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Miembros de HMCA reciben descuento sobre recursos educacionales de audio de HispanicMPR.com

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 18, 2006


Para Distribución Inmediata            Informes: HMCA hmca@hmca.org
                                                   HispanicMPR.com editor@hispanicmpr.com

Nota al editor: Hay fotos disponibles de los presentadores y del portal
Miami, Florida – Los miembros de la Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (http://www.hmca.org/ Asociación Hispana de Mercadeo y Comunicación conocida por sus siglas en inglés como HMCA) recibirán un 15 por ciento de descuento sobre los nuevos recursos educacionales de audio de HispanicMPR.com hasta el 31 de julio de 2006. Los nuevo recursos proporcionan información sobre los mercados latinos de los Estados Unidos y explican cómo llevar a cabo campañas de mercadeo y relaciones públicas dirigidas a dichos mercados. HispanicMPR.com (https://www.hispanicmpr.com/ ) proporciona un foro virtual para el intercambio de información e ideas sobre el mercadeo y las relaciones públicas dirigidas a los latinos en los Estados Unidos. Información sobre los productos se encuentra en el https://www.hispanicmpr.com/resources/hmpr-products/

HispanicMPR.com recientemente lanzó la primera línea de recursos educacionales en audio por medio de download a través del Internet sobre el mercadeo y las relaciones públicas dirigidas a los latinos en los Estados Unidos.  Las presentaciones, en ingles,  disponibles a través del nuevo formato de audio son las siguientes: Federico Subervi, Ph.D., profesor del School of Journalism and Mass Communication de Texas State University-San Marcos y co-autor del capítulo titulado “Latino Media: A Cultural Connection”, Michele Valdovinos, vicepresidente de research and marketing de Phoenix Cultural Access Group y co-autora del capítulo “A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market”, Dora O. Tovar, M.P.A., presidente de Tovar Public Relations y autora del capítulo “Hispanic Public Relations and Its Emergence as an Industry” y Elena del Valle, socia de LNA World Communications y autora del capítulo “Cultural Understanding Key to Effective Media Training”.

Establecido como una continuación virtual del nuevo libro en inglés titulado Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations: Understanding and Targeting America’s Largest Minority (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95) para profesionales y estudiantes de mercadeo, el portal HispanicMPR.com y su podcast compañero proporcionan un espacio virtual en el cual los autores y lectores del libro, las personas suscritas a recibir mensajes electrónicos del portal y los visitantes puedan comunicarse e intercambiar información y opiniones y escuchar presentaciones y entrevistas en audio podcast sobre el mercado latino y los temas relacionados. Los visitantes pueden escuchar las entrevistas grabadas en el portal a través del artículo sobre la entrevista, en el espacio “Podcast” y por medio de un download para escucharlas en su computadora, iPod o máquina de MP3.

Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations ofrece 435 páginas en 15 capítulos con información, análisis de casos, materiales gráficos, información del mercado y opiniones sobre el mismo basadas en la experiencia de los 19 autores expertos y beneficia a HMCA. La Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association es una asociación profesional de voluntarios y sin fines de lucro dedicada a promover excelencia en el mercadeo dirigido a latinos.

HispanicMPR.com launches Resources Section

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 10, 2006

Elena del Valle Federico Subervi, Ph.D. 

Presenters Elena del Valle, MBA and Federico Subervi, Ph.D

 Dora Tovar Michele Valdovinos

Presenters Dora O. Tovar, MPA and Michele Valdovinos

Boca Raton, FL – HispanicMPR.com, a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on Hispanic marketing and public relations, launched a Resources Section featuring its eponymous book and the first ever series of downloadable audio recordings on Latinos and how to reach them effectively with marketing and public relations tools. Resource product prices range from $49.95 for the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book to $129.95 for two recorded presentations in a CD set. Details are available online at HispanicMPR.com

Initial offerings include presentations by experts and leaders in the field. Michele Valdovinos, vice president of research and marketing, Phoenix Cultural Access Group, and co-author of a chapter titled “A Snapshot of the U.S. Hispanic Market” and Elena del Valle, MBA, principal, LNA World Communications, and editor of the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book present  “Hispanic Market Overview.” Dora O. Tovar, MPA, president, Tovar Public Relations, and contributing author of the “Hispanic Public Relations and Its Emergence as an Industry” chapter presents “The Next Step: Secondary Latino Markets.”  Federico Subervi, Ph.D., professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Texas State University-San Marcos and co-author of the “Latino Media: A Cultural Connection” chapter and del Valle, contributing author of the “Cultural Understanding Key to Effective Media Training” chapter present “Latino Media and Hispanic Media Training.”


Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book cover

Started as a weblog for the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book, HispanicMPR.com provides a place for readers and authors of the book, subscribers and visitors to connect, discover the latest Hispanic market news and updates and listen to expert interviews and presentations in an audio podcast downloadable format.  Visitors may listen to podcasts on the podcast announcement page and the website’s audio player which appear under the heading “Podcast” or download them for convenient listening on their MP3 or iPod players.

The Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book provides 435 pages of information, case studies, graphics, market data and opinions based on the experiences of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts. Seventeen practitioners and two university academics, contributed fifteen chapters to the book, which benefits the Hispanic Marketing & Communication Association (HMCA), a volunteer driven nonprofit professional association dedicated to Hispanic marketing excellence. For details on the book, visit HispanicMPR.com 

Adding “Gasolina” to your Marketing Strategy: Four Tips To Reaching U.S Hispanic Youth

Posted by Elena del Valle on May 3, 2006

By Natalie Boden, BodenPR 

hmprFlavio Morales_1.JPG

Flavio Morales, vice president, programming, mun2 

Photo: mun2

We all know it. We’ve all sung it. Some of us don’t even know what it means. What is it? It’s “Gasolina” (“Gasoline”), Daddy Yankee’s popular reggaetón hit. The album has sold over a million copies and the music sure is catchy. And marketers have taken note. Why? Because it reaches a young Hispanic demographic segment that according to studies represents a purchasing power of $25 billion dollars per year. In fact, today, Latino youth stands for 20 percent of the total U.S. teen population with studies showing that they will reach 62 percent by 2020, increasingly becoming a very lucrative segment of the economy.

Although companies are catching on, signing deals with top Latino artists including big reggaetón stars and developing campaigns aimed specifically at this youth segment, some, according to Beatrice Rangel, president of AMLA, a U.S. Hispanic market research firm, still don’t “get it.”

“Marketers are lost. They have no clue what this generation needs. These kids hate Telemundo. They hate Univisión. They don’t watch ‘Sábado Gigante,’ they watch the WB,” she said.

Click here to read the complete article