Saturday, March 22, 2025

Microsoft supports small Hispanic owned businesses through BIC partnership

Posted by Elena del Valle on October 21, 2008


Jose Pinero, director of Multicultural Marketing, Microsoft

Photo: Microsoft Corp., BIC

Relying on a 2002 U.S. Census Bureau study that indicates that close to 70 percent of all Hispanic-owned businesses make less than $50,000 a year in gross sales and close to 70 percent have fewer than four employees; Microsoft Corp. recently announced a two year sponsorship of the National Hispanic Business Information Clearinghouse (BIC) to promote opportunities for Hispanic entrepreneurs and businesses in the United States through the use of technology.

In addition to monetary support Microsoft will also provide content and software solutions for Hispanic entrepreneurs visiting the BIC Technology website. Microsoft promises a host of software and information specifically targeting Hispanic business owners.

According to the Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy, nearly one-third of all Hispanic-owned businesses fail to survive four years. Microsoft executives hope to affect the statistics by supplying technology support.

Microsoft teamed with BIC as the founding technology partner of an online initiative for Hispanic business owners and entrepreneurs. A spokesperson for Microsoft indicated the company’s executives expect the program will “assist thousands of Hispanic entrepreneurs.”

“Technology is a critical tool that will help Latinos advance in both their life and career,” said Jose Pinero, director of Multicultural Marketing, Microsoft. “At Microsoft we are very excited to provide content for the BIC’s technology section and empower Latinos to succeed in their business enterprises.”

Reach Hispanics online today with

“Marketing to Hispanics Online” audio recording

Identifying and characterizing the booming Hispanic online market

JoelBary Alex Carvallo Matias Perels

Joel Bary, Alex Carvallo and Matias Perel

Find out about
• The millions of Latinos online
• Latino online users by gender
• What they do online
• Their language preferences
• How to reach Hispanic urban youth online
• What affects their online behavior
• What influences their purchases

Click here for information about “Marketing to Hispanics Online”


Sal Gomez, founder and CEO, BIC

“The BIC is a unique, multilingual Web site that provides Latino entrepreneurs and small-business owners with top-rated business resources,” said Sal Gomez, founder and chief executive officer of BIC. “At, you will find a wealth of information on starting, marketing and managing your business, as well as local resources and training to help you succeed.”

The BIC website is a free, bilingual online service for entrepreneurs, offering business solutions in English and Spanish about technology, business articles, videos, templates, tools and resources, small business search engine, demographic reports, and including geographically based content.

National Hispanic Business Information Clearinghouse, a not-for-profit organization, launched its bilingual website in 2007 to provide information to Hispanics starting or expanding a business. Its purpose is to empower new and established entrepreneurs, build wealth in the Latino community, and boost Hispanic contributions to the U.S. economy.

BIC’s lead corporate sponsor is Western Union, to date contributing $2 million through its “Our World, Our Family” global economic opportunities program. BIC is also funded by a $3.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. Founded in 1975, Microsoft is a leader in business software and services.

“Segmentation by Level of Acculturation” audio recording

Miguel Gomez Winebrenner

Presenter Miguel Gomez Winebrenner


  • Assimilation versus acculturation
  • Factors that affect Latino acculturation
  • How to know if someone is acculturated
  • Number of years necessary for acculturation
  • Effects of immigration debate on acculturation
  • Three main ways of segmenting Latinos

Click here for details about “Segmentation by Level of Acculturation”