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Entrepreneurs share Twitter insights in updated book

Posted by Elena del Valle on November 6, 2015

Twitter Power 3.0

Twitter Power 3.0

Photo: Wiley

Joel Comm and Dave Taylor believe Twitter is a powerful business tool, that viral content doesn’t happen by accident, and that videos and photos are necessary to engage effectively with customers on the social media site. In the updated edition of their book, Twitter Power 3.0: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time (Wiley, $20) published this year they discuss measurement, case studies and their strategies to connect on Twitter, among other Twitter related topics.

They are convinced that the power of Twitter is the possibility of immediate feedback and its broad reach. At the end of the book, they share a short list of people they follow on Twitter and recommend to readers.

“Not really,” Taylor said by email when asked if there were any unexpected findings for the new edition. “Twitter is a pretty straightforward system and while things like sponsored hashtags are relatively new, the basic idea of engagement remains the same as it was from the early days both of Twitter and social media in general. If you use it to broadcast, it’s not interesting or successful.”

The 272-page softcover book is divided into 12 chapters that address social media in general, Twitter’s popularity, first steps as well as setup and design, finding followers, communicating with customers and teams on Twitter, brand building on Twitter, using Twitter to influence the behavior of followers, making money on Twitter, and third party tools.

Twitter is definitely trying to find its way, but Joel and I are confident that the future is bright: It’s a simple, popular service with a realtime aspect that’s unlike any other popular social media service and widespread adoption in the media. We’ll all get to see how that plays out!” Taylor said in reply to a question about the future of Twitter given recent news of staff layoffs and profitability uncertainty.

Comm, a serial entrepreneur, is the author of ten other books, including The AdSense, a New York Times bestselling title. He didn’t reply to email questions. Taylor has launched four internet startups, written 22 books and is the host

Twitter Power 3.0

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Toronto technical writer shares Twitter tips in new book

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 18, 2009

Twitter Tips, Tricks and Tweets book cover

Twitter Tips, Tricks and Tweets book cover

In Twitter Tips, Tricks and Tweets (Wiley, $19.99) Toronto resident Paul McFedries shares step by step insights on Twitter. He wrote the book for beginners and those who have been Twitter fans and want to expand their knowledge. The book is filled with photos of the website and related media illustrating the author’s text and instructions. He starts out with very basic information to introduce first time users to Twitter, the growing and increasingly popular social media website.

From there he progresses, explaining how to add a picture, theme and background image to an account; send account updates; manage the 140-character limit and use non standard characters; follow Twitter etiquette; make updates private; use hashtags; find and follow people; retweet; understand and use Twitter’s mobile phone feature; find information on Twitter; use Twitter Scan, Twitterfall, TweetGrid, Monitter and others; share your Twitter presence and updates on other websites; use TweetDeck, twhirl, and Twitter websites like iTweet, Tweetree, and Tweetvisor; use Twitter gadgets and widgets; use tools to extend Twitter by shortening URLs, sharing photos, videos and music; post to multiple social networks; follow Twitter trends; and get your Twitter account ranking.

The 249-page paperback book is divided into nine chapters: How Do I Get Started with Twitter? What Can I Do to Customize My Twitter Profile? How Do I Send Twitter Updates? How Do I Follow Other Twitter Users? Can I Use Twitter on My Mobile Phone? How Do I Find Stuff in Twitter? Where Can I Display My Twitter Feed?  How Can I Take Twitter to the Next Level? and What Tools Can I Use to Extend Twitter?

McFedries, who wrote his first computer book in 1991, has 60 titles to his name and combined sales of more than three million books. He owns Word Spy, a website about words and phrases.

Click here to buy Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets