Friday, July 19, 2024

Water heater maker targets Spanish speaking Latinos

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 23, 2007

State Water Heaters ad

State Water Heaters Spanish language ad

Photo: State Water Heaters

State Water Heaters is targeting Spanish speaking contractors in some United States Latino markets with Spanish language and Hispanic-themed print advertisements, web enhancements, and a Spanish language television show sponsorship.

“There are a growing number of plumbing and HVAC contractors in the U.S. who are Spanish speaking,” said Jeff Storie, brand manager, State Water Heaters. “We are increasing our Hispanic marketing in order to partner with these professionals and to have a larger presence in the southwestern United States.”

According to promotional materials, there are plans for a sponsorship and link to the website of “De Casa a Hogar,” a new home improvement show on Spanish language television scheduled to air this fall. The company also plans to publish English versions of the new print advertisements to attract English dominant Hispanics. The exact extent of State’s Latino market efforts was unavailable. A State spokesperson indicated the company was “unable to disclose what percent of the overall marketing budget is dedicated to Latino efforts.”


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De Casa a Hogar” is expected to feature home improvement segments, technology tips, and a peak into Hispanic celebrity homes. State’s sponsorship includes product demonstrations as well as website, print, and broadcast sponsor recognition.       

“The show will have tremendous impact among Latino communities, as there is currently no programming specifically speaking to Latinos about home improvement brands and services,” said Juan Escano, executive producer of “De Casa a Hogar.

State Water Heaters is a manufacturer of water heaters for commercial and residential use. Based in Ashland City, Tennessee, State has seven water heater manufacturing plants and hundreds of distribution centers across the United States.

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  • Ins and outs of translations issues
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