Saturday, March 22, 2025

Malaghan, Tony

Posted by on March 2, 2005


Tony Malaghan, chief executive officer, Arial International

Tony Malaghan, CEO, brings over 24 years of professional experience in marketing to Arial International’s management team. He has a Bachelor of Business Studies with a major in Marketing from Massey University. Since joining Arial International in 2001, Tony’s focus has been on Hispanic marketing projects in the US. He has had marketing focused articles published by the American Marketing Association, Hispanic Marketing and Communication Association, Inside Direct Mail, E-Contact, Collections and Credit Risk and Collector’s Ink. Prior to joining the firm, Tony worked for a wholly owned subsidiary of Lloyds TSB in the UK. His marketing experience includes strategic planning, new product development, product management, direct marketing through multiple channels for acquisition, usage, retention, upsell and cross-sell.
