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24th Annual NAMIC Conference

Posted by Elena del Valle on August 26, 2010

Information provided by our Event Partner

24th Annual NAMIC Conference – “3D: Diversity, Digital, Demographics”
September 14 -15, 2010
Hilton New York
Presented as part of Diversity Week

Don’t miss the communications industry’s leading diversity symposium! Presented by the National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications (NAMIC), the 24th Annual NAMIC Conference “3D: Diversity, Digital, Demographics” will present diversity and inclusion through the 3D, stereoscopic lens of the communications industry’s business operations, expanding distribution platforms, and content development for a culturally complex and globally connected viewership.

We invite professionals at every organizational level to attend this premier educational event where they will interact with leaders at the forefront of innovation; discover new ways to leverage diverse perspectives within their own companies; and receive valuable insights into business and career strategies.

The two-day agenda will focus on Digital Media, Diversity & Inclusion, Leadership Development and Multi-ethnic Content & Programming, as well as “hot topic” sessions such as Hispanic America 2010 presented by The Nielsen Company and the Excellence in Multi-cultural Marketing Awards (EMMA). Special events include the L. Patrick Mellon Mentorship Program Luncheon, Mickey Leland Humanitarian Achievement Award Luncheon, Breakfast Honoring the CableFAX “Most Influential Minorities in Cable,” Diversity in Communications Career Expo and strategic networking opportunities.

Register online at For more information and sponsorship opportunities, contact NAMIC at 212-594-5985. Group registration discounts are available. Register early and save.