Saturday, March 22, 2025

Listen to podcast interview with Cristina Perez, host of Cristina’s Court TV show

Posted by Elena del Valle on March 12, 2007

Cristina Perez
Cristina Perez host of “Cristina’s Court”

Photo: Twentieth Television

A podcast featuring an interview with Cristina Perez, host of “Cristina’s Court,” is available in the Podcast Section of Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations, During the podcast, she discusses the show with Elena del Valle, host of the podcast.

Cristina Perez is a lawyer, television personality, radio host, entrepreneur, business owner, author, and national columnist.  She is host of Twentieth Television’s new first-run syndicated court show “Cristina’s Court.” Prior to the new show she hosted the Telemundo court show “La Corte De Familia” (“Family Court”). Promotional materials describe her as the first television judge to cross-over from Spanish-language to English-language television.

As the first woman television judge to air in national syndication on a Spanish-language network series, Cristina presided over “La Corte De Familia” cases related to relationships, including physical and verbal abuse, paternity claims, child and spousal support and infidelity. “La Corte De Familia” was Telemundo’s number two daytime show for four straight seasons. The program also aired in 15 additional countries. Prior to being named host of “La Corte De Familia,” Cristina made her television debut as host of “La Corte Del Pueblo” (“The People’s Court”) on KWHY in Los Angeles, California.

The daughter of Colombian immigrants, Cristina was born in New York, New York. She lived in all types of places from one of the poorest neighborhoods of New York, to the big city of Guadalajara, Mexico, to the border town of San Ysidro, California to Hartford, Connecticut, and then to California, which she has called home for over twenty years.

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 Click hereto purchase a downloadable or CD audio recording with a presentation on Electronic Publicity and Broadcast Public Relations by David Henry

Driven to further build on her family’s good fortune in America, Cristina, and her husband Christopher Gonzalez, founded the Los Angeles-based law firm Perez Gonzalez. Their practice focuses on immigration, entertainment, athletic, technology, corporate, business and investment fields.       

Her first book “Living by Los Dichos,” a collection of life lessons Cristina learned from her family and continues to apply to her personal and professional life, was recently released by Simon & Schuster.

To listen to the interview, scroll down until you see the “Podcast” on the right hand side, then select “HMPR Cristina Perez” click on the play button below or download it to your iPod or MP3 player to listen on the go, in your car or at home. To download it, click on the arrow of the recording you wish to copy and save to disk. The podcast will remain listed in the March 2007 section of the podcast archive.

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