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Marketing and non fiction books

Posted by Elena del Valle on April 20, 2008

Click here for information on Fiction Books and on the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book. Below is information about marketing and public relations and other non fiction books we have examined. That they appear on this list does not represent an endorsement of any particular title. It is our goal to be inclusive of varied points of view, some of which we may or may not agree with.

America Beyond Black and White Immigrants, Fusions, and the Radical Reconfiguration of American Culture by Ronald Fernandez (Perseus Distribution Services, Inc., $29.95)

In addition to the introduction, this hardcover 285-page book published in 2007 is divided into eight chapters: A Historical Opportunity, Dead End, Murals and Mexicans, Asian Americans, The Other Others, The Caribbean, The Question Marks, and A Heart Transplant. Ronald Fernandez is professor of Sociology in the Criminal Justice Department at Central Connecticut State University.


Bacardi and the Long Fight for Cuba: The Biography of a Cause (Viking, $27.95) by Tom Gjelten

An international news correspondent for National Public Radio (NPR) examines the history of five generations of the Bacardi family, world famous rum makers exiled from Cuba. He dedicates 23 chapters in the 413-page hardcover book, published in 2008, to outlining 150 years of the family history from the 1860s to the post-Castro era.

Bacardi and the Long Fight for Cuba book cover

Bacardi and the Long Fight for Cuba book cover

Barack Obama’s Faith and La Fe de Barack Obama by Stephen Mansfield (Thomas Nelson Publishers, $19.99) and (Grupo Nelson, $17.99)

Stephen Mansfield examines the role of religion in the life of Obama believing that understanding the presidential candidate’s faith will go a long way toward understanding the Illinois senator’s impressive leap into the national spotlight that may eventually lead to the White House.

The hardcover books share the same cover design and almost the same number of pages, 164 pages in the English language edition and 169 pages in the Spanish language version. There are also 10 pages of black and white photographs of Obama and his family in the middle. The English language book is divided into an introduction and six chapters: To Walk Between Worlds; My House, Too; Faith Fit for the Age; The Altars of State; Four Faces of Faith; and A Time to Heal.



Born Digital Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives by John Palfrey and Urs Gasser (Basic Books, $25.95)

A 375-page hardcover book, published in 2008 about people born after 1980 into a digital era. There is an introduction followed by 13 chapters: Identities, Dossiers, Privacy, Creators, Pirates, Quality, Overload, Aggressors, Innovators, Learners, Activists and Synthesis. Digital Natives live much of their lives online while previous generations which distinguishe between their online and offline lives.


The Boys from Dolores Fidel Castro’s Schoolmates from Revolution to Exile by Patrick Symmes (Vintage, $15.95)

The 352-page soft cover non fiction book tells the story of some of Cuba’s privileged boys from days gone by including the infamous Fidel Castro and his brother Raúl. In it the author shared the story of some of the many boys that attended the Colegio de Dolores, a private school in eastern Cuba in the 1940s.


Building the Latino Future Success Stories for the Next Generation by Frank Carbajal and Humberto Medina (Wiley, $24.95)

The 159-page hardcover book is divided into six sections: Focus, Unity, Tenacity, Unique Ability, Resiliency, and Education and a two-page Conclusion. The stories of the individuals they chose are designed to highlight their humble beginnings and rise to prominence in their field.


Clipping Their Own Wings by Ernesto Caravantes (Hamilton Books, $22)


The Facebook Era Tapping Online Social Networks to Build Better Products, Reach New Audiences and Sell More Stuff by Clara Shih (Prentice Hall, $24.99)

This 236-page paperback book published in early 2009 features a 60-day action plan to help readers benefit from using social networks. It is divided into 12 chapters in three main parts: A Brief History of Social Media, Transforming the Way We Do Business, and Your Step By Step Guide to Using Facebook for Business. In the first section the author looks at the current state of social networking; in the second part she explores ways for company areas to benefit from social forums; and in the remaining pages she provides suggestions to implement the ideas from part two of the book.

Facebook Era book cover

Facebook Era book cover

Fonda San Miguel Unique South of the Boder Recipes for Summer Celebrations (Shearer Publishing, $34.95) by Tom Gilliland, Miguel Ravago, and Virgina B. Wood

In this 238-page hardcover book, Fonda San Miguel restaurant owners Tom Gilliland and Miguel Ravago share a collection of their favorite easy-to-prepare restaurant recipes. The book was recognized as a 2006 International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) award-winning cookbook.

