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Georgia company offers Latin foods online

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 17, 2009 homepage - click to enlarge homepage - click to enlarge


For homesick Latinos Georgia based website offers a little relief. Among its 1,800 product offerings the online supplier sells ethnic foods, cleaning products and spices some of which remind customers of their home country or the country of their heritage. Buyers are regular consumers, chefs, Latin restaurants, and small to medium size Latino grocery stores. The portal sells 300 Hispanic market oriented products from Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, United States and Venezuela. was founded in Acworth, Georgia by Francisco Tovar, a Venezuelan who immigrated to the United States in 1997. The average customer is between 25 and 45 years of age and earns $40,000 a year or more. Sixty-five percent of the customers are women. One quarter of buyers are on the West Coast, 40 percent on the East Coast; 15 percent in the South and the remainder, 20 percent, in the central and mountain areas. What are the three most popular products? Maseca, Goya products and spicy sauces. Well known product lines available on the portal are La Costena, Jumex, Nestle, D’Gari, Maseca, La Preferida, Dona Maria and Gamesa.

Francisco Tovar, owner, The Latin Products

Francisco Tovar, owner,

“ provides the lowest price guaranteed online of Mexican food and Latin food. This exceptional concept is available at one user online friendly location, offering secure shopping, complemented by rapid and reliable delivery services directly to any home, office, business or military base,” said Tovar by email when asked about his business.

He promotes on major search engines and with public relations strategies. From August to September 4 the portal will be offering 10 percent off all of its item for customers who use Coupon Code augsep409.

Tovar came to the United States to study in 1997 and graduated in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, Cum Laude, from Mercer University in Atlanta, Georgia. Prior to launching the portal he worked in real estate.

He dedicated a year to conducting research looking at major brands, distributors, terms and conditions before relying on his technical background to establish Tovar Investments LLC, the company that owns the portal. This year, he opened the online store which has more than 200 customers including restaurants and Latin stores throughout the United States and a few clients in Europe. He figures the main reason his customers shop at the virtual store is to save time and money.

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JoelBary Alex Carvallo Matias Perels

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