Friday, March 21, 2025

Listen to podcast interview with Brian Requarth, CEO, Bilingual Marketing Group about the Hispanic home buyer market online

Posted by Elena del Valle on November 10, 2008


Brian Requarth, CEO, Bilingual Marketing Group

Photo: Bilingual Marketing Group

A podcast interview with Brian Requarth, chief executive officer, Bilingual Marketing Group is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, During the podcast, he discusses the Hispanic home buyer market online with Elena del Valle, host of the podcast. Scroll down to listen to the interview.

Brian is also cofounder of Bilingual Marketing Group, a real estate media company that operates the VivaReal Network. Brian founded ColConnect in 2004, a company focused on providing bilingual web solutions and translation services to real estate professionals targeting the United States Hispanic market.

He recently wrote an e-book, in English and Spanish, about blogging for the Hispanic real estate market. Over the last decade Brian has spent five years living, working and studying in Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Portugal, Spain and Argentina. In addition to English, he speaks Spanish and Portuguese. He and his wife live half the year in Northern California and the other half in Bogota, Colombia.

To listen to the interview, scroll down until you see “Podcast” on the right hand side, then select “HMPR Brian Requarth,” click on the play button below or download the MP3 file to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save it to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the November 2008 section of the podcast archive.

“Segmentation by Level of Acculturation” audio recording

Miguel Gomez Winebrenner

Presenter Miguel Gomez Winebrenner


  • Assimilation versus acculturation
  • Factors that affect Latino acculturation
  • How to know if someone is acculturated
  • Number of years necessary for acculturation
  • Effects of immigration debate on acculturation
  • Three main ways of segmenting Latinos

Click here for details about “Segmentation by Level of Acculturation”

Former gang members share story of Latin Queen

Posted by Elena del Valle on November 7, 2008


Lady Q: The rise and fall of a Latin queen book cover

Photo: Independent Publishers Group/Chicago Review Press

Sonia was born to a poor and uneducated mother in Puerto Rico in 1967. That already promised her a life of economic hardship. Her mother also neglected her and allowed the men in her life to abuse Sonia physically and sexually starting at the age of five. When Sonia had the courage to tell her mother, she disbelieved her and heaped physical and verbal abuse on her. This childhood of neglect and suffering eventually led Sonia, a shy and love starved young girl, to seek solace in gang life in the city where she spent her growing years, Chicago.

In Lady Q: The rise and fall of a Latin queen (Chicago Review Press, $24.95), Reymundo Sanchez, a former gang member, and Sonia Rodriguez, a former Queen of Kings gang member, share the tale of Sonia’s life among the Almighty Latin King and Queens Nation, one of Chicago’s most prominent gangs in a 269-page hard cover book published earlier this year.

The book is divided into 16 chapters beginning with her early childhood years in Puerto Rico and her move to Chicago with her abusive step father Juan and her family; and ending with her life today and her efforts to find herself outside the gang that she once belonged to and that shaped her life in so many ways.

According to promotional materials, Lady Q is the first Latin Queen to go public with her story, sharing a woman’s perspective of gang life. The book was born after Sanchez invited Sonia to describe her life story and her experience in the gang known for its violent tendencies and criminal activities.

Reymundo Sanchez is the pseudonym of a former Latin Kings gang member. He is the author of My Bloody Life and Once a King, Always a King. Sonia Rodriguez is also a pseudonym.


Click here to buy

Lady Q: The Rise and Fall of a Latin Queen

My Bloody Life: The Making of a Latin King

Once a King, Always a King: The Unmaking of a Latin King

Hispanic journalist new UnitedHealthcare face among elderly Spanish speakers

Posted by Elena del Valle on November 6, 2008


María Antonieta Collins, spokersperson for UnitedHeathcare

Photo: UnitedHeathcare

Although in general the Latino population skews young, there are 2.3 million Hispanic seniors in the United States over the age of 65 and eligible for Medicare. In an effort to reach part of that audience, UnitedHeathcare, a Medicare provider, and María Antonieta Collins, a journalist and author, have joined forces on a Medicare oriented campaign targeting Spanish speaking Hispanic seniors.

UnitedHealthcare Medicare Solutions is producing a 45-minute step-by-step educational DVD version of its Medicare Made Clear guide (Medicare Explicado) narrated by Collins in Spanish. It is designed to guide Spanish speaking seniors, caregivers and families to understand Medicare issues including eligibility requirements, benefits and Medicare plans.

UnitedHeathcare marketing executives are relying on the journalist’s reputation through her work as a national television personality and author of six published books, to inspire confidence for the company’s services among Spanish speaking Hispanic elderly unfamiliar with the Medicare system.

“Healthcare resources for Spanish speaking seniors are at a void, particularly when it comes to Medicare,” said Lina Gallardo, vice president, Ovations Marketing, a division of UnitedHealthcare. “The combination of María Antonieta Collins’ experience and contributions to the education of the Hispanic community is perfect for reaching out and informing this community through an easy-to-understand, highly professional and credible manner.”

“Best in Class Hispanic Strategies” audio recording

Carlos Aantiago hmprDereneallenfeb07s.jpg

Presenters Carlos Santiago and Derene Allen

  • Find out what makes 25 percent of the top 500 Hispanic market advertisers out perform the remaining companies

  • Discover what questions to ask, steps to take to be a Best in Class company

Click here for more about “Best in Class Hispanic Strategies” audio recording

Plans are in place for the Spanish-language DVD to be available free of charge, through a toll-free line, in early November. Collins is scheduled to conduct a series of educational community visits on behalf of UnitedHealthcare Medicare Solutions over the next 12 months to introduce Medicare Explicado.

“There’s a great need to educate our elderly about their benefits and rights so they can make an informed decision,” said Collins. “The educational DVD is a natural way to get that message across to seniors, their caregivers and concerned family members.”

Many of the health care company’s clients are Latino and Spanish dominant. For example, for Ovations, in some plans Hispanics represent as much as 40 percent of its members while in other areass Hispanics are between 9 and 10 percent of the client base.  In many of the markets the company serves 60 percent or more of the 65 and older populations are Spanish dominant. Many of UnitedHealtcare plans are national such as Part D and its Medicare Advantage plans which have specific service areas in over 44 states.

According to a UnitedHealtcare spokesperson, although no specific numbers are available the company employs many Latinos in the field and in its clinical organization, especially in California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and New York.

UnitedHealthcare is a diversified health well-being company that provides Medicare coverage options for individuals and group retirees through its affiliates. The family of UnitedHealthcare Medicare Solutions plans includes Part D Prescription Drug Plans, Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans and Medicare Advantage Plans featuring the UnitedHealth, AARP, SecureHorizons, SecureHorizons MedicareDirect, Evercare or AmeriChoice brand name. Plans are insured or covered by an affiliate of UnitedHealthcare, a Medicare Advantage organization and a Prescription Drug Plans sponsor with a Medicare contract.

Over the past 30 years Collins has been a reporter, news anchor and former talk show host for Televisa, Telemundo and Univision networks. She received The Edward Murrow Award for her coverage of the bombing at the Centennial Olympic Park during the Olympic Games in Atlanta (1998) and two National Emmy’s for her coverage of hurricane Mitch in Central America (1999). In 2007, she was named one of the “100 Most Influential Hispanics” by People Magazine En Español.

She authored the following books: Dietas y Recetas de Maria Antonieta, (Diets & Recipes by Maria Antonieta) about her struggle with weight; Quien Dijo Que No Se Puede?, (Who Said You Can’t?); and Cuando el Monstruo Despierta, Confesiones de Padres Adolescentes, (When the Monster Awakens; Confessions of Adolescent Parents),  a description of her experience as mother of a teenager victim of violence.

She also wrote En el Nombre de Comprar, Firmar…y No Sentarse a Llorar, (In the Name of Buying, Signing… & Not Crying), about compulsive buyers and their issues with credit card debt based on her own experiences; Como Lidiar Con Los Exes, (How to Move Past Your Exes); and most recently Dijiste que me Querias (You Told me You Loved me).