Fonda San Miguel

Good Is Not Good Enough and Other Unwritten Rules for Minority Professionals by Keith R. Wyche (Portfolio, $24.95)

This 242-page hardcopy book published in 2008 is divided into 12 chapters: Corporate Culture is Critical; Perception is Pivotal; Be Visible; Known When to Move Over and When to Get Out; Career Killers You Must Avoid; Must-Have Skills Every Senior Leader Needs; Be More Prepared Than Everyone Else; Overcoming Gender Bias; Stay Current to Remain Relevant; Mentors and Sponsors; The Importance of Giving Back and The Importance of Not Giving Up.


Happy for No Reason 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out by Marci Shimoff (Free Press, $24.95)

The 320-page hardcover self-help book was published in early 2008 and is divided into three parts. The author, discusses happiness and how readers can develop seven happiness habits that may lead eventually to enhanced feelings of well being. Each chapter includes one case study from the Happy 100 individuals, some of them celebrities, Shimoff interviewed.


Hispanic Heresy What is the Impact of America’s Largest Population of Immigrants? by Angel L. Reyes, III, MBA, J.D., Bradley T. Ewing, Ph.D. and James C. Wetherbe (Mead Publishing, $25)

An attorney and two university professors, Angel L. Reyes, III, MBA, J.D., Bradley T. Ewing, Ph.D. and James C. Wetherbe, address the impact of Latino immigration on the United States. The 104-page newly published hardcover book is divided into seven chapters.


Hispanic Marketers Guide to Cable 2008 Edition Hispanic Cable Facts and Cultural Cues (Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau, $49.95)

The Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau published Hispanic Marketers’ Guide to Cable 2008 Edition Hispanic Cable Facts and Cultural Cues ($49.95) in late 2008 as resource for advertisers and their agencies. It was possible with a budget of about $50,000 and 12 contributors. It was designed to assist marketers to reach out to diverse Hispanic cable viewers, especially Spanish speakers who, according to the book, are particularly well represented by cable brands.


How to Win the Hispanic Gold Rush: Critical Cultural, Demographic, Marketing and Motivational Factors by Francisco J. Valle and Judy M. Mandel (iUniverse, $12.95)

This 95-page book, first published in 2003, is divided into seven chapters: Reasons for Limited Marketing Success; The Hispanic Gold Rush; Common Barriers to Success; Key Hispanic Traits; Hispanic Relationship Management; Culturally Attuned Organizations; and The Bottom Line.


Hyperborder The Contemporary U.S.-Mexico Border and its Future by Fernando Romero (Princeton Architectural Press, $35)

A 317-page paperback book published in 2008 and divided into 15 chapters that examine the economic, cultural, political and geographic issues affecting one of the largest and most important borders in the world. Written by Romero and a staff of researchers and assistants who interviewed academics, researchers and organizational representatives in North America.


The Immigration Solution A Better Plan Than Today’s by Heather Mac Donald, Victor Davis Hanson, and Steven Malanga (Ivan R. Dee, $24.95)

A 197-page hardcover book by two senior fellows from the Manhattan Institute and a senior fellow from the Hoover Institution. The book is divided into nine chapters, four by Heather Mac Donald and two each by Victor Davis Hanson and Steven Malanga.


Keeping the Faith How Applying Spiritual Purpose to Your Work Can Lead to Extraordinary Success by Ana Mollinedo Mims (Rayo, $22.95)

A 256-page hardcover title divided into nine chapters. It is centered around seven principles, faith, integrity, humility, prayer, forgiveness, stewardship, and legacy. The book is divided into three parts: Rebirth, Principles of the Spirit Led Career and On Reflection.

Keeping the Faith cover

Lady Q: The rise and fall of a Latin queen by Reymundo Sanchez and Sonia Rodriguez (Chicago Review Press, $24.95)

In Lady Q: The rise and fall of a Latin queen, Reymundo Sanchez, a former gang member, and Sonia Rodriguez, a former Queen of Kings gang member, share the tale of Sonia’s life among the Almighty Latin King and Queens Nation, one of Chicago’s most prominent gangs in a 269-page hard cover book published earlier this year.


Latinization How Latino Culture is Transforming the U.S. by Cristina Benitez (Paramount Market Publishing, $24.95)

In this 128-page hardcover book, first time author Cristina Benitez discusses the impact she thinks Latinos will have on the future of the United States. The book is divided into nine chapters with mostly Spanish language titles: ¡Adelante!, ¿Hispano o Latino?, Americanos, Familia, Determinación, Pasión, Contribución, Latinization – Why It Matters, and Epilogue – From the Road.


The Latino Threat Constructing Immigrants, Citizens and the Nation by Leo R. Chavez (Stanford University Press, $21.95)

Chavez examines the coverage of recent immigrants with the desire to illustrate how prejudices have been the basis to wrong a segment of the population and outline the meaning of American. The 256-page paperback book is divided into seven chapters and two parts: Constructing and Challenging Myths; and Media Spectacles and the Production of Neoliberal Citizen Subjects.


