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Consultant, information designer share brand overview

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 26, 2011

Brand Atlas book cover
Brand Atlas book cover

Photos: Dean & Blume PR

In Brand Atlas Branding Intelligence Made Visible (Wiley, $29.95), a 144-page hardcover book published this year, Alina Wheeler and Joel Katz outline the basic ideas they consider important for readers wishing to understand and make use of branding today. Their objectives in the book are to focus on what they consider the three essential areas to be conquered for those seeking to build their brand: understanding the marketplace and its trends, understanding brand basics and gaining access to the right methods and tools.

The book, filled with four-color pages, is divided into four main sections: Dynamics, Intelligence, Drive and Details. The concepts are outlined briefly, one per page, across from a four-color design page. The authors discuss topics such as global sourcing, word of mouth, open source, social networks, transparency, sustainability, Freeconomics (making a profit while offering free content), touchpoints, authenticity, and perception.

Wheeler, a branding consultant, authored Designing Brand Identity. She was advisory council member for The Dictionary of Brand. Katz, an information designer specializing in visualization of complex information, teaches at The University of the Arts and Philadelphia University.

Alina Wheeler, coauthor, Brand Atlas
Alina Wheeler, coauthor, Brand Atlas

Brand Atlast book cover

Click to buy Brand Atlas