“Happy for No Reason” audio recording


Presenter Marci Shimoff, author, Happy for No Reason

What: An audio presentation by Marci Shimoff and Q&A with Marci Shimoff and audio program host Elena del Valle about finding happiness.

Available exclusively on!

More information on “Happy for No Reason” audio recording with Marci Shimoff

New York publisher targets Latino men with sports magazines

Posted by Elena del Valle on November 5, 2008


Béisbol Mundial magazine cover

Photos: The Mundial Group Inc.

The Mundial Group Inc., a New York company, publishes two magazines with a circulation of one million readers each targeting Spanish dominant sports enthusiasts in the United States. Béisbol Mundial and Fύtbol Mundial average 24 pages per issue with an editorial to ad ratio of 40 to 60. Although the magazines are printed in Quebec, Canada, a staff of 14 produces the content in New York. The cost of an annual subscription is $12.95.

Béisbol Mundial magazine launched in 2005 with an Opening Day Around the World Issue that focused on the dominance of Latino players in baseball. One quarter of readers (26 percent) are women. The bimonthly magazine is distributed in East Coast and West Coast markets and as an insert in newspapers in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, Myrtle Beach, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Francisco, Savannah and Washington, D.C. There is also a bonus distribution at major baseball events including professional, amateur, youth, and international games, regional softball tournaments and some Major League Baseball games.

Mundial Group publishers believe interest levels in baseball are exploding and that the game’s popularity has expanded globally. To support their belief they point to the presence of Japanese players in United States and Cuban and Dominican players in the Far East. They are confident that because more than 25 percent of the 750 Major League Baseball players are from Latin America, and many of them have become well known, Béisbol Mundial will remain a viable publication.


Futbol Mundial magazine cover

Launched during World Cup 2002, Fύtbol Mundial claims the top spot in circulation in its category of a soccer and Spanish language sports publication with an audited circulation in excess of one million. The company’s goal is to cover soccer from a global perspective and help Hispanics connect with one of the fastest growing sports in the United States.

Fύtbol Mundial content includes features and analysis with strong opinions. It relies on soccer writers based in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Madrid and Rome. Just like its sister publication, Fύtbol Mundial is available via newspaper insert in the top Hispanic markets, at special events and by subscription.

The Mundial Group Inc., based in New York City, is a marketing media company specializing in multimedia publishing in the sports and entertainment industries. In addition to Béisbol Mundial and Fύtbol Mundial, The Mundial Group publishes Fútbol Mundial USA, Vida Latina, and READ Fútbol Mundial, a literacy initiative for Latino kids.

Hispanic Marketing and Public Relations Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority book

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations 1932534083

“A must resource for practitioners/professionals expecting to reach US Hispanics; also valuable for college programs in marketing, public relations and communications. Highly recommended.”

Choice magazine

Click here for information on the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations books

Watch video – Volunteers target Latinos with new vote oriented PSA

Posted by Elena del Valle on November 4, 2008


Rami Rivera Frankl, writer, director and executive producer,Wake Up! PSA

Photo, video: Rami Rivera Frankl

In mid September, Rami Rivera Frankl decided to become a political activist. Following his attendance at a political satire program on the Pocho Hour of Power, Rivera Frankl became motivated to spearhead a project that would lead him two months later to the production of Wake Up!, a politically oriented public service announcement (PSA) inviting Latinos to vote. Scroll down to watch the videos in English and Spanish.

According to the Pew Hispanic Center, in four of the six states President George W. Bush carried by margins of five percentage points or fewer in 2004 Hispanics constitute a significant share of the electorate: In New Mexico, Hispanics make up 37 percent of state’s eligible electorate; in Florida, 14 percent; in Nevada and Colorado, 12 percent.

“These statistics galvanized me to want to make a significant difference and help Barack Obama win our upcoming election,” said River Frankl. “What I created is a bilingual political satire PSA targeting Hispanic communities across the country with the message that candidate John McCain is asleep on the job and it’s time for America to wake up and vote for change!”

