Friday, March 21, 2025

Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement

Posted by Elena del Valle on April 29, 2008

“Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement: measuring conversations and social media” audio recording


Presenter Katie Delahaye Paine, founder, KDPaine & Partners LLC

A presentation by Katie Delahaye Paine and Q&A with Katie Delahaye Paine and audio program host Elena del Valle about measuring online relationship.

Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement” consists of 118 minutes of useful insights and information by a national measurement expert.

Available exclusively on! For your convenience you may also purchase these materials on audio CD’s.

What you receive: Downloadable recording of a 37-minute presentation “Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement” and a bonus 81-minute interview of Katie Delahaye Paine.

Total: 118 minutes of recording, 37 minutes of presentation and 81 minutes of interview!

Not sure? Click here to read more and listen to a short interview with Katie

Find out about measuring online and social media issues. We have direct access to Hispanic market and Hispanic media experts. They have shared some of their secrets and the benefits of years of experience and we will share them with you.

Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement” (Poyeen Publishing, $119.95)

Presented by Katie Delahaye Paine and recorded January 2008.

What you receive: Downloadable recordings of a 37-minute presentation “Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement” and a bonus 81-minute interview of Katie Delahaye Paine. Total: 118 minutes of recording time, 37 minutes of presentation and 81 minutes of interview time!

How it works: It’s easy! Once you purchase this outstanding recording only available here, you will receive instructions to download the file in MP3 format.

MP3 files are audio files that can be recorded and transferred easily, allowing you to listen to them on your computer or MP3 player (such as an iPod).

Similar presentations are only available by attending national conferences or teleseminars costing hundreds or thousands of dollars. And that is just to listen, without a copy of the audio recording! Now for a fraction of the cost of one of the teleseminars you can have the presentation to listen to whenever you want and as often as you want.

For a fraction of the cost you can listen to the recordings in the convenience of your office or home anytime you choose and as often as you like. Listen on your computer or MP3 player over and again. Rewind and listen to portions of particular interest. As a bonus you receive an interview of Katie Delahaye Paine in which she discusses measurement of public relationships beyond traditional media.

Find out about

• Issues affecting online public relationships today
• Testing relationships as part of a survey
• Measuring ethnic group relationships
• Measuring foreign language communications in a similar ways to English
• Biggest challenges when measuring conversations and social media
• Measuring online relationships with little or no money
• When would a company have 2,000 clips a month?
• Percent of your budget you should spend on measurement
• How do you decide which media to monitor and measure?
• Convincing senior management to allocate a measurement budget
• Biggest fear of public relations practitioners about measurement
• Top strength of public relations and marketing professionals
• Type of data corporate senior executives prefer
• Ways marketers should measure to please those in charge
• Is it useful to count number of visitors?
• Are there standards for online media measurement?
• Relevant issues when measuring online media
• Is there a relationship between measurement and organizational goals?
• How does standard methodology help the measurement process?
• Is there a single standard for all public relations practitioners?
• Identifying online media for measurement
• Role of constituent preferences in measurement process
• Role of client goals, budget in measurement
• Software tools to measure online relationships
• Why links and comments are an important measure of success in blogs
• Meaning of ratio of posts to comments on blogs
• Role of social media and blogs as part of an organization’s outreach
• Measuring success of internal blogs
• Are there similarities between traditional and online media measurement?
• Why ranking alone is not an accurate measure of success
• Metrics to use with ranking
• Are eyeballs a reflection of engagement?
• Measures of engagement
• Do standards and criteria remain identical when measuring diverse online media?
• Issues and metric tools to measure podcasts
• Measure of success of YouTube
• What is outcome measurement?
• Role of ranking and plays in measurement
• Social media metrics
• Does acculturation affect social media participation?
• What is the fastest growing segment in Facebook?
• What marketers need to learn to stay current
• Are audiences watching television programs online?
• Is it possible to automate the measurement process
• What to consider when measuring Hispanic market reach online
• Measurement issues for nonprofits, small and medium organizations
• Does promotion of abstract concepts respond well online?
• Benefits of relying on consultant for results analysis
• Managing clip measurement
• Much more

Katie Delahaye Paine the founder of KDPaine & Partners LLC and publisher of the first blog and the first newsletters for marketing and communications professionals dedicated entirely to measurement and accountability. Her book, Measuring Public Relationships, the Data-Driven Communicator’s Guide to Success, was published in December of 2007. She writes KDPaine’s Measurement Blog and publishes The Measurement Standard. Prior to launching KDPaine & Partners in 2002, Katie was the founder and president of The Delahaye Group, which she sold to Medialink in 1999.

If you’re ready to launch or improve your online measurement and need to know about the relevant issues and how to maximize results, “Moving Beyond Traditional Media Measurement” (Poyeen Publishing, $119.95) presented by Katie Delahaye Paine founder of KDPaine & Partners, is a must. Find out about today’s red hot measurement issues and why public relations practitioners need to measure results in a way that’s meaningful to senior management.

How it works: It’s easy! Once you purchase this outstanding presentation only available here, you will receive instructions to download the file in MP3 format.

Still not sure? Click here to read more and listen to a short interview with Katie
