Posted by Elena del Valle on May 31, 2007

Boca Raton, FL –, an online forum and podcast for the exchange of information and ideas on Hispanic marketing and public relations, released a new downloadable audio recording, “Emotional Branding” by Jay Gronlund and Mario Quiñones. The downloadable recording sells for $109.95 and features an interview with and presentation by Latino market experts Gronlund and Quiñones. For a limited time the recording is available on a complimentary basis for those who complete the Visitor Survey. Details on the recording are available online at
Gronlund, vice president and managing director, Latin Pulse USA, is a marketing professional with over 30 years of senior management experience in large multinationals and international consulting. Mario Quiñones, president and founder, Latin Pulse, is responsible for the operations of Latin Pulse since July 2000. The company has operations in Mexico, Central America, South America and the U.S Hispanic market.
“Emotional Branding” is the latest addition to the Resources Section launched in 2006. Other presentations by experts and leaders in the field are: “Hispanic Market Overview,” “The Next Step: Secondary Latino Markets,” “Latino Media and Hispanic Media Training,” “Marketing to Hispanics Online,” “Search Engine Marketing to Hispanics,” “Latino Family Dynamics,” “Hispanic Projections,” “Electronic Publicity and Broadcast Media,” and “Hispanic Market Translation Issues.”
Experts include: Joel Bary, CEO and board member,; Liria Barbosa, senior research analyst, C & R Research; Alex Carvallo, U.S. Hispanic media manager for Consumer Marketing, Intel Americas; Elena del Valle, MBA, principal, LNA World Communications; Martha E. Galindo, president and CEO of Galindo Publicidad Inc.; David Henry, president and founder of TeleNoticias; Brenda Hurley, vice president, C & R Research; Matias Perel, founder and president, Latin3; Roger Selbert, Ph.D., principal, The Growth Strategies Group; Federico Subervi, Ph.D., professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Texas State University-San Marcos; Dora O. Tovar, MPA, president, Tovar Public Relations; Michele Valdovinos, vice president of Research and Marketing, Phoenix Cultural Access Group.
Started as a companion website for the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95), provides a forum for readers and authors of the book, website subscribers and visitors to connect, discover the latest Hispanic daily market news and updates and listen to expert downloadable presentations and weekly podcast interviews. Visitors may sign up for daily email updates, search the website for Hispanic market information; and listen to podcasts on the podcast announcement page, the website’s audio player or download them for convenient listening on their MP3 or iPod players.
The Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book was a 2006 Choice Outstanding Academic Title, the first title in its category to be selected for the prestigious recognition. The book provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts. Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book, which benefits the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA), is a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence. More information is available online at
Elena del Valle
Editors: JPG photos available
Posted by Elena del Valle on February 2, 2007

Boca Raton, FL – Choice selected The Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority book (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95) a 2006 Outstanding Academic Title. This makes Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations the first ever Hispanic marketing title selected for the exclusive list. The 640 outstanding works were selected for their excellence in scholarship and presentation, the significance of their contribution to the field, and their value as important – often, as in this case, the first – treatment of their subject. The Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book was (one less than 3 percent) of more than 25,000 titles submitted to Choice in 2006. Outstanding Academic Titles are the “best of the best.”
Choice reviews about 7,000 titles a year. From those, the editorial staff select the best titles for a once a year list of outstanding works. The 2006 list of Outstanding Academic Titles was announced in January 2007. Choice is a publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association.
Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations is useful for anyone targeting U.S. Hispanics, including marketing professionals and students. The book, provides 435 pages of information, graphics, (including 93 tables and figures), case studies, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts, and benefits the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association, HMCA. Information on the book, including authors biographies is available at the book’s companion website, .
Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations. Cris Ascunce of CAT Grafix, Inc. designed the cover. Topics include a U.S. Hispanic market outline, acculturation issues, Hispanic online usage, reaching Hispanics in-language, demographic projections, perceptions, qualitative and quantitative research considerations, public relations, special events, Hispanic media, electronic publicity and media training. Authors include a veritable who’s who of U.S. Hispanic marketing. Research guru Carlos Santiago, president of the California based Santiago Solutions Group, wrote the foreword.
“It’s really exciting to see experts from across the country collaborate to provide this information which is invaluable for practitioners and students alike,“ said Elena del Valle, book editor. “The book provides information that would cost readers hundreds if not thousands of dollars in research and consulting fees for a very affordable price while promoting Hispanic marketing excellence.”
Elena del Valle
(305) 270-6309
Posted by Elena del Valle on January 16, 2007

