Posted by Elena del Valle on August 29, 2008

25 Lessons book cover
Photos: Lorenzo Dominguez
Lorenzo Dominguez, a photographer, recently published 25 Lessons (Blurb Publishing, $39.95), a 130-page book about his life illustrated with 500 photos, almost all in color. In this first book he traced his journey from a stifled suburban husband and father, through the breakdown of his marriage and his refuge in a little church in Manhattan.
For three months he swapped caretaker duties for accommodations, living simply and by himself at the church. The stay provided him an opportunity to examine his life. He took advantage of his time by photographing New York City at night. This brought to his mind some of life’s lessons which he shared in the book.

Lorenzo Dominguez, author, 25 Lessons
“I wholeheartedly attribute much of the verve, the passion and the extraordinary appreciation I have for life to my Latin heritage. With 25 Lessons, I’ve attempted to convey much of this both through my words and photography,” said Dominguez. “I can sum up my philosophy about my art, my work and how I live my life in general with a traditional Spanish toast I like to propose whenever I am out, enjoying the company of my friends, ‘Al amor, dinero, salud, y el tiempo para gozarlos todos.'”
In the book, Dominguez shares his secret to the art of living and the simple rules of photography. He meant for the book to be inspirational and poetic; and to spark readers’ creativity, and reawaken their passion for life.
Dominguez grew up in California until he was 24, coming into contact with many Mexican Americans. In 1992, he moved to New York City to attend graduate school. There he encountered a different kind of Latin culture through new friends and neighbors of Puerto Rican, Dominican, Colombian and Cuban background.
He is a director of marketing and communications at a Fortune 500 company in New York City. He is a resident of Manhattan’s Upper West Side.
Dominguez is a graduate of the World Arts and Culture program at the University of California at Los Angeles, and a graduate of the School of International and Public Affairs program at Columbia University. His photography has been featured in fotoMagazin, a German photo magazine, and in 275 blogs, websites, and print publications.
“Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement: measuring conversations and social media” audio recording

Presenter Katie Delahaye Paine, founder, KDPaine & Partners
Find out about
- Issues affecting online public relationships today
- Testing relationships as part of a survey
- Measuring ethnic group relationships
- Measuring foreign language communications in a similar ways to English
- Biggest challenges measuring conversations and social media
- Measuring online relationships with little or no money
Click here for information on “Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement”
Filed Under: Books
Posted by Elena del Valle on August 28, 2008
Information provided by our Event Partner

October 2 – 3, 2008
Fairmont Hotel
101 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, CA
Don’t miss What Teens Want – West and learn timely insights on upcoming teen trends and master the latest marketing tactics to reach teen consumers through social networking, mobile/digital technology, music, movies and sports.
Top 5 reasons to attend:
• Hear original, exclusive research from MTV Networks on Generation P
• Learn raw, uncensored teen trends from leading trend watcher Look-Look and discover then cyber celebrity generation
• Learn how to get invited into teens’ online creative spaces, get your brand into the video games teens are playing, and break through today’s wireless teen through mobile advertisements
• Hear creative, effective and authentic ways to reach multi-cultural teens
• Network with leading brand and agency experts who are successfully reaching teens
HispanicMPR subscribers who use Promo Code HPR750 save $350 off the full price
Posted by Elena del Valle on August 28, 2008

Daphne Leroy, vice president, Marketing and Communications, NAMIC
Photo: NAMIC
The National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications (NAMIC) has selected the winners of this year’s Excellence In Multi-Cultural Marketing Awards (EMMA). Forty-seven awards will be presented September 15, 2008 at a special session of the 22nd Annual NAMIC Conference, Diversity: Pipeline to Innovation in New York City.
The selection was made, from an undisclosed number of submissions, by 29 judges including representatives from MIO.TV, Telemundo, TV One, Latin2Latin, TBS, TCM & TNT, OlumpuSat, The Gilmore Group, OlumpuSat, Ibis Communications and TuTv.
First established as the NAMIC Excellence Awards in 1992 to recognize marketing and public affairs initiatives targeting multi-ethnic consumers, the competition was renamed Excellence in Multicultural Marketing Awards and expanded to include case studies in 2004.
“The buying power of ethnic consumers has greater impact year over year,” said Daphne Leroy, vice president, Marketing and Communications, NAMIC. “We are proud to raise awareness of the outstanding efforts put forth by the NAMIC EMMA winners to reach multi-ethnic communities, which are critical to the viability of our industry.”
There are two award categories: case studies/campaigns and marketing tactics. Entries in each category are judged within two divisions: companies/distributors and networks/industry suppliers. This year’s awards were sponsored by ESPN Deportes and presented in conjunction with CableFAX Daily, the competition’s exclusive media partner.
Cox Communications and Rogers Cable Communications each received three first-place wins to lead first-place honorees in the cable companies/distributors division. Comcast earned two first-place honors while Time Warner Cable finished first-place in a single category.
“Marketing to Hispanics Online” audio recording
Identifying and characterizing the booming Hispanic online market

Joel Bary, Alex Carvallo and Matias Perel
Find out about
• The 16 million Latino online users
• Latino online users by gender
• What they do online
• Their language preferences
• How to reach Hispanic urban youth online
• What affects their online behavior
• What influences their purchases
Click here for information about “Marketing to Hispanics Online”
TBS led all networks/industry suppliers with five first-place awards. TV One earned multiple honors, including two first-place wins. Networks earning a single first-place win include: International Networks and Si TV. Discovery Networks U.S. Hispanic Group took first place honors in the newly added “Diversity Awareness” category. Additional winners within the networks/industry suppliers group include: Ameredia, Inc., BET, Home Box Office, Inc., MTV, mun2, Showtime Networks Inc, iSorpresa!, TuTv, Univision Communications Inc., and VH1.
The competition is the work of NAMIC’s Multi-Cultural Marketing Committee, a consortium of industry multi-cultural marketing representatives. To be eligible, campaigns must be developed for the cable and telecommunications industry with the goal of targeting one or more cultural segments in the the African American, Asian and Hispanic markets.
Entries were evaluated on sound and innovative strategy, strength of creative execution against the strategy and evaluation of results. The competition deviates from the traditional “best of” competition method; instead each entry was judged against a standard of excellence and not against other entrants.
National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications (NAMIC ) is an organization dedicated to multi-ethnic diversity in the communications industry. Founded in 1980 as a non-profit trade association, NAMIC has 2,000 professionals in 17 chapters nationwide.
The organization has initiatives that focus on education, advocacy and empowerment, to champion equity and inclusion in the workforce, with special attention to ensuring that the leadership cadres of our nation’s communications industry giants reflect the multi-ethnic richness of the populations they serve.
Hispanic Marketing and Public Relations Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority book

“A must resource for practitioners/professionals expecting to reach US Hispanics; also valuable for college programs in marketing, public relations and communications. Highly recommended.”
Choice magazine
Click here for information on the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations books
Posted by Elena del Valle on August 27, 2008
Information provided by our Event Partner

The Intersection of Media, Entertainment, and Wall Street
October 14 – 15, 2008
Marriott Marquis – New York City
Hosted by The Nielsen Company and Dow Jones, Media and Money brings together the very best, most important and forward-thinking leaders in media, entertainment and finance. Media and Money provides an honest, executive-level examination of the evolving media and entertainment landscape, its challenges and its opportunities.
Confirmed Keynotes:
Philippe Dauman, President & CEO, Viacom
Mel Karmazin, Chief Executive Officer, SIRIUS XM Radio
John Riccitiello, Chief Executive Officer, Electronic Arts Inc.
Ivan Seidenberg, Chairman & CEO, Verizon Communications
Harvey Weinstein, Co-Chairman, The Weinstein Company
John Wren, President & CEO, Omnicom Group
HispanicMPR subscribers who use Promo Code MPR1795 save $500 off the full price
Posted by Elena del Valle on August 27, 2008

Mark Waller, senior vice president, Marketing and Sales, NFL
Photos: National Football League, ESPN
On Monday, September 15, the National Football League and ESPN will kick off Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15) with a special celebration surrounding the Philadelphia Eagles at Dallas Cowboys Monday Night Football game (8:30 p.m. ET, ESPN and ESPN Deportes). The organizers consider the game the signature event for the NFL’s Fútbol Americano initiative celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, as well as a signature event within ESPN’s month-long campaign and programming efforts on ESPN Deportes to recognize the accomplishments of Hispanics.
ESPN Deportes, the only Spanish-language network in the country to broadcast football in Spanish, has been celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month for five years. This is the third season that ESPN Deportes broadcasts NFL in Spanish.
According to the 2007 ESPN Deportes Hispanic Sports Poll, 64.4 percent of English dominant Hispanics are NFL fans and 34.3 percent called themselves avid NFL fans; 64.4 percent of respondents ranked NFL as English dominant Hispanics favorite sport to watch; among Spanish dominant Hispanics, 32.8 percent of respondents considered themselves NFL fans and 8.7 percent called themselves avid NFL fans.
Hispanic Marketing and Public Relations Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority book

