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Hispanic marketing, communication books

Posted by Elena del Valle on June 11, 2006

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Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority Edited by Elena del Valle (Poyeen Publishing, 49.95)*

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations

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A 436-page book on how to reach U.S. Hispanics using marketing and public relations tools written by 19 market experts and academics. Fifteen chapters discuss: A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market, Latino Identity and Situational Latinidad, Beyond Skin Color, A Deeper Look into the U.S. Hispanic Market, Hispanic Projections, Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Segmentation by Level of Acculturation, Effective Translations, Marketing to U.S. Hispanics Online, Hispanic Publilc Relations and Its Emergency as an Industry, Latino Media: A Cultural Connection, Electronic Publicity and Broadcast Public Relations, Maximizing Public Relations Results with Entertainment, Hispanic Public Relations Return on Investment, and Cultural Understanding Key to Effective Media Training.

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations 1932534083

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2006 U.S. Diversity Markets Report (Synovate, $895)

A 280-page diversity markets report with nine chapters with information on demographics, Hispanic and African-American market characteristics, acculturation, media and advertising, products and services.

2006 All-In-One Directory Gebbie Press (Gebbie Press, $155)

The 35th edition of this directory includes 24,000 print and broadcast media listings in three sections: white, yellow and grey pages. It has the title, address, circulation, area of coverage, fax and phone numbers for the media outlets in the continental U.S. Daily Newspapers, weekly newspapers, radio stations,television stations, consumer magazines,trade publications, Black press, Black radio, Hispanic press, Hispanic TV-radio, and news syndicates. There are eight pages of Hispanic radio stations and four pages of Hispanic press listed.

2005/2006 Hispanic Yearbook (TYIM Publishing Company, $29.95)

A 400-page bilingual (English, Spanish) advertorial and editorial directory edited by Angela Zavala. Main categories include: Hispanic Community in the U.S., U.S. Department of Defense and the International Scene, Iberia-America in the Global Market, Education, Health, and Hispanic Organizations & Media.

Hispanic Yearbook

Click here to purchase Hispanic Yearbook

2005/2006 The Source Book of Multicultural Experts (Multicultural Marketing Resources, Inc., $59.95)

A 94-page advertorial directory of multicultural experts. There is one page of Hispanic experts.

2005 O’Dwyers’s Directory of Public Relations Firms (O’Dwyers, $175)

A 420-page advertorial directory (only paid entries included) from Jack O’Dwyer. It includes the names of 32 firms 11 states in the “Minority Markets” specialty. Eight of the public relations firms in five states list Hispanic markets as an area of practice (under their individual listings in another part of the directory).

Beyond Bodegas by Jim Perkins (Paramount Market Publishing, $39.95)

A 148-page hardcopy book published in 2004. It has an Introduction, Index and 10 chapters: Why Hispanics Why Now?, Why Length of Time in Country Matters; Marketing In-Culture; Applying the 4 Ps to the Hispanic Consumer; Building the Hispanic Friendly Environment; Store Presentation, Community Involvement and Staffing; Latin Flavored Bevearges and Latin American Brands; The Role of Spanglish in Marketing; Crafting a Message that Touches Hispanic Consumers; and Dance to the Salsa!

Beyond Bodegas

Click here to purchase Beyond Bodegas

Beyond Translation by Valerie Romley (Moving Target Research Group, $24.95)

A 242-page paperback book available online and in hard copy. The book is divided into 12 chapters: The Future is Now; What Drives Our Thinking; What Were They Thinking; Transcultural Consumers; Peeling the Transcultural Onion; Defying Labels; Changing Culturs, Changing Identities; Understanding the Power of Context; Going Beyond the Language Debate; Why Research Matters; Making the Connection; and Redefining Multiculturalism.


Beyond Translation cover

Click here to purchase Beyond Translation

Hispanic Customers for Life A Fresh Look at Acculturation by Isabel Valdes (Paramount Market Publishing, $49.95)

In her new 194-page hardcover book Valdés explores the Hispanic generational crossover and related issues; and examines data and tools she believes may help professionals manage the generational and acculturation differences of foreign born and U.S. born Latinos.


Click here to buy Hispanic Customers for Life

Hispanic Marketing by Felipe and Betty Ann Korzenny (Elsevier, $29.95)

A 328-page softcover book published in 2005. It has an Introduction and 10 chapters: The Role of Cross-Cultural Marketing; Characteristics of the Hispanic Market; What Makes Hispanics “Hispanic;” The Role of Language in Hispanic Marketing; The Processes of Enculturation, Acculturation and Assimilation; Cultural Dimensions and Archetypes; Culturally Informed Strategy Based on Ground Research; U.S. Hispanic Media Environment and Strategy; The Evolution of Hispanic Marketing; and The Future.

Hispanic Marketing

Click here to purchase Hispanic Marketing

Marketing to American Latinos by M. Isabel part 1 (Paramount Market Publishing, $29.95)

A 177-page softbound book published in 2000 providing “A guide to the in-culture approach.” It is divided into three sections: The “New” Hispanic Consumer (three chapters), In-Culture Advertising (five chapters), The Latino Market is Many Markets (two chapters), Case Studies (nine case studies). It also has a Sources and Bibliography sections.