Editors: JPG photos available
Boca Raton, FL — January 16, 2007 –, an online forum and podcast for the exchange of information and ideas on Hispanic marketing and public relations, released two new downloadable audio recordings, “Electronic Publicity and Broadcast Media” by David Henry and “Hispanic Market Translation Issues” by Martha E. Galindo. The downloadable recordings feature presentations by Latino market researchers and experts. The recordings are available in downloadable MP3 and CD formats, and are priced at $109.95 for the downloadable MP3 files and $129.95 on CD. Details on the recording are available online at
Henry is president and founder of TeleNoticias, a broadcast public relations company that targets the U.S. Hispanic market. He has nearly 15 years of experience providing broadcast strategy and counsel to a diverse client base. Henry holds a Bachelor of Science in journalism from the University of Maryland. Galindo, president and CEO of Galindo Publicidad Inc., is a native of Mexico with more than 20 years of experience. She holds a Masters in Communications from Michigan State University and has experience in marketing communications, organizational development and international customer service with companies in the United States, Mexico, Argentina and Chile.
“Electronic Publicity and Broadcast Media” and “Hispanic Market Translation Issues” are the latest additions to the Resources Section launched in 2006. Other presentations by experts and leaders in the field are: present “Hispanic Market Overview,” “The Next Step: Secondary Latino Markets,” “Latino Media and Hispanic Media Training,” “Marketing to Hispanics Online,” “Search Engine Marketing to Hispanics,” “Latino Family Dynamics,” and “Hispanic Projections.” Experts include: Joel Bary, CEO and board member,; Liria Barbosa, senior research analyst, C & R Research; Alex Carvallo, U.S. Hispanic media manager for Consumer Marketing, Intel Americas; Elena del Valle, MBA, principal, LNA World Communications; Brenda Hurley, vice president, C & R Research; Matias Perel, founder and president, Latin3; Roger Selbert, Ph.D., principal, The Growth Strategies Group; Federico Subervi, Ph.D., professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Texas State University-San Marcos; Dora O. Tovar, MPA, president, Tovar Public Relations; and Michele Valdovinos, vice president of Research and Marketing, Phoenix Cultural Access Group.
Started as a weblog for the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95), provides a forum for readers and authors of the book, website subscribers and visitors to connect, discover the latest Hispanic market news and updates and listen to expert interviews and presentations in an audio podcast. Visitors may sign up for daily email updates, search the website for Hispanic market information; and listen to podcasts on the podcast announcement page, the website’s audio player or download them for convenient listening on their MP3 or iPod players.
The Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts. Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book, which benefits the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA), is a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence. More information is available online at
Elena del Valle
Posted by Elena del Valle on June 13, 2006

