Saturday, March 22, 2025

Book outlines spending by race, ethnic group

Posted by Elena del Valle on February 27, 2009


Who’s Buying by Race and Hispanic Origin (New Strategist, $59.95) is part of the Who’s Buying series and features 123 pages of spending information about Asian, black and Hispanic consumers in 2005. The paperback book is divided into 12 sections and four appendices.

Following a Household Spending Trends discussion for 2000 to 2005, there is an overview followed by information on spending apparel, entertainment, financial products and services, food and alcoholic beverages, gifts, healthcare, housing, and transportation shelter and utilities. There is also a section on personal care, reading, education and tobacco. The appendices address the Consumer Expenditure Survey, Mortgage Principal and Capital Improvements and Spending by Product and Service Ranked by Amount Spent.

New Strategist is a New York publishing company. Other titles published by the company include Household Spending, Who’s Buying for Travel, Who’s Buying Apparel, Who’s Buying Health Care, Who’s Buying Household Furnishings, Services and Supplies, Who’s Buying for Pets, Who’s Buying by Race and Hispanic Origin, Who’s Buying at Restaurants and Carry-Outs, Who’s Buying Transportation, Who’s Buying Groceries, Who’s Buying Entertainment, Who’s Buying by Age and Who We are Hispanic.


Click here to buy Who’s Buying by Race and Hispanic Origin