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Watch video – non profit promotes Latino vote through PSAs, grassroots efforts

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 28, 2008


A scene from the Voto Latino telenovela

Photos, video: Voto Latino

In the last weeks before the national election Voto Latino representatives hope to maximize Latino voter participation as much as possible. Voto Latino will also soon premiere the final episode of the La Pasión de la Decisión parody telenovela series starring Rosario Dawson and Wilmer Valderrama as well as celebrity guests Perez Hilton, and Jane Fonda. At the same time, Voto Latino co-produced television specials were scheduled to air on Latino youth networks MTV Tr3s and LATV this month. Scroll down to watch Voto Latino video.

Since January 2008, Voto Latino has reached out to millions of Latinos and registered more than 26,000 new voters in key Battleground States. Leaders at the non-partisan organization hope to double Voto Latino’s initial voter registration goals.


A scene from La Pasión de la Decisión parody telenovela

Additional Voto Latino initiatives include grassroots efforts in partnership with national media outlets to prompt Latino voter awareness and registration. Voto Latino recently won the Myspace Impact Award for Community Organizing, carrying over 70 percent of the online vote. Voto Latino received a grant from Myspace that will go toward Voto Latino’s get out the vote efforts.

Latino Vote produced a television special hosted by Rosario Dawson and Fat Joe, in conjunction with MTV Tr3s about the presidential candidates and issues that matter to Latino youth. Latino Vote also produced “Decisión 2008,” a television special in conjunction with LATV. Shot in front of a live studio audience, the debate on the presidential election is moderated by the network’s Humberto Guida and includes Maria Teresa Petersen, executive director, Voto Latino; Malverde, a political activist and hip-hop artist; and Carlos Arias, a Latino producer.

“Beyond the 30 Second Spot” audio recording

Listen to a 105-minute discussion

hmpr_Ivancevallos150.jpg hmprHunterheller150.jpg

hmprKittykolding150.jpg hmpr_Cynthia_Nelson150.jpg

Panelists Ivan Cevallos, Hunter Heller, Kitty Kolding and Cynthia Nelson

Our panel of national experts discuss

• Challenges of measuring the impact of the 30-second ad spot
• Innovative tools are useful to reach Latinos
• Changes in marketing to Hispanics
• On which market segment are the changes most relevant
• Effects of technology and time shift on consumer behavior
• Role of multi-screens
• Getting started
• Tips for marketing professionals

Click here for information on Beyond the 30 Second Spot

The non profit organization launched a voter initiative with Youtube and PBS, Video Your Vote, to distribute 100 digital video cameras to Latino voters to document their experience at the polls on Election Day. The participants will upload their footage to a dedicated Youtube channel accessible to the general public at <>

The organization partnered with iTunes Latino and Apple to distribute 100,000 iTunes/Voto Latino download cards donated by Apple.  The download cards, filled with five free songs and a link to non-partisan voter registration, are being distributed nationally via partnerships with radio stations Latino 96.3 (Los Angeles), Univision Radio (Los Angeles), La Kalle (San Francisco), Latino Vibe (Phoenix), Entravision (Denver) and La Que Buena (Chicago) and LATV.

As part of the ongoing aggressive Get Out the Vote (GOTV) effort in Colorado, Voto Latino will host a GoTV Bash in Denver on October 30. The event will feature members of an artist coalition who leverage their celebrity to promote civic engagement. Voto Latino organizers plan to reach out to 500,000 voters Colorado to invite them to vote.

Voto Latino is developing public service announcements in Spanish with record label Fonovisa/Disa about the importance of voting and civic engagement targeted at the Midwest and Western states. The partnership may mark one of the first times voter registration PSA’s are being targeted to new citizens originally from Mexico. Participating artists include Jenni Rivera, El Chapo de Sinaloa, La Arolladora Banda Limon, Yolanda Perez and El Gringo.

The organization is also planning voter registration drives at the concerts of Voto Latino celebrity coalition members Enrique Iglesias, Aventura, Jaguares, Ozomatli and Los Amigos Invisibles.

Founded in 2004, Voto Latino is a non-partisan, nonprofit voter engagement organization that works to promote an enfranchised America by leveraging celebrity voices, multi-media platforms, and youth themselves to promote positive change. Voto Latino’s mission is to engage a new generation of Americans in civic participation.

Make Latinos loyal to your brand
Listen to Author Isabel Valdes in

“Hispanics Customers for Life” audio recording


Isabel Valdes gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about

• Immigrants adaptation to their new country, culture
• Latino cultural values and their role
• Case studies, insights on Latinos as long term customers
• Acculturation
• Latinos and how they adapt to their host country
• Adaptation, assimilation
• Difference between assimilation and acculturation

Click here for information on Hispanic Customers for Life audio recording