Monday, July 22, 2024

Cities with Latinx populations among those committing to LGBTQ equality

Posted by Elena del Valle on November 8, 2017

By Milagros Chirinos
Bilingual media manager-Spanish
Human Rights Campaign

Milagros Chirinos, bilingual media manager-Spanish, Human Rights Campaign Foundation

Milagros Chirinos, bilingual media manager-Spanish, Human Rights Campaign

Photo: Jeff Martin

While the equality fight for the LGBTQ community is facing more challenges than ever in recent history, cities and states across the United States continue to embrace LGBTQ-inclusive policies and practices. These initiatives make communities not only stronger, but also more attractive to equality-minded businesses looking to locate in places where their employees are embraced and protected from discrimination. Click to read entire article Cities with Latinx populations among those committing to LGBTQ equality