Posted by Elena del Valle on April 17, 2007
Luis J. Echarte, chairman, Azteca America
Photo: Azteca America
Los Angeles, California – In 2006, according to a Bigresearch study reported on eMarketer, 65 of adults and 74 of teens in the U.S went online while watching TV. Hoping to draw online and TV audiences, Azteca America and Terra Networks have joined to create a co-branded Internet site powered by and showcasing Azteca America content via online video. Through the new alliance the companies hope to reach Spanish dominant Latinos who go online while watching television.
The organizers plan to encourage audience interactivity in real time through polls, live chats, and community pages. Site access is via and
“This venture is the marriage of two leading players in Hispanic media, and we are excited about synergies going forward,” said Luis J. Echarte, chairman of Azteca America. “Aside from the proven portal management experience, clients have the best of both broadband and broadcast worlds to maximize their brands.”
Under the agreement, Terra Networks will be responsible for hosting and editing content with the collaboration of Azteca America. In addition to displaying TV Azteca’s extensive content, the site is supposed to feature exclusive U.S. Hispanic content including headline video reports from “Noticiero Azteca America,” Azteca’s daily news program.
The new website is expected to have special in-depth features and video clips from “Suegras,” a new Azteca America reality series. Promoters hope the show, coupled with visitor’s online interaction, will drive additional users to the portal. Online sales for the site will be handled by Terra Networks with coordination for television sales with Azteca America.
“Now is the ideal time to leverage the online TV multitasking space, with the majority of U.S. households on broadband,” said Fernando Rodriguez, chief executive officer of Terra Networks. “Terra Networks and Azteca America are delighted to step up to the challenge to create both a compelling user experience for our combined, tech savvy audiences and exciting interactive opportunities for advertisers, such as live chat sponsorships occurring during the TV shows.”
Azteca America is a wholly-owned subsidiary of TV Azteca S.A. de C.V, one of the largest producers of Spanish language television content in the U.S., the U.S. Hispanic arm of the Terra Networks group, provides a portal and services to Spanish speaking users.
Reach Hispanics online today with
“Marketing to Hispanics Online” audio recording
Identifying and characterizing the booming Hispanic online market

Joel Bary, Alex Carvallo and Matias Perel
Click here to purchase an audio recording with a presentation on marketing to Hispanics online by Joel Bary and interviews with Joel Bary, Alex Carvallo and Matias Perel
Posted by Elena del Valle on April 16, 2007
IQPC 2007 Multicultural Marketing Summit

April 16-18, 2007
Miami Beach, Florida
April 2007
Posted by Elena del Valle on April 16, 2007
Eric Weymueller, motion picture producer
Photo: Eric Weymueller
A podcast interview with Eric Weymueller, motion picture producer and chief executive officer, zyntroPICS, Inc., is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, During the podcast, he discusses cybernovela Alamo Heights SA with Elena del Valle, host of the podcast.
Eric’s prior affiliations include Warner Bros., Universal, National Lampoon, Alliance Atlantis, The WB Network, Regency Television. Additionally, he established emerging media and technology businesses in digital effects and streaming video. He boasts of extensive international co-production experience. More recently he has committed his efforts to original, ad supported, Internet television production and distribution.
Discover how to reach Latinos in language today with
“Hispanic Market Translation Issues” audio recording

Presenter Martha E. Galindo
Certified translator and translation company owner Martha E. Galindo explains why it’s important to reach your clients in language to convey your message effectively. She walks you through the ins and outs of translations issues, how to select a translator, what to expect, how to save on translation costs and much more.
Click here to purchase a downloadable or CD audio recording presentation and bonus discussion on Hispanic Market Translation Issues by Martha E. Galindo
To listen to the interview, scroll down until you see “Podcast” on the right hand side, then select “HMPR Eric Weymueller,” click on the play button below or download the MP3 file to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the April 2007 section of the podcast archive.
Click the button to hear the podcast:
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Reach Hispanics online today with
“Marketing to Hispanics Online” audio recording
Identifying and characterizing the booming Hispanic online market

Joel Bary, Alex Carvallo and Matias Perel
Click here to purchase a recording with a presentation on marketing to Hispanics online by Joel Bary and interviews with Joel Bary, Alex Carvallo and Matias Perel
Posted by Elena del Valle on April 13, 2007