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Editors: JPG photos available
Long Beach, CA and Boca Raton, FL June 13, 2006 — An instrumental version of Diana Mera’s song “Bésame” from the “Dianamera” album will be the new theme music for audio recordings starting this month., the first website and podcast on Hispanic marketing and public relations, serves as a forum for the exchange of information and ideas.
The first podcast featuring the new theme music is an interview with Martin Castro, president and CEO, Mexican American Opportunity Foundation, one of the nation’s largest nonprofit organizations serving Hispanics, which aired Monday, June 12th.
“SGM Records is delighted to work with to have Diana’s music featured in their podcasts and presentations reaching thousands of marketing experts, advertising executives, and communicators targeting Latinos across the country,” said Soledad Herrada, production director and chief executive officer, SGM Records.
Diana Mera, the singer and song writer of the song, wrote “Bésame” during the summer of 2002 in Phoenix, Arizona, where she found inspiration to write the songs of her first album. Bésame’s music video has aired on MTV/VHUNO, Televisa, Ritmoson Latino, and Univision.
“Bésame means a lot to me and it feels amazing that it is taking me to do and be part of great projects like being the theme song of the Podcast of,” said Diana Mera.
“We’re thrilled to collaborate with SGM Records and incorporate the upbeat and distinctive music from Besame, Diana Mera’s beautiful song, into the recording series including our podcasts and presentations,” said Elena del Valle, MBA, editor of “Diana’s young and enthusiastic music is a perfect fit for our new online medium and downloadable files.”
The podcast and Resources Section presentations provide listeners essential first hand information from leading Hispanic market experts on how to reach America’s largest minority with marketing and public relations tools.
SGM Records, a record label and production company, conducts digital video production specializing in music videos, TV commercials and public service announcements. It manages and promotes Mera’s career. SGM Records is a young enterprise owned and operated by Hispanic women. For more information online, visit and
Emilio Zuleta
Elena del Valle
Posted by Elena del Valle on June 13, 2006

Editores: Fotografía disponible en JPG
Long Beach, CA y Boca Raton, FL – 13 de junio, 2006 — Una versión instrumental de la canción “Bésame” de Diana Mera del álbum “dianamera” será el nuevo tema musical principal de las grabaciones de audio de desde este mes., el primer portal de la red y podcasts enfocados en marketing y relaciones públicas del Mercado Hispano, sirve como un foro de intercambio de información e ideas de mercadeo.
El primer podcast de que destaca el nuevo tema musical es la entrevista con Martin Castro, presidente y CEO de Mexican American Opportunity Foundation, una de las más grandes organizaciones sin fines de lucro que sirve a los hispanos, que salió al aire el lunes 12 de junio.
“En SGM Records, estamos encantados de trabajar con para que la música de Diana sea tema principal de los podcasts y presentaciones que llegan a miles de expertos en marketing, publicistas y comunicadores cuya audiencia son los millones de latinos en los Estados Unidos” dijo Soledad Herrada.
Diana Mera, la cantante y compositora de la canción, escribió “Bésame” durante el verano del 2002 en Phoenix, Arizona, donde encontró la inspiración para escribir los temas de su primer álbum. El video musical de Bésame es transmitido por MTV/VHUNO, Televisa, Ritmoson Latino y Univisión.
“Bésame significa mucho para mí y se siente súper que esta canción me lleve a formar partes de proyectos tan importantes como ser el tema principal del podcast de” dijo Diana Mera.
“Estamos muy emocionados de trabajar en colaboración con SGM Records para incorporar el ritmo y distinción de la música de Bésame, una bella canción de Diana Mera, a la serie de grabación de nuestros podcasts y presentaciones en” dijo Elena del Valle, MBA, editora de “La música de Diana que refleja juventud y entusiasmo es perfecta para nuestro nuevo medio y para los documentos descargables”.
El Podcast y las presentaciones de proporcionan a la audiencia información especial y de primera mano de expertos líderes del Mercado hispano acerca de cómo tener alcance a la minoría más grande de los Estados Unidos con herramientas de marketing y relaciones públicas.
SGM Records, sello discográfico y compañía de producción, realiza producciones de video digital especializándose en videos musicales, comerciales de TV y anuncios de servicio público. SGM maneja y promueve la carrera de Mera. SGM Records es una empresa joven, que pertenece y es operada por mujeres hispanas. Para más información visite y
Contactos de prensa:
SGM Records
Emilio Zuleta
Posted by Elena del Valle on May 18, 2006

