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Popular business, Hispanic market portal launches new social media section

Posted by Elena del Valle on July 13, 2010, a popular online forum and audio podcast for the exchange of information and ideas on business and Hispanic market topics for middle to senior executives, launched a new social media section


Jul 13, 2010 – Boca Raton, Florida —To mark its fifth anniversary, an online forum and audio podcast for the exchange of information and ideas on business and Hispanic market topics for middle to senior executives, launched a new social media section. or B2B ( offers a flexible social media forum for business executives to meet colleagues, seek business opportunities and share news within a community of like minded business oriented people. The new section allows visitors to see public posts. In order to post new content and interact with others users must subscribe. The subscription process is easy and speedy, allowing users to share a professional profile and photo or graphic on the website. Posts may include one photo.

The creation of the social media section was driven by an ever increasing number of requests for article publication. Some of the article requests were unmet due to editorial guidelines or time restrictions. Thanks for the new section subscribers may now share their personnel, event, introduction requests and miscellaneous news announcements and establish business contacts with each other directly at B2B. Months of software development and trials and two months of beta testing preceded the section launch.

Started as a weblog for the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95), provides a forum for readers and authors of the book, website subscribers and visitors with an interest in business, marketing, media, communications, public relations, Hispanic markets and related topics to connect, discover the latest Hispanic market news and updates and listen to expert interviews and presentations in an audio podcast. Visitors may sign up for regular email updates, search the website for Hispanic market information; and listen to podcasts on the website’s audio player or download them for convenient listening on their MP3 or iPod players.

The Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book ( provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts. Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book.

More information on, the social media section, is available online at

Elena del Valle