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Marketer, assistant professor discuss social media campaign development

Posted by Elena del Valle on February 25, 2011

How to Make Money with Social Media book cover

Photos: FT Press

While social media are blazing across the internet there is much confusion and debate regarding their solid, measurable usefulness from a return on investment perspective. Jamie Turner, chief content officer of The 60 Second Marketer, and Reshman Shah, Ph.D., assistant professor of Marketing at Emory University, address the issue of profits in How to Make Money with Social Media An Insider’s Guide on Using New and Emerging Media to Grow Your Business (FT Press, $24.99).

Reshma Shah, Ph.D., coauthor, How to Make Money with Social Media

The authors start with the premise that the only reason to be involved in social media is to make money and they believe that it is possible for businesses to make money provided social media users follow certain steps. They assert that such steps are part of a “…well thought out, well executed, and well managed” campaign with clear strategies, objectives and tactics. The good news is that social media doesn’t have to be time consuming, according to them.

Their book, they explain at the beginning, was written to provide information for readers wanting to set up, launch and maintain a money-making social media campaign. At the end of each chapter they provide a summary section and at the end of the book there is a summary type chapter with a series of check lists. They close with three recommendations: do something even if it’s not perfect; start each day with ten social media tasks; and visit Turner’s website for ideas.

Jamie Turner, coauthor, How to Make Money with Social Media

The book, written in a somewhat informal style, also includes references to the 60 Second Marketer website. The 289-page hard cover book published this year is divided into twenty-four chapters and six parts: The Social Media Landscape, How to Set Yourself Up for Social Media Success, Social Media Platforms, Social Media Integration, How to Measure Social Media and Conclusion.

Turner is a marketer with 20 years of experience. Shah is a founder and partner at Inflexion Point Marketing Group.

Click to buy How to Make Money with Social Media