Wednesday, March 26, 2025

State Farm, HPNG to recruit Latinos in New York, Miami

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 3, 2007

Ali Curi

  Ali Curi, president, HPNG

Photo: Ali Curi 

New York, New York – The Hispanic Professionals Networking Group (HPNG) partnered with State Farm Insurance to promote career recruitment for Hispanics in New York City and Miami. The first happening of the yearlong initiative will be a State Farm Latino talent recruitment meeting May 8, 2007 in New York. The next event will take place June 21, 2007 in Miami. The events are free, but pre-registration is required. Organizers will limit admission to 25.

“This partnership is an extension of HPNG’s efforts of bringing career development and networking to Hispanic professionals,” said Ali Curi, president, HPNG. “Showcasing entrepreneurial opportunities is an alternative to the corporate options Hispanic professionals currently explore.”

“Corporate recruitment of Hispanic professionals is at an all time high and partnering with HPNG allows us to reach a market that normally wouldn’t consider an entrepreneurial career,” said Rey Polanco, agency field recruiter, State Farm Insurance.

Launched in 2003, HPNG boasts 1,500 members. The organization hosts networking events in New York and Miami, and offers professional and personal development workshops. Workshop topics include career and leadership development, financial planning and investing, real estate matters, legal matters, communications, public relations, marketing and networking. The last two speakers were magazine publishers Felix Sencion and Juan Guillen. State Farm is one of the nation’s largest insurers of cars and homes.

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Comedy show returns to Miami airwaves

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 2, 2007

 Gilberto Reyes and Miguelito Gonzalez

Gilberto Reyes and Miguelito Gonzalez

Photo: WXDJ El Zol

Miami, Florida – A comedy show with DJ’s Gilberto Reyes and Miguelito Gonzalez began airing recently on Miami radio station WXDJ El Zol 95.7 FM. “Fonomanía con Gilberto y Miguelito” will run daily Monday through Friday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Show selections will air Saturdays from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. 

Gilberto Reyes and Miguelito Gonzalez started their radio career several years ago in Miami on El Zol 95.7 FM, and became quite popular. Their radio show evolved into a late night variety program on a local TV station. It was during this time that their catch-phrase “Metiendo Mikimbin” became a friendly Cuban greeting among show listeners. Following a recent reunion, Miguelito and Gilberto decided to embark on the second chapter of their professional partnership.

“I truly believe that Gilberto and Miguelito’s wit and enthusiasm will propel this show to great heights. They are a charismatic duo that possesses the natural ability to connect with the human spirit, and Miamians are in for a real treat with the market’s funniest new afternoon drive radio program,” said Jackie Nosti-Combo, vice president and general manager, SBS.

“Gilberto and I were never really apart. We owed it to ourselves to pursue some individual opportunities that were available to us. I have an individual contract with Mega TV as host of the home improvement show ‘Handyman’ but once we were given the opportunity to collaborate again, we both knew it was time,” said Gonzalez.

“This is the next step in our professional journey. We both love Miami, love our audience, and love to make people laugh.  I can’t wait to get started.  I think everyone will soon find out that Miguelito and I are back in a big way,” said Reyes.

In 1995, Gonzalez became a radio host for Spanish Broadcasting System’s WXJD, El Zol 95.7 on “El Show de la Mañana.” He then worked on a local Miami television show, “El Mikimbín de Miami,” where he fleshed out a number of characters based on his own life experiences.

“Search Engine Marketing to Hispanics” audio recording

Matias Perel 

Presenter Matias Perel, founder and president, Latin3

Find out about

  • The 16 million Latino online users
  • Types of online access among Hispanics
  • Latino online user language preferences
  • What they do online
  • Usage by age
  • Income levels among Hispanics who visit the Internet
  • Internet use by Hispanics

Click here to purchase a recording about search engine marketing to Hispanics  

Fifty Spanish language journalists, media executives to be recognized at Hispanic Media Awards

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 1, 2007

Emilio Nicolas Sr.

Emilio Nicolas Sr.

