Saturday, March 22, 2025

Cruise industry exec shares unselfish ideals

Posted by Elena del Valle on December 14, 2012

Unselfish World book cover

Unselfish World book cover

For ten years Richard Sasso, chief executive officer, MSC Cruises of Fort Lauderdale, Florida had an idea he wanted to develop. He wanted to encourage others to pay attention to their surroundings. Doing so would help them realize all people share a common bond and lead them to be giving, he thought. Last year he brought his idea to a wide audience with the publication of UnselfishWorld (self published, $27) and the establishment of a non profit foundation and related website.

Sasso believes that although the human instinct is to be selfish it is possible to counter our instinct in order to be unselfish. Becoming unselfish, he says in the Forward of the book, can make a difference in the world “to the protection of our homes, our families, and even reach for the possibility of world peace.”

The 83-page hardcover book is divided into 15 chapters where he addresses the main questions of Why, Who, What, When, Where, How and goes on to explain his overall concept. He believes when we do kind things we should not do them seeking a reward but says that “life has some interesting was to reward us, even when we least expect it.”

The mission of Unselfish World, listed as a non profit organization with a Miami address on the website, is “to create an environment for you to become the most unselfish person you can be. Once you change your own behavior, you can also help others do the same.”

Visitors to the website are invited to sign up, share unselfish acts, contribute (two corporate sponsors are listed) to benefit three organizations, purchase the book and related stickers. Sasso, a cruise industry veteran with 40 years of experience including founding and leading cruise lines, believes his life has been nearly perfect. According to the book’s bio, his priorities are his family and friends and his passion to see his new project succeed.