“A must resource for practitioners/professionals expecting to reach US Hispanics; also valuable for college programs in marketing, public relations and communications. Highly recommended.”
Choice magazine
Click here for information on the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations books
The Monday Night Football game telecast on ESPN is scheduled to include special graphic integrations, vignettes and audio from the ESPN Deportes Spanish-language telecast featuring Emmy-nominated play-by-play commentator Álvaro Martín and former NFL kicker Raúl Allegre.
There will also be a customized version of the Hank Williams Jr. open, including some lyrics in Spanish, during the telecast. And, the Monday Night Countdown pre-game (7 p.m.) will highlight events with special features and coverage of the national anthem, performed by a Latino artist at Texas Stadium that evening.
“We’re excited to partner with ESPN to shine a national spotlight on Hispanic Heritage Month,” said Mark Waller, senior vice president, Marketing and Sales, NFL. “The Monday Night telecast will kick off festivities across the country to honor the NFL’s Hispanic players and fans.”
Make your ads resonate with Hispanics
Listen to C&R’s Research Director Liria Barbosa in
“Hispanics’ Perspective on Advertising” audio recording

Liria Barbosa gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about
• Type of ads Latinos prefer
• Latino top media choices
• Percent of Latinos who tried products because of ads
• Percent of Latinos who purchased products because of ads
• What makes an ad “Hispanic”
• If ad language is important for bicultural Latinos
• What to keep in mind when targeting bicultural Latinos with ads
Click here for information on Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising
ESPN Deportes, which airs Spanish-language television Monday Night Football games, plans to feature its entire broadcast team with Martín, Allegre and sideline reporter John Sutcliffe on site for the match-up between the Águilas and Vaqueros (the teams’ Spanish language names, which will appear on Texas Stadium scoreboards during the game).
ESPN Deportes plans to cover the anthem ceremony during the NFL Esta Noche pre-game show, as well as the halftime entertainment performance by Latin pop duo Prima J with cousins Jessica and Janelle Martinez.

John Wildhack, executive vice president, Program Acquisitions and Strategy, ESPN
“The MNF game telecasts on ESPN and ESPN Deportes, as well as surrounding coverage and promotional support across multiple ESPN platforms, will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and the passion that Hispanics have long had for the NFL,” said John Wildhack, executive vice president, Program Acquisitions and Strategy, ESPN.
The day of the game, the NFL, ESPN and the Cowboys will host a MNF Chalk Talk Luncheon for 150 invited guests at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse in Dallas. Alumni players from the Eagles and Cowboys have been invited to the event in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. Martín and Allegre will be part of the panel of NFL experts. One of the organizations to be recognized for its work in the Dallas community will be a local Hispanic non-profit organization.
In anticipation of the Eagles-Cowboys game, Fútbol Americano messaging will be integrated into ESPN’s MNF promotion across television, radio, online and print. The following week, ESPN plans promotional support in anticipation of Hispanic Heritage Celebration events in San Diego around the Jets-Chargers MNF game. During that period, the NFL will air new spots from its “We are fans!” television campaign in recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month. Also, promoters will run a print ad in USA Today Sports in the hope of driving tune-in to the MNF Hispanic Heritage Month game.
Hispanic Heritage Month activities in Dallas will begin Saturday, September 7, when Texas Stadium and the Cowboys host the 30th annual Fiestas Patrias, a free outdoor Hispanic Music Festival in Texas. ¡En Vivo!, the ESPN Deportes interactive traveling stadium, will be part of the celebration. Local community outreach events continue September 13, with an NFL Play 60 Youth Football Festival at Texas Stadium.
Find out which Latino markets are booming with
“The Next Step: Secondary Latino Markets” audio recording

