About Us
Posted by Elena del Valle on March 22, 2005
Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations (HispanicMPR.com), the website and companion podcast, provide you essential information about today’s business topics, the largest minority in the United States, health, entertainment and other topics we think might interest you.
We have not used AI-assisted technologies in creating our editorial content.
We target a national audience of business executives with original editorial content including articles, Guest Articles, and podcast interviews with leaders, newsmakers and experts on business, marketing, media, communications, books, entertainment, health and Hispanics/U.S. Latins.
We don’t provide detailed analytics. Thank you for your interest.
The publication of editorial content, Guest Article, Podcasts or ads on the site does not mean endorsement. Submission of review copies (digital or print) or samples does not guarantee coverage positive or of any kind. As an Amazon Associate we earn a tiny sum from qualifying purchases. The links are there mainly for your convenience.
Our Resources Section is chock full of useful information including a nationally recognized book and 2006 Choice Outstanding Academic Title, guest articles, and audio recordings of presentations and extended interviews with national Hispanic market experts. Sign up for email updates and visit our Resources Section.
We believe in giving back and dedicate 10 to 15 percent of our ad space, at our sole discretion, to public service ads. If you represent a nonprofit organization you may send us information and a request for public service ad space. Feel fee to send your ad and ask!
HispanicMPR.com is published online from South Florida and updated regularly during the week with the exception of U.S. holidays. All content, unless otherwise noted, is editorial and copyright protected. In no event may the contents be reproduced or used to train Artificial Intelligence (AI) software or technologies without the express content of the publisher. See guidelines to link to our content below.
HispanicMPR.com is for you our loyal reader and listener. If you like HispanicMPR.com, please help us by
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- Proposing topics, speakers, and presentations ideas by leaving a comment or emailing editor @HispanicMPR.com. To maximize your chances of coverage submit your full name, complete contact information including a phone number where you can be reached and avoid tracking links; send event information at least three weeks in advance of the event.
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Consider reach thousands of marketing experts, advertising executives, and communicators targeting Latinos across the country?
Every week hundreds of subscribers receive our email updates and thousands of unique visitors, explore our pages, read our stories and listen to our audio editorial podcast interviews. Our podcast interviews are available on the HispanicMPR.com website, through podcast directories like Spotify and iTunes.
Place an ad (content subject to approval) on HispanicMPR.com. To avoid upload delays, ad banners should be in jpg or gif formats. To place an general or job ad, email your request to sales @hispanicmpr.com Place an ad today!
February 26, 2010
As a trustee at a local community college, who has just been appointed to the Diversity Committee, this podcast came up just in time. Very helpful. Thank you!
Natalia (Muñoz)
Hi Elena:
I never miss your daily emails! They are essential for keeping up with current information on the Hispanic market.
Thank you! Keep up the good work.
Liz Lantigua
Lantigua Designs
Office: 954-252-0718
Mobile: 954-649-6088
Hispanicmpr.com is a great source and I really appreciate your work.
Fabio Rodriguez
Online Marketing Director
ColConnect LLC, DBA Bilingual Marketing Group LLC
Lea Claveran here. I purchased the Marketing and Sales text book about a
month ago as preparation reading for my interviews wtih Univision. I am
pleased to annouce I have accept a job offer from Univision this week.
Thank you for your sending the book so quickly. It proved most helpful in my interview preparations.If you have recommendation’s on other products or services I should purchase or connect within my new advertising sales career with Univision I would love to hear about them.
Lea Claveran
HispanicMPR.com Podcast
The HispanicMPR.com podcast audio program provides you essential first hand information from business and Hispanic market experts on current topics, business issues and how to reach the largest minority in the United States with marketing and public relations tools. Podcast guests have included representatives from the Cuban Affairs Journal at the University of Miami, Intel, MFM Group organizers of the Fourth Annual Innovations in Hispanic Markets conference, Latin3.com and Fox en Español/Cuatro-Media and many other national experts.
To listen to a podcast, go to podcast announcement (announcements are usually Mondays) and click on the play button at the bottom. You can also visit the Podcast Section on the home page (box with blue background). Select the title by placing your cursor on it then click on the play button. To download the podcasts to your iTunes folder, right click on the RSS box above the Podcast box and select “copy shortcut.” Insert the shortcut into the download podcast URL box in the “advanced” file on your iTunes folder. To download a podcast right click on the title of the podcast and save to your hard drive. Instructions may vary depending on your hardware system and software.
For a list of past podcast guests and links to their podcasts go to Podcast guests list
The instrumental version of Bésame in the podcast and presentations was provided courtesy of singer and song writer Diana Mera and SGM Records. Thank you!
What is in HispanicMPR.com?
We regularly publish articles on topics of interest to anyone, especially professionals in (or wishing to learn about) marketing, communications, advertising, and journalism, marketing and public relations targeting Hispanics. We frequently cover business, marketing, public relations, advertising, demographic, research, media, branding, health, music and entertainment news. Sign up to receive regular complimentary email updates by placing your email address in the space provided on the upper right hand corner of the website or follow us on Twitter.
The Resources Section offers Hispanic market information including the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations book (Poyeen Publishing, $49.95), the first book published on how to reach Latinos with marketing and public relations tools.
Search a specific topic of interest, using the search button at the bottom of the page. You may look at the latest article at the top of the home page, visit the Categories appearing at the top of the website or the Pages and Podcast sections on the right.
Elena del Valle is editor of HispanicMPR.com and host of the Hispanic Marketing & Public Relations podcast. You are welcome to share your comments on the website.
