Posted by Elena del Valle on June 9, 2005
Miami, FL (April 6, 2005) – A new Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations Weblog for marketing professionals and students was launched recently. Centered on the upcoming Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book due out later this year, the weblog includes author biographies, Hispanic marketing and public relations news and serves as a forum for authors and visitors to post comments and share insights. The new book provides more than 350 pages of information, case studies, charts, tables, graphs, market data and opinions based on the knowledge of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts. Proceeds will benefit the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association, HMCA. Information on the book, including a list of authors and a pre-publication sign up sheet is available at the HMCA website and on the new weblog .
Seventeen practitioners and two university academics contributed chapters to the book. Topics include a U.S. Hispanic market outline, acculturation issues, reaching Hispanics online, reaching Hispanics in-language, demographic projections, perceptions, public relations, Hispanic media, electronic publicity and media training, special events and qualitative and quantitative research considerations. Research guru Carlos Santiago, president and CEO of the California based Santiago Solutions Group, wrote the book’s foreword. Authors include a veritable who’s who of U.S. Hispanic marketing.
“The Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book is a fabulous resource for anyone wishing to capitalize on this emerging and profitable market,” said book editor and project director, Elena del Valle. “It presents a detailed snapshot of U.S. Hispanics today including practical information and insights drawn from the authors’ more than 200 years of combined experience.”
The Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA) is a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence. Hispanic market information, complimentary copies of the HMCA e-newsletter and invites to HMCA events, are available on the Association’s website
Posted by Elena del Valle on June 9, 2005

Bridging the Diversity Divide in Advertising
Business Leaders Convene in New York at the First National EXPO of Ethnic Media
How do businesses reach America’s exploding ethnic and minority markets?
On June 9 in New York, New California Media, the Independent Press Association and Columbia Graduate School of Journalism are hosting The First National Expo of Ethnic Media to explore strategies for communication between business, government, community organizations and the ethnic media that represent more than 50 million ethnic Americans.
Attendees at the Expo networking lunch will meet leaders from around the country, showcasing their most successful marketing campaigns, and will choose from workshops and roundtables to discuss the role of ethnic media in advertising, journalism, community building, and political campaigns.
The newest edition of the NCM National Directory of Ethnic Media, the most comprehensive database of ethnic media in the country, will be released, along with the results of the first national multilingual poll documenting the reach and impact of ethnic media. Ethnic media reach 50 million Americans, or one in four American adults, according to the poll, which surveyed 1895 Hispanics, Asian Americans, African Americans, Native Americans and Arab Americans in 10 languages.
Ethnic media leaders and practitioners will convene with advertisers and business leaders to strategize on strengthening old and building new collaborations. Featured speakers include leaders from McDonald’s, Pfizer, Comcast, Boeing, NBC/Telemundo, Bank of America, Ford Motor Company and American Association of Advertising Agencies.
Special guest presenters include New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, renowned Hispanic pollster Sergio Bendixen of Bendixen & Associates, Lionel Sosa, founder of Sosa, Bromley, Aguilar & Associates (now Bromley Communications), the largest Hispanic-advertising agency in the U.S., Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times reporter Judith Miller, who faces jail time for refusing to reveal her sources, and Leonard Rodriguez, former Associate Director to the Office of Political Affairs in the White House. For more information about the First National EXPO of Ethnic Media on June 9, 2005 at Columbia University, go to or call toll free 1(877)NCM-EXPO. To access the poll, go to
Posted by Elena del Valle on June 9, 2005
Women Owned/ Managed Agencies Lead the Way Achieving Diversity
New York, NY, June 9. 2005 — A 2004-2005 study of Black and Hispanic public relations (PR) practitioners in the United States reveals significant dissatisfaction with the PR profession’s commitment to diversity, perceived pervasive discrimination, and widespread concern that multicultural practitioners are relegated to a slow professional track. The findings also indicate that women-owned / managed firms have a significantly greater commitment to and success in retaining multicultural practitioners, compared to their male counterparts.
