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Investment advisor shares insights for average investor

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 5, 2016

Investing Simplified

Investing Simplified

Photos: Chuck Price

After 40 years in the financial advice business Chuck Price, CRFA was convinced he could provide information for his clients and prospective clients better than the many books already published on the subject. Toward that goal he teamed up with nine colleagues to publish Investing Simplified (Advantage Media Group, $19.99) in 2014. They dedicated four years from idea to publication to make it happen.

“To me most Financial Books seemed very complicated and my clients told me I simplified concepts for them, so Investing Simplified became our slogan and a book,” Price said by email when asked why he wrote the book. Investing, he said “means to take a risk on your principle expecting returns, but may have losses as well.”

Chuck Price, author, Investing Simplified

Chuck Price, author, Investing Simplified

The question most frequently asked by his clients is how much income they need to retire. He addresses the issue in Chapter 12. He began by suggesting readers figure out the following about their financial and life situation: current income and expenses, fixed and variable income sources, debt, life plans for retirement, life expectancy and long term care needs.

When asked what were the biggest challenges to writing and publishing his book he said, “Time, there are only so many hours in a day would be 1st. but second is writing does not come easy and anyone that thinks you can just set down and put your thoughts on paper and have it make sense is fooling themselves. Anyone that thinks it’s easy should try it.”

The 337-page softcover book is divided into 15 chapters and nine appendices. The final 100 pages make up the appendices written by the contributors. Price said he wanted to the book to be used as a training guide for the Average Person. He proposed a concept through which the advisor would work directly with a client’s attorney, accountant, long term care planner, and insurance agent. His next title? Why you need a Financial Doctor, just like you need a Medical Doctor.

Price, president and wealth manager, Price Financial Group Wealth Management, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor firm in Portland, Oregon, has 40 years of financial experience. He is host of the Investing Simplified radio show that airs live Saturday mornings on Freedom970.

Jerry Murphey, president, FolioMetrix, LLC contributed The Four Principles of Risk-Intelligent Investing; Carl Jepsen, partner, in Warren Allen LLP Law Firm, contributed Estate Planning; Keven Steege, CPA contributed Finding and Hiring a CPA; Mei Wong of Senior Resources Today contributed Hidden VA Benefits; Rick Dimick, Life Insurance Linked/hybrid Benefits & Long term care specialist, contributed Long-Term Care; Mark Eshelman, loan officer, Reverse Mortgage, contributed Reverse Mortgages; Karen Kane contributed Medicare the Big Unknown; Janelle Markovich, sales executive, Propel Insurance, contributed Protecting Your Business; and Michael Dougherty, preplanning advisor, Dignity Memorial contributed Planning Your Funeral.

Investing Simplified

Click to buy Investing Simplified