Friday, August 23, 2024

American writer releases new title

Posted by Elena del Valle on July 30, 2020

The Body A Guide for Occupants

The Body A Guide for Occupants

Photo: Doubleday

In The Body A Guide for Occupants (Doubleday, $30) Bill Bryson, an American writer (born in Des Moines, Iowa) living in England, explores the human body. The 450-page hardcover book was published in 2019. Using some lesser known and unexpected tidbits he entertains readers with a curious and light exploration of some aspects of the human body, dispensing with gory descriptions. Often his discussion includes history and historic figures or quotes from authors, researchers and academics.

For example, in the chapter on Nerves and Pain he quotes Patrick Wall as a leading British neuroscientist and author of Pain: The Science of Suffering; and Oliver Sacks, who in a book on migraines described almost one hundred types of migraines. In The Outside: Skin and Hair chapter he quotes Peter Stark in Last Breath: Cautionary Tales from the Limits of Human Endurance, saying that a man who weighs 155 pounds has about 42 quarts of water in his body; and he will lose one and a half quarts of water a day via urination, sweat and respiration.

The hardcover book is divided into 23 chapters: How to Build a Human; The Outside: Skin and Hair; Microbial You; The Brain; The Head; Down the Hatch: The Mouth and Throat; The Heart and Blood; The Chemistry Department; In the Dissecting Room: The Skeleton; On the Move: Bipedalism and Exercise; Equilibrium; The Immune System; Deep Breath: The Lungs and Breathing; Food, Glorious Food; The Guts; Sleep; Into the Nether Regions; In the Beginning: Conception and Birth; Nerves and Pain; When Things Go Wrong: Diseases; When Things Go Very Wrong: Cancer; Medicine Good and Bad; and The End.

Bryson is author of 19 other books, including A Walk in the Woods, The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, and A Short History of Nearly Everything. He was chancellor of Durham University, England’s third oldest university, from 2005 to 2011, and is an honorary fellow of Britain’s Royal Society.

According to his FaceBook page he met his wife in England, where they settled; he wrote for The Times and The Independent before moving back to the United States with his wife and four children. He and his family moved back to England in 2003.

The Body A Guide for Occupants

Click to buy The Body: A Guide for Occupants

Thank you for your purchase

Posted by Elena del Valle on July 27, 2020

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Podcast with Zuhair Haleem, Ph.D. student, University of Florida about 2020 University of Florida DEET study

Posted by Elena del Valle on July 20, 2020

Zuhair Haleem, Ph.D. student, University of Florida

Zuhair Haleem, Ph.D. student, University of Florida

A podcast interview with Zuhair Haleem, Ph.D. student, University of Florida, is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing and Public Relations, During the podcast, he discusses a 2020 University of Florida DEET study with Elena del Valle, host of the podcast.

Zuhair works in the Department of Health Services Research, Management & Policy in the College of Public Health at the University of Florida. Zuhair holds a master’s degree in health administration from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). Prior to joining the University of Florida he spent two years as a process improvement specialist for the Inova Health System in the DC suburbs of Virginia. Zuhair has also worked for VCU Health’s Office of Health Innovation as well as the Virginia Health Care Foundation, two Richmond based organizations that support Virginia’s health care safety net through population health management strategies. Zuhair’s research interests are in the areas of health policy and health economics, specifically addressing disparities in health outcomes.

To listen to the interview, scroll down until you see “Podcast” on the right hand side, then select “HMPR Zuhair Haleem” and click on the play button below or download the MP3 file to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home from the RSS feed. Some software will not allow flash, which may be necessary for the play button and podcast player. If that is your case, you will need to download the file to play it. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save it to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the July 2020 section of the podcast archive.

Podcast with Author Susan J. Douglas about In Our Prime, her new book

Posted by Elena del Valle on July 6, 2020

Susan J. Douglas, author, In Our Prime

Susan J. Douglas, author, In Our Prime

Photo: H. Nash

A podcast interview with Author Susan J. Douglas is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing and Public Relations, We will discuss her new book In Our Prime: How Older Women are Reinventing the Road Ahead (W.W. Norton and Company, $25.95).

Susan is the Catherine Neafie Kellogg Professor and Arthur F. Thurnau professor of Communication and Media at The University of Michigan. In Our Prime was recommended as an “Editors’ Choice/Staff Picks” by The New York Times and hailed by the Associated Press as a “masterful takedown of gendered ageism.” She is author of Celebrity: A History of Fame, The Rise of Enlightened Sexism: How Pop Culture Took us from Girl Power to Girls Gone Wild; The Mommy Myth: The Idealization of Motherhood and How it Undermines Women with Meredith Michaels; Listening In: Radio and the American Imagination, which won the Hacker Prize in 2000 for the best popular book about technology and culture; Where The Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media; and Inventing American Broadcasting, 1899-1922.

To listen to the interview, scroll down and click on the play button below or locate the “Podcast” section on the right hand side, then choose “HMPR Susan J. Douglas” or download the MP3 file to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home from the RSS feed. Some software will not allow flash, which may be necessary for the podcast player. If that is your case, you will need to download the file to play it. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save it to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the July 2020 section of the podcast archive.

Click to buy In Our Prime

Podcast Marleny Gomez, realtor, HomeSmart shares her thoughts about real estate in Arizona post pandemic

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 22, 2020

Marleny Gomez, realtor, HomeSmart
Marleny Gomez, realtor, HomeSmart

Photo: HomeSmart Elite Group

A podcast interview with Marleny Gomez, realtor, HomeSmart, during which she shares her thoughts about real estate in Arizona post pandemic is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing and Public Relations,

According to her bio Marleny, a United States Marine Corps veteran, is on a mission to help families build and grow their wealth through home ownership. She has a background in organizational communication, leadership, project management and strategic planning. She is membership director for the Arizona Women’s Council of Realtors and membership director of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals for the Greater Phoenix area.

She received the 2020 Top 40 under 40 in the West and South East Realtors of the Valley Award, 2020 Top 100 Latino Realtors in the West award from the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals, and is among the top 5 percent in HomeSmart realtors nationwide in 2020. Marleny is a servant leader who shares her knowledge by volunteering her time and leading as the local vice president of the board of WeServ West Valley, the local real estate association.

To listen to the interview, scroll down and click on the play button below or locate the “Podcast” section on the right hand side, then choose “HMPR Marleny Gomez” or download the MP3 file to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home from the RSS feed. Some software will not allow flash, which may be necessary for the podcast player. If that is your case, you will need to download the file to play it. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save it to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the June 2020 section of the podcast archive.

Becoming 21st Century Leaders: Women in Beekeeping & Agriculture

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 18, 2020

Information provided by Event Partner

Becoming 21st Century Leaders: Women in Beekeeping & Agriculture
Oct. 24-25, 2020, Walsh University, 2020 E. Maple St., N. Canton, OH

A conference for our time: on-site and virtual online

LEAD for Pollinators is excited to present a national conference Becoming 21st Century Leaders: Women in Beekeeping and Agriculture.  This event will be held at Walsh University, 2020 E. Maple St., N. Canton, OH 44721, October 24-25, 2020. 

The conference will offer three educational tracts: Leadership, Business, and Safety for Women (in the bee yard and in the board room), featuring a total of 32 different topics.  Speakers are trained, experienced, licensed experts in law, accounting, biology, volunteer administration, education, leadership, and more.  Speakers will provide you with the “how to” you need to start your business, provide insightful “lessons learned” from real-world experience in management, and offer skills and strategies for personal safety in and around the bee yard and the board room. To learn more about the speakers go to

This event serves unique needs in beekeeping and agriculture.  Planning for all contingencies in an uncertain world, we are expanding the attendance option to include “virtual on-line attendance” for registered attendees. Our conference will be produced by professional conference videographers and IT specialists experienced in virtual events. 

