Friday, March 21, 2025

Magazine focuses on social media issues

Posted by Elena del Valle on March 21, 2012

The Social Media Monthly magazine March 2012
The Social Media Monthly magazine March 2012

Photos: The Social Media Monthly

While media in general have been shrinking nationwide (see Report outlines media evolution, growth of new and online media), and many have been shedding veteran employees there are a handful of new publications. For example, last year Cool Blue Company, LLC in Washington, D.C. launched The Social Media Monthly magazine targeting general consumers and the 99.9 percent of the population “that don’t consider themselves social media experts.”

The print magazine has 64 pages in addition to the cover and a fifty fifty split between editorial and advertising content. A single full-time staff person, editor-in-chief Bob Fine, produces the monthly magazine with a retail circulation of 23,000 in 19 countries. An annual subscription costs $34.99 and a single issue, available for purchase on the magazine website, costs $6.99.

The Social Media Monthly magazine January 2012

The Social Media Monthly magazine January 2012

As of this writing the online edition lists individual articles by Rory Cooper, Adriel Hampton, Silvia Baroni, Faye Anderson, Mike Brown, Rose De Fremery, Ted Nguyen, Masha Hedayati, Amy Vernon, Dave Sachse, and Sterling Zumbrunn. Topics in that issues, according to the website, include data collection, political Tweets, moms blogging and brands, the United Nations, mobile apps, the Republicans and social media, Obama 2012, and little known social networks.