Photo: Hispanic Media Awards

San Antonio based On The Edge Promotions will recognize 50 U.S. Spanish language media executives and journalists during this year’s Hispanic Media Awards event to be held May 24, 2007 in San Antonio, Texas. Vicente Fox Quesada, former President of Mexico, will provide the keynote address.

In addition to the 50 honorees, Emilio Nicolas Sr. will be singled out as the first television industry representative to receive the Annual Hispanic Media Awards Ring of Honor for his efforts in the launch of KWEX-TV. The Ring of Honor Award is designed to recognize Spanish language media pioneers. Emilio Nicolas Sr. joins past Ring of Honor Lifetime Achievement award winners Ignacio Lozano, La Opinion; Ana Maria Arias, Latina Style; Ruben Salazar, Los Angeles Times; Eduardo Porter, The Wall Street Journal and Carlos Ramirez, El Diario La Prensa

Although event organizers declined to identify any judges in an effort to avoid lobbying, they explained the selection of the 50 honorees from 200 complete submissions was made by an independent panel of judges in journalism, academia, public relations, and the public and private sectors from diverse regions of the country.   
“We are excited about the growth of this program and this year’s event. I believe that the judges have selected an excellent list of talented professionals and I look forward to seeing others from across the country gathering together to congratulate them on May 24th in San Antonio,” said Chris Day, president, Hispanic Media Awards.

According to the organization’s website, the honorees are nominated by their peers, readers, viewers, or others from within the industry. Selection criteria are influence, community involvement, and the quality of their work. The program recognizes journalists and media executives in Spanish language broadcast and print media. Exceptionally, this year two English language journalists, John Quinones and Eduardo Porter, were selected.

This year’s media executives and journalist honorees are: Nancy Agosto, Azteca America; Alejandro Aguirre, Diario Las Americas; Javier Alatorre, Azteca America; Adriana Arevalo, Univision Las Vegas; Robert Armband, La Raza; Maria Celeste Arraras, Telemundo; Martin Berlanga, Univision News; Claudia Botero, Univision 34; Andres Cantor, Telemundo; Alfredo Carbajal, Al Dia Texas; Rodolfo Cardenas, KCEC 50 Denver; Maria Antonieta Collins, Telemundo; Lynn Cook, Rumbo; David Cortinas, La Voz; Dalia Diaz, Rumbo News; Tino Duran, La Prensa de San Antonio; Malin Falu, HITN; Gustavo Godoy, Vista Magazine; Lesley Gomez, Somos Padres; Isabel Gomez-Bassols, Univision Radio; Armando Guzman, Azteca America; Jesus Hernandez, Diario Las Americas; Jose Isasi, Que Pasa Media; Dra. Aliza Lifshitz, Univision Radio; Monica Lozano, La Opinion; Jose Ignacio Lozano, impreMedia; Tania Luviano, MiTV 43 San Diego; Jorge Mederos, La Raza; Lety Miranda-Garcia, Prensa Hispana; Zeke Montes, Tele Guia de Chicago; Hilbert Morales, El Observador; Denisse Oller, Univision 41 New York; Rafael Olmeda, Sun-Sentinel; Andres Oppenheimer, El Nuevo Herald; Amparo Ortiz, KWEX Univision San Antonio; Luis Manuel Ortiz, La Voz Phoenix; Alex Parra, TPS; Eduardo Porter, The New york Times; Carlos Puig, Rumbo; John Quinones, ABC News 20/20; Jesse Ramirez, syndication; Jorge Ramos, Univision; Ana Cristina Reymundo, Nexos; Rosanna Rosado, El Diario La Prensa; Maria Elena Salinas, Univision; Jose Martin Samano, Azteca America; Pedro Sevcec, Telemundo; Eddie Sotelo, Univision Radio; Carlos Verdecia, Tiempos del Mundo; and Alberto Vourvoulias, El Diario La Prensa.

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Martha E. Galindo

Presenter Martha E. Galindo

Translation company owner Martha E. Galindo explains

  • Why it’s important to reach your clients in language 
  •  Ins and outs of translations issues
  •  How to select a translator
  •  What to expect
  • How to save on translation costs
  • Much more

Click here to purchase a recording on Hispanic Market Translation Issues