The Latino Wave by Jorge Ramos (Rayo, $24.95)

A 257-page hardcopy book published in 2004. It has eight chapters and an appendix: Making History: How Latinos Decided the 2000 Presidential Election; The New Neighbors Next Door; Why Latinos Are Different: The Melting Pot Myth; How to Woo Latinos: A Guide; The Secret Life of Latinos; The Invader Invaded; The True Power of Immigrants; and The Latino Agenda.

The Latino Wave

Latinos in America by Jorge J.E. Gracia (Blackwell Publishing, $29.95)

In his latest book, Latinos In America, Jorge J. E. Gracia, Ph.D. a professor of philosophy at the State University of New York (SUNY), explores the role of Latinos in United States society. The 252-page soft cover book is divided into three main parts of three chapters each: Latino/a Identities, Latinos/as in Society and Latino/a Philosophy.


Latinos in New England by Andres Torres (Temple University Press, $27.95)

In this 344-page soft bound book published in 2006, twenty-one contributors explore demographic trends, migration and community formation, and identity and politics relating to Puerto Ricans in New England. In addition to the editor, Andrés Torres, contributors include: Amílcar Antonio Barreto, Yoel Camayd-Freixas, Jorge Capetillo-Ponce, José E. Cruz, Cileine de Lourenço, Ruth Glasser, Phillip J. Granberry, Megan Halloran, Deborah Pacini Hernandez, José Itzigsohn, Gerald Karush, Robert Kramer, Nelly Lejter, Enrico A. Marcelli, Angel A. Amy Moreno, Hosffman Ospino, Adrian D. Pantoja, C. Eduardo Siqueira, Michael E. Stone, and Miren Uriarte.

Latinos in New England book cover

Little Book of Big Ideas Business by John Lipczynski (Chicago Review Press,$14.95)

In the book, a professor of industrial organization showcases what he believes are the 10 most important trends in business; and 50 people responsible for their development.

The 128-page hardcover book is divided into seven chapters: Pioneers, Industrialists, Entrepreneurs, Financial Geneuses, Mavericks, Strategists and Theorists. He dedicates two pages to each individual, outlining the person’s date and place of birth and death as well as his or her importance.


Manifest Destinies The Making of the Mexican American Race by Laura E. Gómez (New York University Press, $35)

Laura Gomez, a New Mexico professor of Law and American Studies, outlines the westward expansion of the United States 150 years ago and the permanent annexation of land from what was then northern Mexico. The acquisition of new land nearly tripled the United States territory and added 115,000 Mexican American citizens to our country.

The 243-page book is divided into an introduction and four distinct sections: The U.S. Colonization of Northern Mexico and the Creation of Mexican Americans, Where Mexicans Fit in the New American Racial Order, How a Fragile Claim to Whiteness Shaped Mexican American’s Relations with Indians and African Americans, and Manifest Destiny’s Legacy: Race in America at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.


Measuring Public Relationships The Data Driven Communicator’s Guide to Success by Katie Delahaye Paine (KDPaine & Partners, $29.95).

A 202-page soft cover book for marketers, public relations professionals and communicators who want to better understand the measurement process. Published by KDPaine & Partners, the book is divided into 16 chapters and two appendices.

The author addresses a variety of public relationships including An Introduction to Measurement; Measurement Tools and What They Cost; Measuring Relationships with the Media; Measuring Relationships with Analysts and Influencers; Comparing Media Relations to Other Marketing Disciplines; Measuring Trust and Mistrust; Measuring the Impact of Events and Sponsorships on Your Public Relationships; and Measuring Relationships with Your Local Community.


Mongrels, Bastards, Orphans & Vagabonds: Mexican Immigration and the Future of Race in America by Gregory Rodriguez (Pantheon Books, $26.95)

A 336-page hardcover book on the legacy of Mexican-Americans, the largest Hispanic subgroup, he examines the influence and evolution of Mexicans in America from 1519 to the present written by journalist Gregory Rodriguez.The book is divided into nine chapters: Birth of a People, The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Colonial Racial System, The Spaniards Venture North, Mexicans and the Limits of Slavery, The Anglos Move West, Caught Between North and South, Becoming Mexican American, The Chicano Movement and Mongrel America and the New Assimilation.


Opening the Borders by Larry Blasko (Level 4 Press, Inc., $25.95)

A 211-page hardcover book in which Journalist Larry Blasko proposes a solution to the U.S.-Mexico illegal immigration problem. It is divided into sections: James K. Who? Border? What Border? Why They Come; Where They Go, What They’re Like; Why “Let’s Deport Them!” Why Not Just Fix Mexico; Jeez Louize, It Ain’t Broke, So Why are We Trying To Fix It? Alright, Wise Guy – Now What? and Yeah, well, How do we do that?

