Saturday, March 22, 2025

Authors explore behavioral economics issues

Posted by Elena del Valle on April 10, 2019

Dollars and Sense

Dollars and Sense

Photos: cover art by Leah Carlson-Stanisic, Jeff Kreisler photo by Betsy Bell

In Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and How to Spend Smarter (Harper Paperbacks, $16.99), a 275-page softcover book published in 2018, Dan Ariely and Jeff Kreisler explore how we spend our funds. The authors question our financial decisions and basic assumptions about money. They suggest ways we might override long held habits and our own instincts to make better financial choices.

From idea to publication the project required four years. The book, filled with humorous touches, is easy to read. It is divided into three main parts and 18 chapters.

When asked about the primary target audience for the book Kreisler replied by email via his publicist, “Anyone who’s ever used money.”

Jeff Kreisler, co-author, Dollars and Sense

Jeff Kreisler, co-author, Dollars and Sense

Asked what expertise he has in behavioral economics and what drove him to write about the topic he said, “I’d worked with Dan Ariely on several projects and my past work – including Get Rich Cheating had touched on behavioral principles. I wanted to write about it because I became a convert to the way behavioral science combines traditional economic decision making with real human psychology to explain our flawed irrationality and to FIX EVERYTHING (maybe).”

Regarding promotional efforts for the book he said he was relying on “traditional publishing, interviews, speaking, HispanicMPR.”

Dan Ariely, co-author, Dollars and Sense
Dan Ariely, co-author, Dollars and Sense

“To help people make better decisions about money, or at least understand their decision making process which, in turn, would help reduce the stress and worry associated with not understanding money… and that, I hope, would lead them to live better lives,” he replied when asked about his main goal in writing the book.

Ariely is the James B Duke Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University. He publishes in scholarly journals in economics, psychology, and business. He splits his time between Durham North Carolina and the rest of the world.

Kreisler is editor-in-chief of He won the Bill Hicks Spirit Award for Thought Provoking Comedy, writes for television, politicians and chief executive officers. He tries to use behavioral science, practical experience and humor to understand, explain and change the world.

Dollars and Sense

Click to buy Dollars and Sense