Why Hispanics may be less comfortable with Hospice
Posted by Elena del Valle on April 15, 2009
By Barbara L. Allan
CEO, SRA Research Group Inc.

Barbara Allan
Photo: SRA Research Group, Inc.
SRA Research Group, Inc. (SRA) has found, in the 15 plus years we have been conducting primary research regarding Hospice that most people have heard of it. Despite this, many don’t really know what it means or what it provides. This is because Hospice falls into the category of “I don’t need it now so I don’t need to know more about it.” This category of people simply have no desire to learn more.
Once a family comes to grips with the realization that a loved one may require Hospice care, the door opens. However, we have found the door does not open as wide for Hispanics as it does for white non-Hispanics.
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“Changing Latino Landscape” audio recording
Presenter Cesar Melgoza, managing director, Latin Force Group
Find out about
• How demographic, social, political and economic factors affect Latinos
• Number of Hispanics in U.S.
• Hispanics as a percent of the mainstream population
• Number of Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico
• Hispanics, including Puerto Rico, as a percent of U.S. mainstream
• Number of Asians and African Americans
• Estimated size of Hispanic market by 2012
• Percentage growth of new Hispanics per year
• Number of counties where Latinos are majority
• Areas of significant Latino growth
• Area of U.S. with a 950 percent Latino growth
• Role of acculturation
• Hispanicity segmentation
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