Boca Raton, Florida –, a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on Hispanic marketing and public relations, will offer Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association members a 15 percent discount on its newly launched line of Hispanic marketing and public relations audio recordings until July 31, 2006. Information on the product line is available online at recently launched the first ever series of downloadable audio resources about targeting Latinos with marketing and public relations tools. Initial offerings include presentations by experts and leaders in the field such as Federico Subervi, Ph.D., professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Texas State University-San Marcos and co-author of the chapter titled “Latino Media: A Cultural Connection;” Michele Valdovinos, vice president of research and marketing, Phoenix Cultural Access Group and co-author of the chapter titled “A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market;” Dora O. Tovar, M.P.A., president, Tovar Public Relations and contributing author of the chapter titled “Hispanic Public Relations and Its Emergence as an Industry;” and Elena del Valle, principal, LNA World Communications and contributing author of the chapter titled “Cultural Understanding Key to Effective Media Training.”
Started as a weblog for the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95), the website and companion podcast provide a place for readers and authors of the book, subscribers and visitors to connect, discover the latest Hispanic market news and updates and listen to expert interviews and presentations in an audio format. Visitors may read updates and listen to podcast recordings on podcast announcements and the website audio player which appears under the heading “Podcast” or download them for convenient listening on their MP3 or iPod players.
The Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts. Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book, which benefits the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA), a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence.
Posted by Elena del Valle on May 18, 2006
Para Distribución Inmediata Informes: HMCA
Nota al editor: Hay fotos disponibles de los presentadores y del portal
Miami, Florida – Los miembros de la Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association ( Asociación Hispana de Mercadeo y Comunicación conocida por sus siglas en inglés como HMCA) recibirán un 15 por ciento de descuento sobre los nuevos recursos educacionales de audio de hasta el 31 de julio de 2006. Los nuevo recursos proporcionan información sobre los mercados latinos de los Estados Unidos y explican cómo llevar a cabo campañas de mercadeo y relaciones públicas dirigidas a dichos mercados. ( ) proporciona un foro virtual para el intercambio de información e ideas sobre el mercadeo y las relaciones públicas dirigidas a los latinos en los Estados Unidos. Información sobre los productos se encuentra en el recientemente lanzó la primera línea de recursos educacionales en audio por medio de download a través del Internet sobre el mercadeo y las relaciones públicas dirigidas a los latinos en los Estados Unidos. Las presentaciones, en ingles, disponibles a través del nuevo formato de audio son las siguientes: Federico Subervi, Ph.D., profesor del School of Journalism and Mass Communication de Texas State University-San Marcos y co-autor del capítulo titulado “Latino Media: A Cultural Connection”, Michele Valdovinos, vicepresidente de research and marketing de Phoenix Cultural Access Group y co-autora del capítulo “A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market”, Dora O. Tovar, M.P.A., presidente de Tovar Public Relations y autora del capítulo “Hispanic Public Relations and Its Emergence as an Industry” y Elena del Valle, socia de LNA World Communications y autora del capítulo “Cultural Understanding Key to Effective Media Training”.
Establecido como una continuación virtual del nuevo libro en inglés titulado Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations: Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95) para profesionales y estudiantes de mercadeo, el portal y su podcast compañero proporcionan un espacio virtual en el cual los autores y lectores del libro, las personas suscritas a recibir mensajes electrónicos del portal y los visitantes puedan comunicarse e intercambiar información y opiniones y escuchar presentaciones y entrevistas en audio podcast sobre el mercado latino y los temas relacionados. Los visitantes pueden escuchar las entrevistas grabadas en el portal a través del artículo sobre la entrevista, en el espacio “Podcast” y por medio de un download para escucharlas en su computadora, iPod o máquina de MP3.
Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations ofrece 435 páginas en 15 capítulos con información, análisis de casos, materiales gráficos, información del mercado y opiniones sobre el mismo basadas en la experiencia de los 19 autores expertos y beneficia a HMCA. La Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association es una asociación profesional de voluntarios y sin fines de lucro dedicada a promover excelencia en el mercadeo dirigido a latinos.
Posted by Elena del Valle on May 10, 2006
Presenters Elena del Valle, MBA and Federico Subervi, Ph.D