The on-line survey was conducted in October 2004 and January 2005 by Lynn Appelbaum, APR, associate professor, chair, Department of Media & Communication Arts at The City College of New York, and Rochelle Ford, Ph.D., APR, assistant professor, Advertising and PR Sequence Coordinator, Howard University. RF Binder Partners was the underwriter.
“This is a wake-up call for the PR industry to take significant steps to address diversity,” said professor Appelbaum. “While we have begun to talk about how to diversify our workforce, industry professionals and HR staffs must take action if we are going to effect meaningful change. The industry may want to look to women-owned firms for leadership in this important area.”
“This study gives a snapshot of practitioner perceptions and experiences, and while the news is not all bad, organizations need to work to alleviate the double standards and racism practitioners feel they face in order to attract and retain talent,” said Dr. Ford.
Job Satisfaction
Survey results indicate that job satisfaction among Black and Latino professionals is lower than job satisfaction among the general PR practitioner population, with only 45.8% of the respondents feeling satisfied or very satisfied with their jobs, all things considered. Additionally, Hispanic practitioners experience significantly lower levels of job satisfaction than Blacks.
Work-Related Racism
Respondents consistently report that they have experienced incidences of racism in their careers – 54% experienced subtle discrimination by current or past employers and 40% experienced overt discrimination. The most common problem (reported by 62%) was having to be more qualified for positions than Caucasian American counterparts. Additionally, 60% feel multicultural practitioners are put on slow moving career tracks, and 56% feel that multicultural practitioners are frequently relegated to menial tasks.
Nearly half of all respondents reported that they are treated unfairly in the workplace. In 9 of the 18 racism measures, Hispanic practitioners reported significantly higher levels than Black respondents.
Workplace Integration
Despite these negative experiences, multicultural practitioners feel that they are integrated in the workplace and do not see themselves as being relegated to only multicultural clients. Two thirds note that their projects receive a lot of attention outside their organizations, 72 % interact professionally outside their ethnic group, and 58% interact socially with Caucasian Americans.
Importantly, nearly two thirds agree or strongly agree that they have been mentored by one or more PR practitioners, who made a difference in their success; nearly 84% had at least one white male mentor and 87% had at least one white female mentor.
Recommended Action Steps
Multicultural practitioners identified several strategies for professional organizations and employers to take to improve the industry’s diversity initiatives: provide diversity and management training for staff and managers, actively recruit at universities with high minority enrollment and at conferences and job fairs that target minorities.
Survey respondents identified three major areas for PR associations to play in promoting diversity: create a campaign geared toward recruiting multicultural practitioners getting the message out earlier to youth; offer development opportunities to diversity professionals; and assist businesses with recruiting competitive diverse candidates.
Survey Design
The survey was designed to provide feedback on multicultural PR practitioners’ experience in the workplace, assess discrimination issues and the PR industry’s diversity initiatives, and identify strengths and weaknesses of membership in race-neutral professional organizations, such as the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), compared to racially-based membership groups, such as the Black Public Relations Society (BPRS) or the Hispanic Public Relations Society (HPRS). The survey also sought ideas from multicultural practitioners to help the industry chart a plan of action to improve diversity within the PR industry.
The sample includes members of multicultural PR organizations: National Black Public Relations Society and its New York, Washington, DC, Chicago and Atlanta chapters; Hispanic Marketing Communication Association Miami Chapter; and PRSA’s multicultural communication section members. Recipients were invited to forward the survey to non-member multicultural practitioners. Findings are based on 132 completed surveys, about a 10% response.
The press conference is a major initiative of the Diversity Committee of the Public Relations Society of America- New York Chapter (PRSA-NY). The committee’s co-chairs are Lester Davis, Executive Director of Marketing at CommCore Strategies, Inc and Lilly Loh, Director of Business Development & Marketing at Hill & Knowlton. Complete survey findings and analysis can be obtained at the City College of New York web site:, or
Posted by Elena del Valle on June 8, 2005

Median Annual Earnings Over Time (Constant 2002 Dollars)
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2004; estimates from HispanTelligence(R)
Santa Barbara, CA–(HISPANIC PR WIRE)–June 7, 2005–Hispanic women are a rapidly growing segment of the U.S. population, with especially large representation in younger age groups. By 2050, Hispanics are forecasted to comprise nearly one quarter of U.S. women, according to the HispanTelligence(R) research report “Hispanic Women in Profile 2005” released today by Hispanic Business Inc.