Presenter Dora O. Tovar, MPA
Click here for information on Secondary Latino Markets
The festival will include NFL Flag clinics, as well as an NFL Flag exhibition game between Los Diablitos from Mexico City and a local Dallas NFL Flag team. Los Diablitos are the national champions of NFL Tochito, the NFL Flag football program in Mexico. They will be recognized at Texas Stadium on field at halftime at the Monday Night Football game.
ESPN’s month-long Hispanic Heritage Month celebration will kick off September 1 with an integrated campaign across various ESPN entities on television, radio, print and online. Titled “Hispanics on and off the Field,” the campaign is designed to highlight the contributions Hispanics have made in the world of sports. ESPN’s Hispanic Heritage Month schedule will feature two new programs and daily 30-second vignettes honoring Hispanic athletes.
Themed programming will include J.C. Chávez, a film about the feats of Julio César Chávez, a Hispanic boxer. Directed by Diego Luna of Y Tu Mamá También (2001), the film examines Mexico’s adoration of the iconic six-time world title champion and will air on television for the first time Saturday, September 27 at 10 p.m. ET on ESPN Deportes and ESPN Classic. In addition, dominoes, will also take center stage during Hispanic Heritage Month with the premiere of the VI World Domino Championship September 23-25 at 8 p.m.
Make your ads resonate with Hispanics
Listen to C&R’s Research Director Liria Barbosa in
“Hispanics’ Perspective on Advertising” audio recording

Liria Barbosa gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about
• Type of ads Latinos prefer
• Latino top media choices
• Percent of Latinos who tried products because of ads
• Percent of Latinos who purchased products because of ads
• What makes an ad “Hispanic”
• If ad language is important for bicultural Latinos
• What to keep in mind when targeting bicultural Latinos with ads
Click here for information on Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising
Posted by Elena del Valle on August 26, 2008
Information provided by our Event Partner

Marketing to Men 18-34
Evolution of the male consumer: leave stereotypes at the door
Edison Ballroom – New York City
October 21-22, 2008
Marketing To Men 18-34, hosted by Nielsen publications Adweek, Brandweek, Mediaweek, Billboard, and The Hollywood Reporter, defines the evolution of today’s male consumer – and is your best opportunity to discover how to best engage and connect with men who are already the target of many brands.
Top 5 reasons to attend
• Walk away with exclusive research on the state of men in 2008, and get on top of trends for 2009.
• Make the best, cost-effective media choices in a wildly segmented market.
• Invigorate your brand through entertainment and sports marketing partnerships.
• Get men to listen and respond to your multiplatform message.
• Network with leading brand and agency experts in a relaxed and fun environment.
HispanicMPR subscribers who use Promo Code HMPR499 save $400 off the full price
Posted by Elena del Valle on August 26, 2008

Karkú, a Chilean telenovela series, will air on ¡Sorpresa!
Photos: ¡Sorpresa!
As part of its back to school programming, ¡Sorpresa!, a United States Spanish language children’s network, began airing Karkú, a Chilean teen television telenovela series. Designed for tween and teen viewers the 30-minute long program will air nightly Monday through Thursday. The first episode aired August 25 at 9 p.m. ET.

Set in metropolitan Santiago, Chile, Karkú revolves around Emilia, a 13-year-old girl, and her five friends as they experience the trials and tribulations of growing up. According to promotional materials, the program is the first telenovela series for kids produced in Latin America.

Maria Badillo, senior vice president, Programming, ¡Sorpresa!
“Karkú offers our audience of Hispanic youth an in-culture, in-language experience that reflects the universal fears and excitement of transitioning from a child to a young adult,” said Maria Badillo, senior vice president of Programming for ¡Sorpresa!. “The tween and teen audience will identify with the challenges and successes of the characters, and parents will appreciate the show’s emphasis on the value of hard work to achieve goals.”
The premiere season of Karkú follows Emilia, Fernanda, Valentina, Zico, Alex and Martín, as they work together to earn money for their school’s year-end trip. The series was designed to represent the teenage world in Latin America including the children’s language, music, dreams and fears. Producers also hope to promote traditional values like diligence, teamwork and friendship.
¡Sorpresa!, a Juniper Content Corporation company, is a Hispanic children’s television network and digital community. ¡Sorpresa! is available on Comcast, Cablevision, Charter Communications, Cox Communications, Time Warner Cable, Verizon FiOS, participating National Cable TV Cooperative systems and in Puerto Rico on Liberty Cable Systems, Choice Cable and OneLink.
¡Sorpresa! content is also available through MobiTV, the provider of Spanish language video services to Alltel Wireless, AT&T and Sprint; Brightcove, the exclusive broadband video player to; and VOD providers Akimbo and AT&T Homezone.
Find out what multicultural kids across America think
Listen to Michele Valdovinos, SVP, Phoenix Multicultural in
“Marketing to Multicultural Kids” audio recording