Presenters Dora O. Tovar, MPA and Michele Valdovinos
Boca Raton, FL –, a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on Hispanic marketing and public relations, launched a Resources Section featuring its eponymous book and the first ever series of downloadable audio recordings on Latinos and how to reach them effectively with marketing and public relations tools. Resource product prices range from $49.95 for the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book to $129.95 for two recorded presentations in a CD set. Details are available online at
Initial offerings include presentations by experts and leaders in the field. Michele Valdovinos, vice president of research and marketing, Phoenix Cultural Access Group, and co-author of a chapter titled “A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market” and Elena del Valle, MBA, principal, LNA World Communications, and editor of the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book present “Hispanic Market Overview.” Dora O. Tovar, MPA, president, Tovar Public Relations, and contributing author of the “Hispanic Public Relations and Its Emergence as an Industry” chapter presents “The Next Step: Secondary Latino Markets.” Federico Subervi, Ph.D., professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Texas State University-San Marcos and co-author of the “Latino Media: A Cultural Connection” chapter and del Valle, contributing author of the “Cultural Understanding Key to Effective Media Training” chapter present “Latino Media and Hispanic Media Training.”

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book cover
Started as a weblog for the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book, provides a place for readers and authors of the book, subscribers and visitors to connect, discover the latest Hispanic market news and updates and listen to expert interviews and presentations in an audio podcast downloadable format. Visitors may listen to podcasts on the podcast announcement page and the website’s audio player which appear under the heading “Podcast” or download them for convenient listening on their MP3 or iPod players.
The Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts. Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book, which benefits the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA), a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence. For details on the book, visit
Posted by Elena del Valle on March 27, 2006
The newly launched podcast is mentioned in an article by Mariana Lemann on the latest podcasts in this month’s issue of Marketing y Medios magazine. The article, entitled “Podcasts Grow and Attract New Listeners,” appears in the print and online editions of Marketing y Medios
Posted by Elena del Valle on March 22, 2006

Editors: JPG photo available
Boca Raton, Florida –, a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on Hispanic marketing and public relations, launched a podcast audio show by the same name. Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, the first podcast about reaching Latinos with marketing and public relations tools, is hosted by Elena del Valle and listed in many podcast directories including Apple’s iTunes.
The podcast has featured songs from debut albums and popular Latino performers including Andrea Echeverri, Mexico Institute of Sound, The Pinker Tones, Diego Diego, Sara Valenzuela, Spigga, and Hip Hop Hoodios. Podcast guests have included Alex Carvallo, U.S. Hispanic media manager Intel Americas; Jaime Suchlicki, Ph.D., editor, Cuban Affairs Journal at the University of Miami; Juan Ochoa, director, Program Development, MFM Trade Meetings; Matias Perel, president,; Jeffrey Duque, commercial director U.S., Cuatro-Media, Inc. and Bill Colton, president, Global Telesourcing. Podcast discussion topics have included: Hispanic online market, Fourth Annual Innovations in Hispanic Markets conference, newly launched Fox Sports en Español magazine and Cuban Affairs Journal, Intel’s efforts to reach Latinos and Hispanic call centers.
Started as a weblog for the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95), the podcast’s host website provides a place for readers and authors of the book, subscribers and visitors to connect, discover the latest Hispanic market news and updates and listen to expert interviews and presentations in an audio format. Visitors may listen to the podcasts on the website audio player which appear under the heading “Podcast” or download them for convenient listening on their MP3 or iPod players.
To listen to a podcast, go to the Podcast Section (box with blue background on the right of the page) on . Select the title by placing your cursor on it then click on the play button. To download the podcasts to your MP3 player or iTunes folder, right click on the RSS box above the Podcast box and select “copy shortcut.” Insert the shortcut into the download podcast URL box in the “advanced” file on your iTunes folder.
The Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts. Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book, which benefits the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA), a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence.