Saturday, March 22, 2025

Guy Kawasaki, former Apple executive, discusses Enchantment in book

Posted by Elena del Valle on March 11, 2011

Enchantment book cover

Photos: Guy Kawasaki

Why do people of all ages stand in line and wait with anticipation to purchase new Apple products like the iPhone, iPod, iPad? Then, a few months later return to buy the newest version of the same product? Why did mobile services provider T-Mobile recently loose more than 300,000 customers many of which are thought to have become AT&T and Verizon customers to get their hands on the iPhone? Guy Kawasaki, a former Apple executive, believes it is the result of something he calls Enchantment.

This month, he explains what he believes makes people, brands and products desirable in Enchantment The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions (Portfolio/Penguin Group, $26.95), his new 211-page hardcover book. He believes this quality of Enchantment transforms relationships and situations, converts hostility into civility and civility into affinity, converting skeptics into believers without manipulation.

He proposes an attitude that drives voluntary, lasting and happy (he calls it delightful) change in others by focusing on people’s wants, being likable and trustworthy and representing a worthy cause. At the end of each chapter, he showcases an example written by a guest contributor to illustrate the point he wrote about in that chapter.

The book, peppered with how-to tips, is divided into an Introduction and Conclusion as twelve other chapters: Why Enchantment?, How to Achieve Likability, How to Achieve Trustworthiness, How to Prepare, How to Launch, How to Overcome Resistance, How to Make Enchantment Endure, How to Use Push Technology, How to Use Pull Technology, How to Enchant Your Employees, How to Enchant Your Boss, and How to Resist Enchantment.

Guy Kawasaki, author, Enchantment

He urges those who enchant to do so responsibly so that their skills benefit all involved. To make Enchantment last he thinks it is necessary to present an idea that other can internalize allowing them to reciprocate and fulfill their commitment. He also suggests relying on a network of supporters among developers, consultants and cause friendly people.

Kawasaki, the author of nine previous books, is co-founder of Alltop and founding partner at Garage Technology Ventures.

Click to buy Enchantment
