Thursday, February 20, 2025

Changing Perceptions

Posted by Elena del Valle on December 3, 2008

By Luis Caballero
President, Matador Marketing Group


Luis Caballero, president, Matador Marketing Group

Photo: Matador Marketing Group

There once was a time, way back in the 80’s and early 90’s when a major national brand could just plant their flag in the middle of the Hispanic community in any form, TV, radio, whatever, the Latino Consumer Market would flock…in droves!

Not any more mi amigos!

Click here to read the complete article

Target Latinos effectively by understanding how they shop 

“Hispanic Holiday Shopping Patterns” audio recording


Manuel Delgado, CEO Agua Marketing, gives a presentation and participates in an extended Q&A discussion about

  • Hispanic shopping patterns national survey
  • Why Latino consumers may be more desirable than general market shoppers
  • Hispanics holiday shopping patterns and behaviors

Click here for information on “Hispanic Holiday Shopping Patterns” audio recording