The Puerto Rican Diaspora book cover
Photo: Temple University Press
In The Puerto Rican Diaspora: Historical Perspectives, published September 2005, nine contributors, including the book’s two editors, set out to dispel two common misperceptions about Puerto Ricans in the United States; that the majority of Puerto Ricans live in New York City, and that they are recent arrivals to the United States. The price of the book is $22.95.
The 306-page soft bound book, published by Temple University Press, was selected 2006 Outstanding Academic Title by Choice magazine, a division of the American Library Association. In the 10-chapter book, the authors share eight stories of settlement and community building, and focus on the economic, political, social effects of the Puerto Rican migration from 1900 to the present.
According to the authors, Puerto Ricans arrived in Hawaii in 1900. They also established communities in the eastern seaboard with noticeable communities in New York City and Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. Following World War II, large Puerto Rican communities were established in the Midwest and New England.
The book was edited by Carmen Teresa Whalen and Víctor Vázquez-Hernández. In addition to the editors, Linda C. Delgado, The College of Mt. St. Vincent; Ruth Glasser, University of Connecticut; Iris O. López, City College of New York; Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, Hunter College; Eugenio “Gene” Rivera; Maura Toro-Morn, Illinois State University; and Olga Jiménez de Wagenheim, Rutgers University, Newark contributed chapters to the book.
Whalen is associate professor of history at Williams College and author of From Puerto Rico to Philadelphia: Puerto Rican Workers and Postwar Economies (Temple, 2001). Vázquez-Hernández is an adjunct orofessor of history who teaches Latin American studies, American studies and U.S. history.
Click here to purchase The Puerto Rican Diaspora
Filed Under: Books
Posted by Elena del Valle on April 12, 2007
Miguel Gonzalez, vice president of Latino sales, Hy Cite
Photo: Hy Cite
Hy Cite Corporation, with the help of The San Jose Group as its Hispanic agency of record, recently launched a mid-seven figures 2007 campaign targeting Spanish dominant Latinos. It is the company’s first branding and marketing Spanish language television oriented campaign for the Royal Prestige® product line. The new 30 and 60-second ads began airing, in the first quarter of 2007, on Spanish-language networks Univision, Telemundo and Galavision.
According to a San Jose Group spokesperson, the primary target audience is Hispanic women heads of household between 18 and 49 years of age. The secondary target audience is Latino men heads of households, who marketers believe heavily influence final decisions on major purchases for the home.
A Royal Prestige starter kit, featuring a 10.5 inch skillet with cover, a 4-quart Dutch Oven with cover, an 8-inch skillet with cover and a 1.5-quart saucepan with cover costs about $1,400.
“These products are ‘the Mercedes’ of cookware,” said George L. San Jose, president and chief operating officer of the San Jose Group. “While Hy Cite has been successful at generating Hispanic sales over the years, our task will be to put a face on this brand to pre-sell the customer and make its sales force’s job even easier. We are connecting the brand and the consumer to their core purpose.”
The first execution, a 60 second spot, “Transitions,” departs from the traditional cooking demo, infomercial approach most commonly used in this category. Created with a “stylized, retro-chic” concept in mind, the spot places Royal Prestige® pots and pans center stage as glimmering props held by well coiffed women dancers who twirl and glide to a Latin beat. The commercial ends with the tagline “Cocina al Máximo” (Cook to the Max).
“We’re excited about how this marketing initiative will re-introduce our brand’s image to our consumer,” said Miguel Gonzalez, vice president of Latino sales for Hy Cite. “In the end, it will help our distributors do what they do best, which is sell.”
Hispanic customers account for 85 percent of Royal Prestige total retail sales of $260 million since 2003. At the same time, according to several online sources, numerous complaints have been filed against the company which has been sued by four states for misleading sales representations, deceptive and illegal business practices.
“Like many direct selling organizations that use independent distributors, we have faced some challenges with some of our distributors’ selling practices. However, we have taken steps to resolve this issue,” said Gonzalez. ”Last year, we became a member of the Better Business Bureau where we currently hold a satisfactory record, indicating that we have properly addressed these previous matters referred by the Bureau.”
Hy Cite, owner of the Royal Prestige® brand, is a direct marketer of cookware, kitchen items, dinnerware, fine china, juice makers, kitchen knives, and water filters. Royal Prestige® and its Health System™ cookware are touted for waterless and greaseless cooking. The San Jose Group is a consortium of marketing communications companies specializing in reaching the Hispanic and non-Hispanic markets in the U.S. and Latin America.
Reach Latinos consumers with electronic publicity tools with
“Electronic Publicity and Broadcast Public Relations” audio recording

David Henry presenter
Broadcast publicity expert David Henry shares insights drawn from years of experience to help you target Latinos effectively during this presentation and interview.
Find out how: to reach Latinos with electronic publicity; how many TV stations offer news programming in Spanish in the U.S.; which markets have the number one newscasts in Spanish; which markets offer bilingual news TV programming; and much more.
Click hereto purchase a downloadable or CD audio recording with a presentation on Electronic Publicity and Broadcast Public Relations by David Henry
Posted by Elena del Valle on April 11, 2007
Tom Rosenstiel, director, Project for Excellence in Journalism
Photo: Tom Rosenstiel
Washington, D.C. – According to “The State of the American News Media, 2007,” a new 160,000 word report on the state of journalism in America by the Project for Excellence in Journalism,(PEJ), Spanish language and other ethnic media are the only major media sectors with audience growth. The findings represent the group’s fourth annual edition.
Report contributors believe ethnic media is becoming more complex, in part because the number of foreign-language speakers has grown and spread across the country, creating new markets for ethnic outlets. Although the report points to 2006 as the first time a higher percentage of the U.S. Latino population resulted from births than from immigration; in relation to Hispanic audiences, the researchers focused on Spanish language media almost exclusively.
They theorize that predicting how U.S. born Latinos will interact with foreign-language press may be challenging, especially because they believe Spanish language and other ethnic media are less likely to have an online presence than mainstream press. At the same time, there were no salient references to English language media targeting Latinos.
“Trends that we have been tracking now for four years are reaching a pivot point,” said Tom Rosenstiel, director, Project for Excellence in Journalism. “Only one media sector, the ethnic press, is still growing, and every measurement for audience, even page views and visitors, is now being questioned. Things are now moving faster than companies can even recognize. Mainstream news media are adapting, in part, by focusing on specialties. In a sense, every outlet is becoming more of a niche player with reduced ambitions.”
One of the key findings of the study is that blogging is about to enter another phase likely to include scandal, profitability for some, and a “splintering into elites and non-elites over standards and ethics.” The researchers point out that popular bloggers are converting into businesses or being purchased by traditional media companies.
“The State of the American News Media, 2007,” is a 700-page comprehensive study of the state of U.S. journalism by PEJ, a project of the Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C. and funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts. According to promotional materials, the Project for Excellence in Journalism is a nonpartisan, non-political research group. The study was produced with the help of Rick Edmonds of the Poynter Institute, Andrew Tyndall of ADT Research and a number of industry “readers.”
The study includes detailed information on nine media sectors: newspapers, magazines, network television, cable news, local TV, the Internet (including blogs), radio, ethnic press and alternative media. For each sector, there is information on content analysis, audience, economics, ownership, newsroom investment, and public attitudes.
Discover how to reach Latinos in language today with
“Hispanic Market Translation Issues” audio recording

Presenter Martha E. Galindo
Certified translator and translation company owner Martha E. Galindo explains why it’s important to reach your clients in language to convey your message effectively. She walks you through the ins and outs of translations issues, how to select a translator, what to expect, how to save on translation costs and much more.
Click here to purchase a downloadable or CD audio recording presentation and bonus discussion on Hispanic Market Translation Issues by Martha E. Galindo
Posted by Elena del Valle on April 10, 2007

