.

The ARF is accepting submissions for the 2009 competition until December 16, 2008. The 2009 winners will be honored at the 55th Annual ARF Convention + Expo on March 31 at the David Ogilvy Awards Gala in Times Square, New York.

Founded in 1936 by the Association of National Advertisers and the American Association of Advertising Agencies, the mission of the ARF is to “improve the practice of advertising, marketing and media research in pursuit of more effective marketing and advertising communications.” ARF members include more than 300 advertisers, advertising agencies, associations, research firms, and media companies.

Target Latinos effectively by anticipating changes in the market with

“Hispanic Projections with 2007-08 update” audio recording

Roger Selbert, Ph.D.

Presenter Roger Selbert, Ph.D.

Find out

  • About Latino buying power growth in the future
  • How Latino market growth compares with other markets in the U.S.
  • What drives the rise of Latino economic clout
  • Who should target the Latino market
  • What is the size of the Hispanic affluent market
  • If the luxury Latino market is growing

Stay ahead of your competition with “Hispanic Projections”

Director of Media Affairs

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 21, 2008

The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) is a one-stop financial aid center founded by Illinois lawmakers 50 years ago, offering a comprehensive array of programs and services to students and their families. We administer most of the key state and federal grant, scholarship, loan and prepaid tuition programs available to post-secondary students.

Click here for the full text of Director of Media Affairs