Sunday, July 14, 2024

Business Etiquette on Land and in the Air

Posted by Elena del Valle on March 14, 2012

By Roshini Rajkumar
Speaker, Roshini Performance Group

Roshini Rajkumar, speaker, Roshini Performance Group

Roshini Rajkumar, speaker, Roshini Performance Group

Photo: Roshini Performance Group

Leave Things As You Found Them

If the overhead compartment was closed before you used it, re-secure it after you’re done stowing your carry-on items. This also applies when you attend business functions or meetings. Do you find some people don’t even clean up after themselves when they eat or take a coffee break? Leave shared business spaces as you found them; bonus points for leaving those spaces in better shape than how you found them.

Click to read the entire Business Etiquette on Land and in the Air