Sunday, July 21, 2024

Expert examines public relationship measurement in new book

Posted by Elena del Valle on April 25, 2008


Measuring Public Relationships book cover

Photo: KDPaine & Partners 

Katie Dalahaye Paine, a nationally recognized measurement expert, recently published a 202-page soft cover book for marketers, public relations professionals and communicators who want to better understand the measurement process. Measuring Public Relationships The Data Driven Communicator’s Guide to Success, published by KDPaine & Partners, is divided into 16 chapters and two appendices and sells for $29.95.

In the book, she address a variety of public relationships: An Introduction to Measurement; Measurement Tools and What They Cost; Measuring Relationships with the Media; Measuring Relationships with Analysts and Influencers; Comparing Media Relations to Other Marketing Disciplines; Measuring Trust and Mistrust; Measuring the Impact of Events and Sponsorships on Your Public Relationships; Measuring Relationships with Your Local Community; Measuring Internal Communications; Measuring Blogs and Online Relationships; Measuring Relationships in a Crisis; Measuring Relationships Developed Through Speaking Engagements; Measuring Relationships with Members of Your Organization; Measuring Relationships with Sales People, Channel Partners and Franchisees; Measuring Relationships with the Investment Community; and Putting It All Together in a Dashboard. In the appendices she discusses The Grunig Relationship Survey and Measurement Resources.

Delahaye Paine is the founder of KDPaine & Partners LLC and publisher of the first blog and the first newsletters for marketing and communications professionals dedicated entirely to measurement and accountability. She writes KDPaine’s Measurement Blog and publishes The Measurement Standard.  Prior to launching KDPaine & Partners in 2002, she was the founder and president of The Delahaye Group, which she sold to Medialink in 1999.


Click here to buy Measuring Public Relationships