Opening the Borders book cover 

PR 2.0 New Media, New Tools, New Audiences by Deidre Breakenridge (FT Press, $24.99)

In PR 2.0 New Media, New Tools, New Audiences, Breakenridge’s third book, she discusses new media and how its advent affects the practice of public relations.

The 284-page hardcover book is divided into 15 chapters and four sections: The Transition to PR 2.0, A New Direction in PR, Embracing PR 2.0 and The Future of 2.0. In the book, she outlines the importance of being familiar with new media much of which she says involves social networking including website interaction and blogging.


The Puerto Rican Diapora edited by Carmen Teresa Whalen, Victor Vazquez-Hernandez (Temple University Press, $23.95) – 2006 Choice Oustanding Academic Title

A 306-page soft bound historical review of the emigration of Puerto Ricans to the continental United States edited by two university professors. The contributors focus on the economic, political, social effects of the Puerto Rican migration from 1900 to the present. In addition to the editors, Linda C. Delgado, The College of Mt. St. Vincent; Ruth Glasser, University of Connecticut; Iris O. López, City College of New York; Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, Hunter College; Eugenio “Gene” Rivera; Maura Toro-Morn, Illinois State University; and Olga Jiménez de Wagenheim, Rutgers University, Newark contributed to the book.

The Puerto Rican Diaspora book cover

Quinceañera Connection Your Dream Celebration on Any Budget by Priscilla Mills (American Treasurers Library, $12.95)

This 187-page paperback book published in 2007 is divided into four sections: Introduction with the first two chapers; Creating a Celebration with chapters 3 to 24; Girl Talk for the Quinceañera with chapters 25 to 33; and Parent Talk with the remaining chapters.


Raising a Bilingual Child by Barbara Zurer Pearson, Ph.D. (Living Language, $14.95)

This 346-page book is divided into eight chapters: Introduction; The Benefits of Childhood Bilingualism; Learning a First Language; Learning Two (or More) Languages; Establishing a Bilingual Environment; How-To Testimonials; Are There Any Children Who Cannot Learn Two Languages?; Research Comparing Monolinguals and Bilinguals; and About Bilingual Identity.


The Salsa Solution by Rafael Colong and Alesa Lightbourne, Ph.D. (VI Publishing, $14.95)

An 88-page paperback book published in 2006, The Salsa Solution Adding Picante To Your Life, is divided into five chapters: Soñar/To Dream, Aprender/To Learn, Ligarse/To Join, Saltar/To Leap and Ayudar/To Help.


Salsa, Soul, and Spirit: Leadership for a Multicultural Age by Juana Bordas (Berrett-Koehler Publishesr, $17.95)

A 226-page book about Latino, African American and Native American leadership styles and how adopting them along with traditional mainstream principles will enhance leadership programs. The book includes historical background on multicultural communities, the author’s opinions about multicultural leadership, suggested next steps, and interview commentaries from national leaders.

Salsa, Soul and Spirit cover

Taming the Dragons of Change in Business 10 Tips for Anticipating, Embracing and Using Change to Achieve Success (Acuity Publishing, $19.95)

Richard G. Stieglitz, Ph.D. explores ways for readers to take advantage of current market, employment, organizational and business shifts. The Maryland resident believes that individuals and companies who are prepared and ready may be able to take advantage of the opportunities that develop in the rapidly changing environment. Stieglitz, who believes the most notable change is the increased importance of relationships in the business environment, addressed the book to leaders who want to transform their organizations.


Thalia: Belleza! Lessons in Lipgloss and Happiness by Thalia


Who’s Buying by Race and Hispanic Origin (New Strategist, $59.95)

This paperback book is part of the Who’s Buying series and features 123 pages of spending information about Asian, black and Hispanic consumers in 2005. It is divided into 12 sections and four appendices.


Why Customers Really Buy Uncovering the Emotional Triggers That Drive Sales by Linda Goodman and Michelle Helin (Career Press, $14.99)

These two business consultants with many years of experience advising Fortune 500 companies, discuss  how “insights can become useful for converting emotional considerations into actionable solutions.” They believe that the same emotional motivation that drives consumers to loyally purchase brand products applies to the business to business environment.

The 256-page paperback is divided into five parts: Discovering the Power of Emotion, Putting Emotional Triggers to Work – Sales,  Putting Emotional Triggers to Work – Marketing, Putting Emotional Triggers to Work – Customer Relationships, and Integrating Emotional Logic.

