Saturday, March 22, 2025

Vme to air 2010 pirates series from Spain

Posted by Elena del Valle on April 11, 2012


Piratas, a new series airing on Vme – click to enlarge

Photos: Vme

There is good news for Spanish speaking United States audiences left hungering for more pirate fun after the last of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. In 2010, Telecinco of Spain produced a pirates series set in the eighteenth century. Thanks to Vme Spanish speakers in the United States will have an opportunity to see 10 60-minute episodes beginning April 19 at 10 p.m.(ET/PT).

Piratas group

The cast of Piratas – click to enlarge

Piratas (Spanish for pirates), filmed in coastal Spain with a budget exceeding $1 million per episode, showcases the adventures of an “unabashed and philandering member of the nobility” forced to infiltrate the pirate crew of the legendary Captain Bocanegra.

Described as light-hearted and peppered with humor in promotional materials, the series follows Álvaro Mondego, a privileged member of the noble class as he is captured by Captain Bocanegra pirates, along with Carmen, his daughter, and crew. The programs are said to be filled with gorgeous ships, stinking dungeons, brave rescues, fierce battles and a daring race for riches.

Vme, a 24-hour Spanish language network partnered with public television stations, is available in 10 million homes possibly reaching as much as 80 percent of the Spanish language market.