Our featured speaker at the opening day lunch will be Denise O’Brien, founding Director of the Women, Food and Agricultural Network.  Denise has farmed in southwest Iowa for 37 years with her husband Larry Harris, and operated a CSA farm called Rolling Acres that includes three acres of fruits and vegetables and six acres of apples. She also raises organic chickens and turkeys.  In addition to farming, she has been involved with community volunteering and policy work in the agricultural sector. Denise lobbied with the Iowa Farm Unity Coalition, directed the Rural Women’s Leadership Development Project of Prairie Fire Rural Action, Inc. and was president of the National Family Farm Coalition.  Denise has served on numerous advisory boards with the Community Food Security Coalition, the Farm to School Council, and the Iowa Women’s Foundation to name a few. She was a W.F. Kellogg Food and Society Policy Fellow from 2001-2003. From 2011 to 2012, Denise was a USDA advisor in Jalalabad, Afghanistan.

For her depth of work and outreach, Denise has received the 2005 Practical Farmers of Iowa Sustainable Agriculture Award, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Iowa Farmer’s Union and the Athena Award from the Atlantic, Iowa Chamber of Commerce. In 2000 Denise was inducted into Iowa’s Women’s Hall of Fame.

Becoming 21st Century Leaders: Women in Beekeeping & Agriculture, Oct. 24-25, 2020, will bring together (on-site and virtually online) a hive of experienced, diverse, purposeful individuals to expand the opportunities for women (and men) as keepers of the ecosystem to support the health and sustainability of honey bees, native pollinators, and beekeeping. Learn more about our scheduled speakers on our website under “Becoming 21st Century Leaders,” ( )

Save the dates and plan to attend.  Registration opens August 1st.   For more information, visit our website at, or email

Innovative Medicines and Vaccines to Fight COVID-19

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 17, 2020

Between Scientific Challenge and Reputational Impact
Will the value of innovation be recognized?
By Javier Marin
Senior director
Healthcare Americas

Javier Marin, senior director, Healthcare Americas, LLYC

Javier Marin, senior director, Healthcare Americas, LLYC

Photo: LLYC

SARS-CoV-2, or COVID-19, was first detected in mid-December 2019. The virus had already spread by the time its source had been discovered because, unlike other viruses (such as SARS-CoV-1), this one can remain hidden for a long time. However, after five months of this health and economic crisis, there are now signs of hope for curing and vaccinating the population thanks to the swift efforts of dozens of scientists around the world. Every day, they are getting closer to finding a medicine that promises to end this deadly virus. Scientists in China, Germany and the United States are leading the research in the race to develop therapies and vaccines. Click to read the entire Innovative Medicines and Vaccines to Fight COVID-19

Podcast with Engelina Jaspers, author, Marketing Flexology about the need for marketing agility

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 8, 2020

Engelina Jaspers, author, Marketing Flexology

Engelina Jaspers, author, Marketing Flexology

Photo: Curtis Myers

A podcast interview with Engelina Jaspers, author, Marketing Flexology (Flex Pro Media, $26), about the need for marketing agility is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing and Public Relations,

Over a rewarding 30-year corporate career, Engelina experienced revolving-door CEOs, business course-corrections and lots of reinventions. After leading multiple company wide transformations, she learned what separates the career winners from the career losers during change and transformation. She shares what she’s learned through customized workshops, presentations, consulting engagements and her book.

To listen to the interview, scroll down and click on the play button below or locate the “Podcast” section on the right hand side, then choose “HMPR Engelina Jaspers” or download the MP3 file to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home from the RSS feed. Some software will not allow flash, which may be necessary for the podcast player. If that is your case, you will need to download the file to play it. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save it to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the June 2020 section of the podcast archive.

