Friday, February 7, 2025

Hispanics’ priorities vary by level of acculturation, time in country

Posted by Elena del Valle on March 18, 2008


Rissig Licha, managing director of FH Hispania

Photos: FL Hispania 

Education and healthcare are top priorities for Hispanic respondents of a nationwide study by NuStats released recently by FH Hispania. “Confianza: Hispanic Trust Pulse” also indicates respondents consider teachers and schools a leading source of information (54 percent) followed by different sources of media (a combined 39 percent).

“In general, Hispanic adults are very family-centric, so the focus on education and childcare is not a surprise. But what is particularly noteworthy is that the interests of second-generation Hispanics begin to more closely mirror the interests of non-Hispanics,” said Rissig Licha, managing director of FH Hispania.

NuStats conducted the national poll by phone among 1,000 respondents, including 250 non Hispanics and 750 Hispanics in the second quarter of 2007 and released the results in early 2008. Survey participants had the option of replying to questions in English and Spanish according to their preference.

“Segmentation by Level of Acculturation” audio recording

Miguel Gomez Winebrenner

Presenter Miguel Gomez Winebrenner


  • Assimilation versus acculturation
  • Factors that affect Latino acculturation
  • How to know if someone is acculturated
  • Number of years necessary for acculturation
  • Effects of immigration debate on acculturation
  • Three main ways of segmenting Latinos

Click here for details about “Segmentation by Level of Acculturation”

NuStats researchers concluded that family is at the top of the list in importance to Latinos although the priority varies depending on the respondents’ time in the United States. First generation Hispanics who participated in the study placed education, child care, and crime and security uppermost among their priorities; while second generation Hispanics seemed most concerned with access to healthcare, education and crime and security.

The study also indicates that topic experts, media, friends, and family, in that order, are the most trusted sources on the top 10 issues of interest among Hispanics. Non Hispanics who participated in the study valued education, and crime and security among the top three topics of interest. Access to healthcare, religion, nutrition and fitness, money and financial planning placed more prominently than they did for Hispanics.


Jorge Diaz de Villegas, senior vice president, partner and chair of FH Hispania

“When planning communications programs for our clients, it is important to know not only what issues matter most to Hispanics but where they go to obtain information about those topics,” said Jorge Diaz de Villegas, senior vice president, partner and chair of FH Hispania. “This research helps us identify the role that media and other influencers play in that dynamic.”

NuStats, a wholly owned subsidiary of PTV AG in Karlsruhe, Germany, specializes in scientific research on social issues and components of quality of life and consumer market behavior. Company researchers strive to measure and provide understanding of attitudes and motivations, behavior and propensity to change it, revealed and stated preferences, and underlying drivers of opinion and choice.

FH Hispania is a group of 25 bilingual and bicultural Fleishman-Hillard Hispanic communications professionals located in 10 United States communities. Fleishman-Hillard is part of Omnicom Group Inc., an advertising, marketing and corporate communications company.

Make your ads resonate with Hispanics
Listen to C&R’s Research Director Liria Barbosa in

“Hispanics’ Perspective on Advertising” audio recording

Liria Barbosa

Liria Barbosa gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about

• Type of ads Latinos prefer
• Latino top media choices
• Percent of Latinos who tried products because of ads
• Percent of Latinos who purchased products because of ads
• What makes an ad “Hispanic”
• If ad language is important for bicultural Latinos
• What to keep in mind when targeting bicultural Latinos with ads

Click here for information on Hispanic Perspectives on Advertising