Saturday, March 22, 2025

Listen to podcast interview with Author Janet Fouts about social media business issues

Posted by Elena del Valle on March 8, 2010

Author Janet Fouts

Photo: Janet Fouts

A podcast interview with Janet Fouts, author, Social Media Success (see California coach discusses social media basics) is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, During the podcast, Janet discusses social media issues based on her recently published book with Elena del Valle, host of the podcast.

Janet, a seasoned entrepreneur, social media coach, author and speaker, co-founded Tatu Digital Media in 1996. She has been active in on-line community and web strategy for over 15 years. Her blog is

To listen to the interview, scroll down until you see “Podcast” on the right hand side, then select “HMPR Janet Fouts ” click on the play button below or download the MP3 file to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save it to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the March 2010 section of the podcast archive.

Click here to buy Social Media Success

California coach discusses social media basics

Posted by Elena del Valle on February 26, 2010

Social Media Success e-book cover

Photos: Janet Fouts

Janet Fouts, an educator, speaker and social media coach at Tatu Digital Media, dedicated time over six months to write her first non fiction e-book, Social Media Success (Happy About, $14.95). Her intention was to answer many questions from clients and blogs and share suggestions on how readers can take advantage of social media for their business needs. The 145-page e-book, also available as a 162-page print book ($19.95), outlines the basics of online social media issues. It includes a Foreword by Aaron Strout, chief marketing officer, Powered Inc.

“I wrote this book to pull together answers to the questions from my clients and on the blogs all in one place. I wanted to write a book that goes beyond telling people how they need to use social media and give them real actionable information they can use in their business,” said Fouts when asked why she wrote the book.

The e-book is divided into 23 chapters that discuss social media concepts, videos, blogging, etiquette, groups, nonprofits, measurement and some of the better known sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, FriendFeed, and LinkedIn. Some of the chapters such as Flickr, Measurement and Efficiency Matters are short, (one or two pages in length), while others like Set Some Rules have a more conventional length.

Author Janet Fouts

One of the nuggets of wisdom is in Strout’s words: “… social media is a slow waltz, not a frenetic boogie and it takes time for it to work.” While social media may offer a forum to accomplish amazing things, as Fouts says in the Introduction, it seems that to be successful and reap the benefits of social media outreach users must be diligent and patient. She drives home the point that social media is about developing relationships, having real conversations and establishing trust.

For social beings social media may be an ideal environment to connect with friends, followers and even customers. Through the vast networks of users social media can help an individual, organization or company promote products or services to people the initial user may have never even met. Fouts admiration for the tools is evident when she says: “It can open your eyes to the richness of human relationships and even find you a mate.”

As a senior partner at her company Fouts has worked with the online community for 13 years and with small businesses to develop their online presence. She dedicates some of her time to helping individuals and corporations understand how to use social media tools effectively and conducting in-house workshops and virtual training sessions on social media tools and strategy.

Click here to buy Social Media Success!