Ralph Herrera, president, Lanza Group
Photo: Lanza Group
Fiesta Atlanta, a Hispanic themed Cinco de Mayo celebration, is set to premier on Sunday, May 6, 2007 at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia. Organized in collaboration between Lanza Group LLC and Entertainment Design Group, Inc., the festival will run from 10 am through 7 pm and feature local and national musical acts performing on the park’s main stage as well as children’s entertainment.
Additionally, event planners expect to include an artist’s market and food from Latin American countries at the festival. They hope attendance reaches 25,000. Admission will be free. Event sponsors include Amtrak, Atlanta Aquarium, Anheuser Busch, Delta Airlines, Hyatt Hotels Atlanta, and Monster Energy, Mrs. Winner’s Chicken & Biscuits, and State Farm.
“Anheuser Busch realizes the importance of Atlanta’s and the region’s growing Hispanic community and is proud to embrace the Latino market by participating in a quality event like Fiesta Atlanta ’07. We expect Fiesta Atlanta ’07 to grow into the largest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the Southeast United States,” said Cassandra Clouser, manager, Field Media Services, Anheuser Busch.
“We are extremely happy to count upon the support of such a terrific organization with strong ties in the Hispanic community, as the Atlanta Silverbacks are. They are a great and valuable addition to Fiesta Atlanta and will add even more excitement to this day of music, food, fun, games and wholesome family entertainment,” said Ralph Herrera, president, Lanza Group, an Atlanta based, Hispanic market advertising and public relations firm.
Atlanta Silverbacks, Atlanta’s professional soccer team, will participate in Fiesta Atlanta. The Atlanta Silverbacks representatives will be present at the event all day and some of their star players will make appearances. The Silverbacks will sign autographs, take pictures with fans, and test the soccer skills of volunteers.
“Latino Family Dynamics” audio recording

Brenda Hurley and Liria Barbosa
Click here to purchase a downloadable or CD audio recording with extended information on Latino Family Dynamics by Brenda Hurley and Liria Barbosa
Posted by Elena del Valle on April 9, 2007

Singers Frankie Alvarado and Diana Mera
Photo: SGM Records
Singers Diana Mera and Frankie Alvarado recorded their first duet single which will be released in May 2007 as the promotional track of Mera’s second album. The song, “20 Pedacitos,” will also be included in Alvarado’s debut album when it’s recorded. Mera, who is also a songwriter, wrote the song in memory of a close friend who passed away. Alvarado recently joined the SGM Records label, the first La Academia USA singer to obtain a record deal.
“When Frankie got to the label, I already had the performer chosen for the duet of ‘20 Pedacitos’ but when I heard his voice, I stopped everything! I even postponed my recording dates to wait until he came back from Puerto Rico,” said Mera, who is a direct descendant of Juan León Mera, a writer and novelist. “I felt he was the angel that I needed for this song that I composed with Dany Tomas, who I respect immensely and who I thank for being an accomplice in my ideas and also for teaching me to fly confidently with my own style.”
“I think people will be able to identify with the song and they will apply their own experiences,” said Alvarado. “Recording with Diana Mera was good and fulfilling. We had a great time at the studio, we joked and everything but always focused on the job.”
According to promoters, “20 Pedacitos” finds it’s genre in pop rock. SGM Records produced the song with Tomas who is a producer and song writer.
Fan clubs for Mera and Alvarado opened in time for the release of the duet. The USA fan club for Mera,, opened the first week of April 2007. That same week, another fan club was established in Puerto Rico for Mera and Alvarado, SGM Records works closely with the fan club presidents. Judianny Ayala is president of Mera’s USA fan club and Betsy Santiago leads the Puerto Rico club.
To listen to a sample from the single duet “20 Pedacitos” with Frankie Alvarado and Diana Mera, click on the play button below.
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Discover how to reach Latinos in language today with
“Hispanic Market Translation Issues” audio recording