He did this as a private citizen without being compensated for his time by anyone and without any support, financial or otherwise, from either party. Although the idea began as a non partisan message the end result, a 60 second video in English and Spanish, showing Republican Senator John McCain asleep in Congress seems to favor the Democratic candidates. Rivera Frankl and the project volunteers remained independent of the political parties and their representatives and have not shared the video with either camp or had any official contact with the presidential hopefuls or their representatives.

River Frankls found many helping hands in his two month journey including everyday  concerned citizens and celebrities. More than 30 people supported his project along the way, offering assistance with minor tasks, advice, probono services and just plain support. All the work was probono. He initially paid $100 in publishing fees, marked down for the usual $7,000 fee, but since that part of the video fell through due to delays obtaining copyright permissions his fee was reimbursed.

“We started out doing it as a real simple thing,” said Rivera Frankl, who invested two months and 300 hours of his time on a voluntary basis to the project. “Because I truly believe the Obama/Biden ticket is going to be better for the Hispanic population than McCain/Palin. It’s a spot targeting Hispanic voters and that will galvanize the Hispanic population to vote.”

Although the video was ready for distribution a week ago it took almost that long to secure the remaining permissions and it was only on Halloween Day that he and his colleagues were able to release it nationally. The initial release was through YouTube. He plans to introduce the PSA via Spanish-speaking news outlets first and hopes for an Internet viral campaign to carry the message to the English speaking market.

Volunteers include: Actor Esai Morales (La Bamba, NYPD Blue, Jericho), provided the voiceover; Patrick Perez, provided editing services; Lisa Blackwood Hope, vice president of Operations at Media City Sound, provided recording and mixing services; and Carolyn Caldera DeFanti, executive producer, provided support, guidance, and mentoring. In addition to launching the project Rivera Frankl, president and founder of Hobokenwest Digital Media, was responsible for writing, directing and serving as executive producer of the video.

Click on the play button to watch the English version of Wake Up!

Click on the play button to watch the Spanish version of Wake Up!

Listen to podcast interview with Manuel Delgado, chief executive officer of Agua Marketing about Hispanic holiday shopping patterns

Posted by Elena del Valle on November 3, 2008


Manuel Delgado, chief executive officer, Agua Marketing

Photo: Agua Marketing

A podcast interview with Manuel Delgado, chief executive officer, Agua Marketing is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, During the podcast, he discusses Hispanic holiday shopping patterns in light of Hispanic cultural elements and based on a national survey with Elena del Valle, host of the podcast.

After years as account planner at JWT Advertising in Venezuela, Manuel started his United States career in 1997, when he was recruited by Compaq in Houston to start the company’s Latin America Internet efforts. Under his leadership, Compaq became a pioneer in the Latin American Internet and was the first computer manufacturer to launch websites and start eCommerce efforts in the region.

After two years in Latin America, he was tapped to lead the deployment of worldwide eCommerce capabilities for Compaq. Manuel launched online stores and retail kiosks in Australia, France, the United Kingdom and Puerto Rico.

In 2003, Manuel founded Agua Marketing named to reflect the multicultural markets in the United States: ever changing and vital. Agua Marketing clients include Best Buy, Hewlett-Packard, Dixie and the Boy Scouts of America.

Manuel holds an MBA from Vanderbilt University and a BS in Industrial Engineering from the Universidad Catolica Andres Bello in Caracas, Venezuela. Manuel is a former board member of the American Marketing Association, the National Society of Hispanic MBAs and the Houston Interactive Marketing Association. He is also one of the founders of NewSpring, a business incubator for low income Hispanic entrepreneurs.

To listen to the interview, scroll down until you see “Podcast” on the right hand side, then select “HMPR Manuel Delgado,” click on the play button below or download the MP3 file to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save it to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the November 2008 section of the podcast archive.

Want to know more about this topic?

Target Latinos effectively by understanding how they shop 

“Hispanic Holiday Shopping Patterns” audio recording


Manuel Delgado, CEO Agua Marketing, gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about

  • Hispanic shopping patterns national survey
  • Why Latino consumers may be more desirable than general market shoppers
  • Hispanics holiday shopping patterns and behaviors

Click here for information on “Hispanic Holiday Shopping Patterns” audio recording