The data-rich report also reveals that native-born Hispanic women have higher educational attainment and average earnings than do foreign-born Hispanics, thereby narrowing the differences between Hispanics and national averages. While only 2.9 percent of Hispanic women have advanced degrees, the ones that do have higher average annual earnings ($58,623) than all women with advanced degrees ($50,756).
“From 1979 to 2002, Hispanic women gained a 10 percent increase in real earnings, increasing median annual earnings from $18,720 to $20,592. The wage gap, the difference in earnings between men and women, is smaller among Hispanics than whites. Hispanic women earn 88 percent of Hispanic men’s earnings, while white women earn only 78 percent of white men’s earnings,” stated the author of the study, Andrea Lehman, HispanTelligence(R) Business Economist.
Another interesting finding described in the report is that the number of firms owned by Hispanic women has increased by 63.9 percent between 1997 and 2004. The number has passed the half million mark with 553,618 Hispanic women-owned businesses in 2004.
What do these key findings mean for the future of Hispanic women? Hispanic women will have an increasing impact on the face of the U.S. economy that cannot be ignored – especially in entrepreneurial and small-business ventures.
The HispanTelligence(R) “Hispanic Women in Profile 2005” report also provides: Demographic data on education, population, and other comparative trends; comparison of native-born and foreign-born Hispanic women; description of Hispanic women by area of origin; labor force participation of Hispanic women with children; breakdown of employment by industry; minority women-owned firms; and concentrations by industry of Hispanic women-owned businesses. Details at Hispanic Business
Filed Under: Media
Posted by Elena del Valle on June 7, 2005

June 2005 Issue of Hispanic Business Presents the Top 500 Hispanic-Owned Companies
SANTA BARBARA, CA — (MARKET WIRE) — 06/07/2005 Hispanic Business reports that as a whole, the 500 largest Hispanic-owned companies report strong growth in 2004, but a handful of firms account for nearly all the new revenues. While the 500 have cumulative revenues of $30.26 billion, the top 100 companies account for more than three fourths of that total, and the percentage has grown every year since 2000. The rich really are getting richer.
While congratulating the "winners" in this tough economy, Hispanic Business Magazine’s editor and publisher, Jesús Chavarría, says that looking at the list from the bottom up gives cause for concern. "When Hispanic Business started the 500 directory 21 years ago, the idea was to measure growth. Over time, you would expect the whole list to grow — large companies, mid-size companies, and small companies. And it worked that way, until a few years ago," explains Chavarría. "But in the last few years, the largest companies have grown at full gallop while the smallest companies have stagnated."
About Hispanic Business Inc.
Now celebrating a quarter century as an award-winning publishing and information services company, Hispanic Business Inc. is the nation’s leading source of information for and about Hispanic professionals and entrepreneurs. Hispanic Business magazine is the company’s flagship publication, and other products and educational services include: SúperOnda magazine,, and Hispanic Business Events including EOY (Entrepreneur of the Year) Awards Gala, Hispanic Business BOE (Board of Economists) U.S. Hispanic Economic Summit, and WOY (Woman of the Year).
Filed Under: Media
Posted by Elena del Valle on June 6, 2005
According to TNS Media Intelligence, Hispanic ad spending increased from $865 million in the final quarter of 2004 to $915 million for the first quarter of this year (based on the TNS Media Intelligence Stradegy2 multimedia ad expenditure database across all TNSMI measured media), representing a 5.8 percent increase for the first quarter of 2005.
Overall ad spending for the same period only increased 4.4 percent to $33.5 billion. This makes the overall ad spending increase in the first quarter of 2005 the smallest period of growth since the 4.3 rise in quarterly ad spending at the end of 2003 according to TNS Media Intelligence.