Presenter Martha E. Galindo
Certified translator and translation company owner Martha E. Galindo explains why it’s important to reach your clients in language to convey your message effectively. She walks you through the ins and outs of translations issues, how to select a translator, what to expect, how to save on translation costs and much more.
Click here to purchase a downloadable or CD audio recording presentation and bonus discussion on Hispanic Market Translation Issues by Martha E. Galindo
Posted by Elena del Valle on April 6, 2007
Mujeres Valerosas book cover
Photo: Hispanic Women’s Council
Mujeres Valerosas, a 142-page documentary book published by the Hispanic Women’s Council, showcases the accomplishments of 79 contemporary Latina women leaders in New Mexico. All of the women in the book were nominated by their peers. Except for the book committee who selected the final nominations for publication, there were no judges.
The book was partially funded by major grants from the Center for Regional Studies, University of New Mexico and the New Mexico Women’s Foundation. The book, which includes 83 black and white photographs and a soft cover color illustration by Simone Debbas, costs $25.
Through essays, photos and short biographies, the women share life lessons and practical approaches to personal and professional success in Mujeres Valerosas. The idea behind the book was to highlight the many accomplishments and successes of the women who “improve the quality of life of others” by serving their community, growing a business or working to institute public policies. Their creativity and tenacity in overcoming obstacles and their ability to summon the strength and courage to move beyond setbacks are described as inspirational to readers.
The Hispanic Women’s Council is a non-profit organization founded in 1988 to promote, support and create opportunities for Hispanic women. The organization is based in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Hear from market researchers about the Latino family in
“Latino Family Dynamics” audio recording

Brenda Hurley and Liria Barbosa
Click here to purchase a downloadable or CD audio recording with extended information on Latino Family Dynamics by Brenda Hurley and Liria Barbosa
Filed Under: Books
Posted by Elena del Valle on April 5, 2007

Rick Najera, head of Current Programming and Development, LATV
Photo: LATV
Los Angeles, California – LATV hired Rick Najera to develop new shows and genres and build on the success of existing programs. He will be head of Current Programming and Development. Under Najera’s direction, LATV’s lineup will feature live real-time programs airing at 7 p.m. ET or 4p.m. PT. The programs are expected to feature interactive segments with the audience in-studio and at home via telephone, email, Internet chat and text.
“After seeing Rick’s theatrical release of ‘Latinologues,’ my first thought was that he would be a great fit for LATV. Not only does he have great insight into U.S. culture, but Rick is talented in many areas of our business,” said Danny Crowe, president and founder, LATV. “Rick has worked successfully at the highest levels of the English- and Spanish-language creative worlds; and, as an established writer, director, producer, and actor, he is well equipped to guide our staff through LATV’s national launch as well as drive the future growth and success of the network.”
“It’s exciting to be working with such a great group of young professionals,” said Najera. “LATV was the first channel to offer bilingual, bicultural television and set the bar for this genre. What impressed me about LATV is that even though until now they could only be seen in Southern California, they have already created a national brand. They have produced entertaining television with young Latinos behind and in front of the camera. With LATV’s national launch, we hope to inspire as well as to entertain. LATV will continue to be a true alternative to general programming.”
Najera, an award-winning writer and producer, has been honored twice by Hispanic Magazine as one of the “100 Most Influential Latinos in America.” A writer on groundbreaking television comedies such as “MAD TV” and In “Living Color,” he is the writer, director, producer and creator of his own comedy, “Latinologues.”
This compilation of comedic and poignant monologues most recently ran for 16 weeks on Broadway. According to promotional materials it is the first Latino written, created, directed, produced comedy with an all-starring Latino cast in the history of Broadway.
Najera has received two consecutive Writers Guild of America Award nominations for Outstanding Achievement and Best Writing in a Comedy/Sketch Series for his writing for “MAD TV” and an Imagen Award for “Latinologues” for Best Live Theatrical Performance.
LATV’s national rollout will begin in April 2007 with Post-Newsweek station affiliates in Houston (KPRC), Miami (WPLG), Orlando (WKMG) and San Antonio (KSAT). LATV will be multicast on these stations’ digital spectrum as a standard-definition channel. LATV will also be carried on basic cable through its affiliates and be carried in Los Angeles, California on KJLA via cable, broadcast and satellite.
Reach Latinos consumers with electronic publicity tools with
“Electronic Publicity and Broadcast Public Relations” audio recording

David Henry presenter
Broadcast publicity expert David Henry shares insights drawn from years of experience to help you target Latinos effectively during this presentation and interview.
Find out how: to reach Latinos with electronic publicity; how many TV stations offer news programming in Spanish in the U.S.; which markets have the number one newscasts in Spanish; which markets offer bilingual news TV programming; and much more.
Click hereto purchase a downloadable or CD audio recording with a presentation on Electronic Publicity and Broadcast Public Relations by David Henry