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South Carolina speaker discusses 21 century leadership qualities

Posted by Elena del Valle on February 15, 2013

Inspired people produce results
Inspired People Produce Results

Photos: Jeremy Kingsley

In his recently published book, Inspired People Produce Results: how great leaders use passion, purpose, and principles to unlock incredible growth (McGraw-Hill, $24.95), Jeremy Kingsley, who makes a living as a speaker, explains why he believes leaders share common characteristics that drive employees to success.

He calls workers born between 1965 and 1994 Generation Me and points out that while “They are smart, optimistic, creative, and flexible, and thrive on diversity” they also are described as having a sense of entitlement, being opinionated, having a free-spending style, and insisting on knowing why they are to do something when assigned a task.

While employees follow the instructions of a manager they do more when they follow a leader so those who want to go to the next level and find success should strive to lead, he says. According to him perhaps the most important attribute of a manager or leader is his or her ability to inspire others.

To succeed at the front of the line in the twenty-first century leaders should, he says in the book, have passion, purpose, loyalty, strive to establish a positive working environment, give personal attention to each person in their team, be understanding, and have patience, good communication skills, and integrity.

The 192-page book is divided into ten chapters: What Do Leaders Do? Inspire; What Inspires People? Passion; What Inspires People? Purpose; What Inspires People? Loyalty; What Inspires People? Caring, Part I; What Inspires People? Caring, Part II; What Inspires People? Understanding; What Inspires People? Patience; What Inspires People? Communication; and What Inspires People? Integrity.

 Jeremy Kingsley, author, Inspired people produce results

Jeremy Kingsley, author, Inspired People Produce Results

Kingsley, president of OneLife Leadership, has spoken to over 500,000 people at live events around the world, according to his biography. The author of four books lives in Columbia, South Carolina with his wife and two sons.