Click to buy Marketing Flexology

With video – Chilean film among LALIFF 2020 features

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 3, 2020

Ella Es Cristina Poster

This Is Cristina (Ella Es Cristina) poster

Photo: Figa Films

One of the feature films in this year’s 19th Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival (LALIFF), part of the Festival’s Official Selection, was This is Cristina (Ella Es Cristina). The 82-minute Chilean film from Mar Humano and Primate Lab, in Spanish with English subtitles, was directed by Gonzalo Maza and distributed by Figa Films. Scroll down to watch a trailer.

Salma Hayek was executive producer along with José Tamez and Siobhan Flynn. The film received support from the Fondo de Fomento Audiovisual. The 2018 film, starring Mariana Derderian, Paloma Salas, Roberto Farias, Daniella Castillo, Nestor Cantillana, Alejandro Goic and Claudia Celedon, tells the story of two women in their thirties, Cristina and Susana, who have been best friends since high school. As their lives change their friendship suffers and is tested. There is a surprise ending. The film should be available at festivals and online beginning in September.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic this year’s Los Angeles based Festival, established in 1997, included seven feature films and 23 short films from 12 countries. The festival took place May 5 to 31, 2020. The countries represented were Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Peru, Spain, United States and Uruguay.

Other features included Paper Children and The Last Rafter. Shorts included: 1, 2, 3, All Eyes On Me Accents; Acuitzeramo; Ailin on the Moon; Baby; Blanes and St. Muller; Borrachero; Flesh; Flowers Within; Lady Justice; María; Miguel; Muy Gay Too Mexicano; Napo; Ode to the Beans; Rizo; Say You Will; Status Pending; The Undocumented Lawyer; and Wilderness.

An organization spokesperson declined to identify the names of the individuals responsible for selecting films for inclusion in this year’s festival. Funding, she said, is from “sponsors, donors and grants.” As of this writing the only contact information available on the event website is via a contact form. No street address or phone number are listed.

According to a press release for the festival “LALIFF is presented by the Latino Film Institute (LFI), a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with the mission to showcase, strengthen, and celebrate the richness of Latino lives through the audio-visual event. According to the LALIFF About Us page, “The Latino Film Institute (LFI) showcases, strengthens, and celebrates the richness of Latino lives by providing a pipeline, platform, and launching pad from our community into the entertainment industry.” It describes LALIFF as “dedicated to showcasing the entirety of human experience from the Latino perspective, whether through film, television, digital, music, art, or any other vehicle, regardless of platform.”

Podcast with Randy Pherson, author, How to Get the Right Diagnosis, on the questions to ask your doctor

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 18, 2020

Randy Pherson, author, How to Get the Right Diagnosis
Randy Pherson, author, How to Get the Right Diagnosis

Photo: Randy Pherson

A podcast interview with Randy Pherson, author, How to Get the Right Diagnosis, about the questions to ask your doctor if you don’t want to die is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing and Public Relations,

Randy is chief executive officer of Globalytica, LLC; president, Pherson Associates, LLC; and a founding director of the non-profit Forum Foundation for Analytic Excellence. He teaches advanced analytic techniques and critical thinking skills to analysts in most of the 17 United States Intelligence Community agencies, in ten of the Fortune 100 companies, and in the United Kingdom, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Romania, Australia, Saudi Arabia, and Hong Kong.

He has authored, co-authored, or edited eleven books. He is best known for two books analysts encounter in their training: Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis and Critical Thinking for Strategic Intelligence.

Randy was a career Central Intelligence Agency of the United States (CIA) intelligence analyst and manager, last serving as National Intelligence Officer (NIO) for Latin America. He is a recipient of the 2000 Distinguished Intelligence Medal for his service as NIO and the CIA’s Distinguished Career Intelligence Medal also in 2000.

To listen to the interview, scroll down and click on the play button below or locate the “Podcast” section on the right hand side, then choose “HMPR Randy Pherson” or download the MP3 file to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home from the RSS feed. Some software will not allow flash, which may be necessary for the podcast player. If that is your case, you will need to download the file to play it. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save it to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the May 2020 section of the podcast archive.