Marketing tp American Latinos part 1

Click here to purchase Marketing to American Latinos part 1

Marketing to American Latinos by M. Isabel part 2 (Paramount Market Publishing, $54.95)

A 2002 hardcopy 360-page book described as “A guide to the in-culture approach.” It is divided into five section: Hispanics in the United States, A Current Look (nine chapters), Targeting to the Hearts and Minds of U.S. Latinos (five chapters), Hispanics as Customers (three chapters), Latino Lifestyles (four chapters) and An Integrated Strategy for Hispanic Markets (one chapter). There are also eight pages of Online Resources.

Marketing to American Latinos part 2

Click here to purchase Marketing to American Latinos part 2

Marketing to Hispanics by Terry J. Soto (Kaplan Publishing, $23)

A 259-page hardcover book from 2006 that sets out to offer “A Strategic Approach to Assessing and Planning Your Initiative.” It has eleven chapters, an appendix, bibliography and references section. Chapter titles are: An overview of the Hispanic market and the culture in the United States; Is your organization aligned for the Hispanic market opportunity? Case studies: products and services marketed to Hispanics; External assessment I: macro industry trends; External assessment II: the competitive environment; External Assessment III: the consumer; The internal assessment; Analyzing data; Moving from assessment to implementation; Measurement system setup; and conclusion. The Appendix lists Secondary Research Resources pages of graphics and charts.

Marketing to Hispanics

Click here to purchase Marketing to Hispanics

The Mass Media and Latino Politics Studies of U.S. Media Content, Campaign Strategies and Survey Research: 1984-2004 (Routledge, $49.95) edited by Federico Subervi, Ph.D.

In this 415-page soft cover book, Texas professor Federico Subervi-Velez, Ph.D. and 22 colleagues, many of them academics, examine mass media and Latino politics in the United States over a 20 year period. The publisher recommends the title for scholars and researchers in communication, political science, and Latino studies, and for advanced courses on politics, media, and minority populations in the United States.


Click here to buy The Mass Media and Latino Politics 

The Minority Traveler 2003 Edition (Travel Industry Association of America, $225)A 72-page publication prepared by the Research Department of the Travel Industry Association of America, Washington, D.C. It is divided into Introduction, Executive Summary, Demographics of Minority Groups among the U.S. Population, Hispanic Travel, African-American Travel, Asian-American Travel, and Comparisons Among Minority Travel Groups. It also includes two appendices on Methodology and Glossary of Terms.

The Power of Business en Español: Seven Fundamental Keys to Unlocking the Potential of the Spanish-Language Hispanic Market by Jose Cancela (Rayo, $19.95)


Click here to purchase The Power of Business en Espanol

Puerto Ricans in the United States: A Contemporary Portrait book (Lynne Rienner Publishers, $22.50). *

In this 272-page paperback book, academics Edna Acosta Belén and Carlos E. Santiago focus on the trajectory and status of Puerto Ricans in the United States.

The book is divided into eight chapters: Introduction: Portrait of a Commuter Nation; The Colonial Experience; Migrations Before World War II; Postwar Migration Patterns; A Demographic Portrait; Social and Civil Rights Struggles; Voices and Images of the Diaspora; and Overcoming the Colonial Experience: Future Challenges. It includes 28 graphics and 19 black and white illustrations. The cover designed is a reproduction from the mural “Sea of Flags” by Gamaliel Ramírez and Eren Star Padilla in Chicago.

Click here to purchase Puerto Ricans in the United States

Selling to Latinos Building a Bridge to Understanding by Andrew Erlich, Ph.D. (Multi-Cultural Publications, $39.95)

A 192-page hard cover guide to selling to Latinos published in 2005. It is divided into 16 chapters and a five part appendix. Chapter titles are: The Objectives, Nomenclature, Key Statistics, Role of Culture, Stereotyping, Valid Assumptions, The Language Barrier, Proverbs, Norms and Values, Matrix of Cultures, Agent of the Possibilities, Concerns and Assumptions, Mental Preparation, Marketing, Mistakes and Transaction.

Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2006 (U.S. Census Bureau)

A 1023-page hard bound summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States published by the U.S. Census Bureau under the Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration. It features a representative selection of statistics widely used for business analysis, education, and government planning. It is divided into 30 sections and six appendices.

Who We Are Hispanics (New Strategist, $89.95)

Who We Are: Hispanics, a 262-page softbound book includes detailed estimates of the number of Hispanics nationally, by state and metropolitan area. The book is divided into 10 chapters on Education, Health, Housing, Income, Labor Force, Living Arrangements, Population, Spending, Time Use, and Wealth. Data sources for the book included the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census Bureau, Federal Reserve Board, National Center for Education Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, and the American Community Survey.


Click here to buy Who We Are Hispanics

The Whole Enchilada Hispanic Marketing 101 by Juan Faura (Paramount Market Publishing, $29.95)

A 144-page hardcopy sponsored book published in 2004. It has 15 chapters, two appendices and a list of sponsors. The chapter titles are How the Hispanic Market is Changing; Why the Hispanic Market?; Getting Started; Mucho Gusto It’s a Pleasure to Meet You; Spanish, English or In-Between; Acculturation, Assimilation and Other Cool Buzzwords; All the Flavors; But I Don’t Speak Spanish!; Where We Come From and How It Affects Our Outlook; Getting Help; Media Resources; The Top 30 Markets; Hispanic Youth; The Other Half and Hidden Treasure; and So Here We Are.

The Whole Enchilada

Click here to purchase The Whole Enchilada

* 2006 Choice Oustanding Academic Title
