Friday, March 21, 2025

With video Building a Brand and Breaking a Stereotype

Posted by Elena del Valle on April 20, 2011

By Eric Granof
Chief marketing officer

Eric Granof, chief marketing officer, AIA Holdings

Eric Granof, chief marketing officer, ExpertBail

Photos and video: ExpertBail

Building a brand is never an easy challenge, but doing so in the context of an industry that already has a negative image, can be nothing short of daunting.  Add to this, an extremely popular television program that supports the negative stereotype and even worse, a long history of Hollywood romanticizing and perpetuating the negative stereotype of your industry and you can begin to see the complexity and magnitude of the challenge that our team at AIA, the nation’s largest underwriter of bail bonds, was faced with only 7 short months ago when we launched ExpertBail. 

The bail bond industry is a very interesting one.  Not only has it been misrepresented by the media, but it is also extremely misunderstood by the average person on the street. This is probably due to the fact that most people don’t ever expect or plan on needing a bail bond.  So when they do need one, the experience is preceded with fear and uncertainty.  We felt it was time to eliminate those negative feelings and replace them with new ones of trust, hope and confidence.

Click to read the entire article With video – Building a Brand and Breaking a Stereotype