Posted by Elena del Valle on October 19, 2005
The Census revealed Hispanics are the largest minority in the U.S. In Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95), the first book to address marketing and public relations as a means to reach Latino audiences, 19 Hispanic market experts tell you what to do about it. Several of those experts will attend the PRSA 2005 International Conference, October 22-25 at the Fontainebleau Resort in Miami Beach. Book editor and contributing author Elena del Valle and Heidi Eusebio, David Henry and Federico Subervi, Ph.D., also contributing authors, will be presenters at the Multicultural Communications Section Master Class Session “Changing the Face of Public Relations: Latino Media Issues including Electronic Publicity and Media Training” Monday October 24 at 8:30 a.m.
They will also participate in a book signing hosted by PRSA and Hispanic PR Wire from 5:30 to 6:30 pm during the Exhibit Hall Reception Sunday, October 23, 2005. Book copies will be available for purchase at the PRSA bookstore near the registration booth for the duration of the conference. Book authors will gather at the Hispanic PR Wire booth for the book signing. Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations benefits the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association, a national 100 percent volunteer driven professional association.
Confirmed authors

Elena del Valle, editor, project director and contributing author
Principal, LNA World Communications

Heidi Eusebio, contributing co-author
Vice president Diversity Solutions, Edelman

David Henry, contributing author
President and founder, TeleNoticias

Federico Subervi, Ph.D., contributing co-author
Professor School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Texas State University-San Marcos

Christine Clavijo-Kish, contributing co-author
CEO LatinClips
Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts and benefits HMCA. Information on the book, including a list of authors and newsletter sign up instructions, is available at .
Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book. Cover design was by Cris Ascunce of CAT Grafix, Inc. Topics include a U.S. Hispanic market outline, acculturation issues, reaching Hispanics online, reaching Hispanics in-language, demographic projections, perceptions, public relations, Hispanic media, electronic publicity and media training, special events and qualitative and quantitative research considerations. Authors include a veritable who’s who of U.S. Hispanic marketing. Research guru Carlos Santiago, president of the California based Santiago Solutions Group, wrote the foreword.
Posted by Elena del Valle on October 17, 2005

Michele Valdovinos, contributing author Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations
Michele Valdovinos, co-author of the chapter titled "A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market" in Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, is attending the SRI 12th Annual Ethni & Multicultural Marketing Summit taking place in the Wyndham Northwest Chicago in Itasca, Illinois this week, October 17-19. Book readers and anyone interested in learning more about the project and her chapter are invited to contact Michele during the Conference events or by leaving a comment on their bio pages on this website.
Posted by Elena del Valle on October 17, 2005

Federico Subervi, Ph.D., contributing author of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations
Texas State University has included the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority book in its upcoming Communications Week events next week. Federico Subervi, Ph.D., co-author of the chapters on "Latino Identity and Situational Latinidad" and "Latino Media: A Cultural Connection" and Elena del Valle, project director, book editor and author of the chapter on "Cultural Understanding Key to Effective Media Training" will participate on a panel Thursday morning, October 20, 2005 entitled “Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority.” Presentation details are available at the University website

Elena del Valle, Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations editor, contributing author
Posted by Elena del Valle on September 27, 2005

Presenter Michele Valdovinos
Yesterday’s book related teleconference hosted by HMCA and PRSA with the support of Cultural Access Group, was a great success. Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations contributing authors Jonathan Ashton and Michel Valdovinos provided an interesting and factfilled outline of the state of the U.S. Hispanic market to a national audience of marketers and communicators.
The presentation entitled "A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market" was based on their title, the first chapter in Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations. It began at 2 p.m. EST and lasted one and a half hours. Project organizer and book editor Elena del Valle moderated the teleconference which included an online PowerPoint presentation and was also available in a PDF format for those who didn’t have simultaneous online access.
Presenter Jonathan Ashton
Due to the number of questions, the presenters held an an extended Q & A session at the conclusion of the teleconference. Audience members submitted questions in person by calling the conference center and by email through the conference website.

Project director and teleconference moderator Elena del Valle
Filed Under: Book
Posted by Elena del Valle on September 13, 2005
Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations Book Flyer

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 28, 2005
Pre-publication copies of the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95) book are available for purchase directly from the publisher. Media mail shipping is complimentary.
Click here to buy it now!
Filed Under: Book
Posted by Elena del Valle on February 28, 2005

Cover design by Cris Ascunce Catgraphix
Click here to buy it now!
Are You Getting Your Share of U.S.Hispanic Markets?
Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, a soon to be published book for marketing professionals andstudents
Latino market experts including:
- Derene Allen, Senior Vice President, Santiago Solutions Group
- Jonathan R. Ashton, vice president, Quantitative Research, Cultural Access Group
- Deborah Charnes Vallejo, managing director, Bromley/Manning Selvage & Lee
Christine Clavijo-Kish, partner, LatinClips Inc.
Elena del Valle, principal, LNA World Communications
Hidekel Eusebio, vice president, Diversity Solutions Group Edelman
Madalyn Friedman, associate consultant, Santiago Solutions Group
Miguel Gomez Winebrenner, senior analyst and Hispanic marketing specialist, C&R Research
David Henry, president, TeleNoticias
- Richard Israel, vice president, Hispanic Marketing Solutions comScore Media Metrix
- Tony Malaghan, chief executive officer, Arial International
- Cynthia Nelson Chief Operations Officer TodoBebé™, Inc.
- Dalia Paratore Salazar, partner, LatinClips Inc.
- Diana Rios, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Communication Sciences, University of Connecticut
- Claudia Santa Cruz, president, Santa Cruz Communications Inc.
- Roger Selbert, Ph.D., principal, The Growth Strategies Group
- Federico Subervi, Ph.D., director, Latinos and Media Project
- Dora Tovar, M.P.A., president and managing parter, The Tovar Manriquez Group
- Michele Valdovinos, research director, Cultural Access Group
Foreword by Carlos Santiago, President & CEO Santiago Solutions Group
- Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association
- Hispanic PR Wire
- National Multicultural Professional Interest Section, Public Relations Society of America
- Portada
- Ralph McElroy Translation Company
- St. Thomas Univesity Department of Business Administration
- Valassis
- Walters Media Group Inc./Carmen’s Cupones y Consejos
Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations: Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority.
To receive prepublication information and special offers sign up by email at
Be among the first to own a copy. Order directly from the publisher and receive complimentary media mail shipping in the U.S.
Click here to buy it now!
Filed Under: Book