Michele Valdovinos gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about multicultural children based on a Phoenix Multicultural and Nickelodeon study of 1,300 multicultural children in 16 United States markets.
Find out about
• The Phoenix Multicultural Kids Study
• Relationship between children and their context
• Issues relating to family, technology and media, diversity, buying power, relationships in household, self perception, values, acculturation, cultural heritage, frequency of media activity, income and spending, brand preferences, the American Dream
• How many billions of dollars buying power multicultural kids children have
• Children’s spending attitudes, habits by ethnicity
• How much money a year Hispanic kids have available to spend
• Types of products Hispanic kids buy
Click here for information on “Marketing to Multicultural Kids” audio recording
Posted by Elena del Valle on August 25, 2008

Sandra G. Susino, independent affiliate partner (former director of Business Development), Neighborhood America
Photo: Sandra G. Susino
A podcast interview with Sandra G. Susino, independent affiliate partner (former director of Business Development), Neighborhood America is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, During the podcast, she discusses business benefits of mobile marketing and online social networking with Elena del Valle, host of the podcast.
Prior to joining Neighborhood America, Sandra was director of Business Development for a company that was acquired by Microsoft. She was also a consultant and manager at IBM, as well as at Deloitte’s Media and Entertainment Group.
A former Fulbright scholar, Sandra earned an undergraduate degree from Princeton, a Masters in Computer Science from Stanford, and business certifications from Harvard. Sandra is originally from New York City.
Neighborhood America is technology provider of online enterprise social networking and mobile phone marketing solutions. Neighborhood America clients include Adidas, HGTV/Scripps Network, Kodak, ABC, FoxNews, and Nexxus.
To listen to the interview, scroll down until you see “Podcast” on the right hand side, then select “HMPR Sandra Susino,” click on the play button below or download the MP3 file to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save it to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the August 2008 section of the podcast archive.
Reach Hispanics online today with
“Marketing to Hispanics Online” audio recording
Identifying and characterizing the booming Hispanic online market

Joel Bary, Alex Carvallo and Matias Perel
Find out about
• The 16 million Latino online users
• Latino online users by gender
• What they do online
• Their language preferences
• How to reach Hispanic urban youth online
• What affects their online behavior
• What influences their purchases
Click here for information about “Marketing to Hispanics Online”
Posted by Elena del Valle on August 22, 2008

Treasure Hunt with the Munch Crunch Bunch cover
Melinda Hemmelgarn R.D., M.S. and Jan Wolterman believe nutrition education has best results when it features creative and interactive material that involves the parents and child. To promote healthy eating among children they became coauthors of a 32-page self published booklet that does just that. Already they have sold 23,000 copies of the booklet, published in 2006, and available in English and Spanish.
According to a recent research study the Munch Crunch Bunch food characters in their book were likely to influence children, ages 5 to 8, to make healthy food choices. Children in the first and second grades completed a questionnaire tracking their intake of food. Following that task they participated in a nutrition education activity using the Treasure Hunt with the Munch Crunch Bunch story/activity book.

Búsqueda del Tesoro con el Munch Bunch Crunch book cover
Each child also took a book home to share with their family and to use on subsequent trips to the grocery store, utilizing the foodles (food riddle cards) to track down fresh fruit and veggies. Three weeks later, they responded to a second food questionnaire.
The results indicated intake of fresh fruits and vegetables had risen 24 percent and 14 percent respectively and intake of soda pop, fast food, and sweet snacks dropped significantly. Study results were independently reviewed by Ohio’s Evaluation and Assessment Center for Mathematics & Science Education.
Find out what multicultural kids across America think
Listen to Michele Valdovinos, SVP, Phoenix Multicultural in
“Marketing to Multicultural Kids” audio recording

Michele Valdovinos gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about multicultural children based on a Phoenix Multicultural and Nickelodeon study of 1,300 multicultural children in 16 United States markets.
Find out about
• The Phoenix Multicultural Kids Study
• Relationship between children and their context
• Issues relating to family, technology and media, diversity, buying power, relationships in household, self perception, values, acculturation, cultural heritage, frequency of media activity, income and spending, brand preferences, the American Dream
• How many billions of dollars buying power multicultural kids children have
• Children’s spending attitudes, habits by ethnicity
• How much money a year Hispanic kids have available to spend
• Types of products Hispanic kids buy
Click here for information on “Marketing to Multicultural Kids” audio recording
“As a mother, I understand the power of getting kids involved in making good food, fun. The Munch Crunch Bunch can help change picky eaters into curious, hearty, healthy eaters,” said Hemmelgarn, who is a registered dietitian.