Posted by Elena del Valle on June 6, 2005
New titles will be published under the company’s Atria division and will focus on English language adult titles written by Hispanics initially. Topics planned include fiction, non-fiction, Christian and evangelical works, self-help and practical how-to guides. Atria is apparently discussing a ling of books in collaboration with Telemundo.
Filed Under: Books
Posted by Elena del Valle on June 3, 2005’s users can now create video playlists, rate and share videos with friends, search and browse a library of thousands of videos all without interrupting their streaming video experience
Coral Gables, FL–(HISPANIC PR WIRE – BUSINESS WIRE)–May 26, 2005–Planeta Networks, aprovider of Hispanic Broadband content, announced today the launch of PlanetaTV 3.0., the newest version of its flagship portal, including an innovative programmable streaming video player that allows users to seamlessly create playlists of their favorite videos, rate videos, share their videos with friends via e-mail as well as browse and search a library of over 3,000 videos available on demand.
The new version of offers innovative ways for marketers to deliver their messages to the fast-growing U.S. Hispanic audience by synchronizing the delivery of pre-roll Broadband Video Ads with other ad units embedded in the video player to maximize exposure and click through rates. Consumers can try out new features at, including: Create video playlists, rate videos, share videos with friends, search and browse a library of thousands of videos
About is one of the fastest growing portals targetting US Hispanics streaming millions of news and entertainment videos every month, on 20 exclusive video channels including live video and more than 100 radio stations. PlanetaTV offers the latest videos from the hottest Latin artist, interviews, a sneak peak on new movies, behind the scenes, and more from the music, movie and television industries. PlanetaTV gives access to breaking news from Latin Americas local and international providers highlighting the Hispanic market, all in video and in Spanish.’s content partners include MVS, CNI, Telefe, Clarin, Globovision, MeridianoTV, Union Radio, Europa Press, Associated Press, ECUAVISA, Show Business, Colombian Fashion, and Live365. It has distribution partnerships with Comcast, Road Runner, and Cablevision Systems.
About Planeta Networks, Inc.
From its head office in Coral Gables, FL, Planeta Networks provides managed services for the deployment of Broadband applications and digital media, working with Hispanic content owners and network service providers to deliver robust interactive content products to users. Planeta Networks currently operates more than 30 broadband portals in 10 countries, including, the first Spanish Multimedia site that offers its users the best video and audio content produced by the major content providers in Latin America, USA, and Spain, developed upon the technological platforms Digital Media Platform and Polaris, which allows the creation, distribution and commercialization of multimedia content on the Internet.
Filed Under: Media
Posted by Elena del Valle on June 2, 2005

6th Annual Latin Alternative Music Conference (LAMC) New York City August 3 – 6, 2005
Live performances by GRAMMY nominated artists including a homecoming by electro-rock act Kinky, winners of the first LAMC Battle of the Bands contest; Colombia’s famed Aterciopelados; quadruple GRAMMY nominee Natalia Lafourcade, and Monterrey Mexico’s dynamic duo, Plastilina Mosh.
Additional performers include punk/emo band Coheed and Cambria, headed by frontman Claudio Sanchez; platinum selling techno-pop trio Moenia; Spain’s newest singer/songwriter sensation, Bebe; Venezuelan party boys, Los Amigos Invisibles; Miami teen rocker JD Natasha; Flamenco-rock fusion act Martires del Compas; Spanish electro-pop songstress Ana Laan; Argentine rockers Catupechu Machu; debuting music from their highly anticipated forthcoming album, Tijuana’s critically acclaimed Nortec Collective; and some of Latin Hip Hop’s best wordsmiths for the event’s first ever Lyrical Hip Hop Slam Night.
Past conferences have averaged more than 1,000 music industry attendees and 20,000 concert fans each year. This four-day conference providing networking opportunities with the genre’s leading artists, label executives, journalists, marketers, managers, retailers and programmers, is among the most extensive available.