Downloading files
Steps to download files vary depending on your computer and software type. Follow these instructions work for most PC and Mac types to download audio files such as a complimentary copy of “Emotional Branding” or any audio recording from the Resources Section. If they don’t you may have to check with your IT department.
If you have a PC,
- Right click
- Select “Save Target As”
- Save file
If you have a Mac,
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- Wait for menu to appear
- Save file to disk
- Press control key and click simultaneously
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Leaving Comments on HispanicMPR
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Comments in all capital letters, underline, bold, and unusual formats or using odd characters, including insulting or foul language will not be accepted. Make sure you include your name. Only comments with a signed name of a person will be accepted.
Comments submitted solely for self promotion will not be accepted. You are welcome to place an ad if you wish to promote your business. To place an ad, email sales at hispanicmpr.com.
How to submit press releases, articles for consideration
If you have an idea to propose, would like to be a guest on the audio show or want to share press releases, please email editor at hispanicmpr.com. Press releases should be in English and accompanied with a jpg photo(s) whenever possible. Copyright free for editorial use MP3 files should accompany music news releases, video files should accompany documentary, film, ad and TV program pitches. Include complete contact name and phone number, no tracking links please.
For original Guest Articles: request the Guest Article Guidelines. Make sure to include an author portrait photo (no group photos), author title, article title, and short author bio when submitting articles for the Guest Articles section. Submissions should be in English and address issues related to marketing and communicating to Latino audiences. Only submissions that clearly identify the author and his or her credentials will be considered. No editorial articles include hyperlinks. To purchase a hyperlinks ad contact sales @hispanicmpr.com Thank you.
Meet our interns from previous years
Vanessa Bravo (2009)

Vanessa Bravo
Vanessa Bravo is a public relations practitioner, journalist and editor with 14 years of experience. She worked for newspaper La Nacion, the most important daily in Costa Rica, as a junior journalist (1993-1997), as a senior journalist (1998-2001), as the online editor (2003-2005), and as the managing editor of the features daily magazine (2005-2007). Bravo still writes for La Nacion as a freelancer.
Bravo worked for one year (1997-1998) as the communications director at Paniamor Foundation. She earned her Master of Arts in Mass Communications at the University of Florida, in the Spring of 2003, thanks to a Fulbright scholarship. Bravo earned her Licenciatura degree in Journalism and her bachelor degree in Mass Communications at the Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). In the Spring of 2005, Bravo was an adjunct professor at UCR. Currently, she is a doctoral student in Mass Communications at the University of Florida.
Gabrielle Sarnese
Gabrielle Sarnese is attending Saint Thomas University in Miami Gardens Florida. A senior working towards a Bachelor’s degree in Communications and a minor in English, she plans to graduate this August. After graduation she plans to continue her education and receive her Master’s degree in Communication Arts at Saint Thomas. When she is graduates she plans to become a journalist or a photographer. She is taking classes in both programs.
She is secretary of the Bobcat Fan Club. In high school she was involved with the yearbook and the newspaper. She has participated in many community service projects on her own and with her high school. Gabrielle has organized many retreats and programs to bring the community closer together.
Sergio Carmona
Sergio Carmona is currently studying Print Journalism and expects to receive his bachelor’s degree from Florida International University later this year. The Miami native earned his associate degree from Miami Dade College in 2004 and begins his journalism career here at Hispanic Marketing and Public Relations. Sergio has written articles for The Catalyst at Miami-Dade College and The Beacon at Florida International University.
Melissa Gonzalez
Melissa Gonzalez is in the final stages of completing her bachelor’s degree in Journalism at Florida International University. She started as an International Business major but after receiving her associate of arts degree from Berkeley College of Business decided to go in the direction of her real passion, writing. She has since contributed to various websites as a freelance writer.
“College courses will teach you the basics of journalism. When it comes down to the actual written work there is no better experience than that of an internship. Deadlines and format are mentioned in classes but when you actually have an editor waiting for an article it’s completely different.
If you’re lucky enough to have an internship where you aren’t just a gopher it is the best learning experience you can have. At Hispanicmpr.com Elena walks interns through every process, down to the smallest detail. Her patience and experience has helped me tremendously. She has taught me writing tactics that I have not learned in the classroom. The fact that this is a fully internet based internship makes everything so much more convenient. There are no set hours and ample time is given for articles to be done.” Melissa Gonzalez
Link to our copyrighted content
HispanicMPR.com content is copyright protected. This means copying our articles, photos, recordings in their entirety requires permission. Using our articles without permission is like stealing from a friend. You can do it easily and your friend may not find out about it right away but it’s wrong. Please support our open website by respecting our content and those of our partners who submit information, photos and audio files for publication.
We are thrilled that you like our content enough to want to share, post, and refer to it! You are welcome to link to us anytime. If there is something you like and you want to share it with friends and colleagues here are some guidelines for use of our content:
- A link should be an announcement of the article, photo, audio file content and appear in a website that is open to the public. For use in a closed website, email us.
- HispanicMPR.com content should remain exclusively on our website. Do not copy it to your site.
- Links should clearly identify HispanicMPR.com as the source of the material and send traffic directly to our site.
- When linking to a specific HispanicMPR.com article, you may use our headline for the article and a summary you write. You may include up to three sentences from our content without prior permission.
- We would appreciate an email to editor @hispanicmpr.com with the URL where the link(s) can be found.
Thank you!
will like to have Matias Perel email
I was being completely cliche today and I thought I’d “google” myself. Interesting to see another Melissa Gonzalez who was working on completing her degree in Journalism. I’m a recent grad (last weekend) from Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, Texas. It’s good to know that there are others out there that share the same passion for writing as I do and have the same name to boot. Good luck, Melissa Gonzalez and I’m sure I’ll bump into you in the “real world.”