Jan Wolterman, coauthor, Treasure Hunt with the Munch Crunch Bunch
“Sad to say, things haven’t improved much over the years. In fact, they have gotten much worse. So I resurrected my Soup to Nuts food characters, renamed them the Munch Crunch Bunch and put them back to work educating, entertaining, and empowering children to junk the junk food and eat healthy. It’s a wonderful tool for parents and teachers to use with children ages 3 to 8,” said Wolterman.
The authors believe there is definitely a need for health and nutrition education material for Hispanic families with children. A Children’s Nutrition Research Center (CNRC) 2004 study at Baylor, Viva la Familia!, was designed to identify the reasons why so many Hispanic children develop serious weight problems.
Discover from a new mom market expert how to reach Latino moms by listening to
“Marketing to New Hispanic Moms – a case study” audio recording

Presenter Cynthia Nelson, COO, Todobebe
Find out about
• New Latina mom market
• Baby demographics including market size, profile
• New moms’ language preferences
• Latino baby market trends
• Factors influencing Hispanic baby market
• Location of new Hispanic moms’ market
• Issues affecting new Latino moms
• Todobebe strategies
Click for information on “Marketing to New Hispanic Moms – a case study”
“Obese children are more likely to suffer from additional health problems like insulin-resistant diabetes, high blood pressure, and orthopedic disorders,” said Nancy Butte, Ph.D., a Children’s Nutrition Research Center energy expert and associate professor of pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine.
Hemmelgarn, founder of Food Sleuth, LLC, collaborates with educators, health professionals, organizations, foundations, and Universities on projects to improve public health, especially those related to youth and media literacy. Her goal is to reconnect kids to Mother Earth by promoting gardening and to empower children to make healthy food choices via fun and innovative educational programs.
Wolterman is a nutrition and health advocate for children. A freelance creative writer, she created a Soup to Nuts Puppet Theatre over 25 years ago along with resource material to educate children about healthy eating.

Click here to buy Treasure Hunt with the Munch Crunch Bunch
Filed Under: Books
Posted by Elena del Valle on August 21, 2008

Latinos health care access and health care information access differs in some ways from the general population. Although many Latinos lack health care providers and have had limited access to health care information in the past year; more than eight in ten respondents to a recent telephone survey rely on media and other sources for health care information, according to a Pew Hispanic Center report released earlier this month.
Latinos rely heavily on the health care information they access through media sources and 79 percent of respondents said they act on this information. This indicates media and social networks are powerful resources to reach America’s Latino population.
Although many Latinos (71 percent) said they received information from a doctor in the past year, an equal proportion indicated their source of health information was social networks such as family, friends, church groups and community groups. And 83 percent said they obtained health information from the media, especially television.
Hispanic Marketing and Public Relations Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority book

“A must resource for practitioners/professionals expecting to reach US Hispanics; also valuable for college programs in marketing, public relations and communications. Highly recommended.”
Choice magazine
Click here for information on the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations books
The researchers concluded that Hispanic men, youth and the less educated were the least likely to have a regular health care provider. This is similar to the demographic pattern present among non Hispanic whites who also lack a health care provider. Spanish dominant, less acculturated Latinos who have been in the United States a short time or are foreign citizens are more likely to report a lack of health care access.
At the same time, many Latinos who responded to the survey saying they have no regular place they visit for medical care are high school graduates (50 percent), United States born (30 percent) and have health insurance (45 percent). Many indicated they don’t have a health care provider because they are rarely ill.
The report, based on a nationally representative bilingual telephone survey of 4,013 Hispanic adults, was conducted between July 16, 2007 and September 23, 2007. It was written by Gretchen Livingston, senior researcher, and Susan Minushkin, deputy director, of the Pew Hispanic Center, and D’Vera Cohn, senior writer, Pew Research Center. They also examined Latino knowledge of diabetes issues and conducted the report in conjunction with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
The Pew Hispanic Center, an initiative of the Pew Research Center, is a non-partisan, non-advocacy research organization based in Washington, D.C. The Pew Hispanic Center is funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts.
Target Latinos effectively by anticipating changes in the market with
“Hispanic Projections with 2007-08 update” audio recording

Presenter Roger Selbert, Ph.D.
Find out
- About Latino buying power growth in the future
- How Latino market growth compares with other markets in the U.S.
- What drives the rise of Latino economic clout
- Who should target the Latino market
- What is the size of the Hispanic affluent market
- If the luxury Latino market is growing
Stay ahead of your competition with “Hispanic Projections”