Friday, March 21, 2025

Publisher launches magazine for Spanish speaking Latino soccer fans

Posted by Elena del Valle on September 12, 2008


Récord Semanario de Fútbol September 9, 2008 cover

Photo: Maya Magazines

Hoping to build on its current hold on young Spanish dominant Latino men in the United States, Maya Magazines, Inc. launched Récord Semanario de Fútbol, a weekly magazine for soccer fans in Spanish, September 2, 2008. A new issue will be available every Tuesday. Maya publishes H Para Hombres and H Extremo, two magazines for men.

Notmusa, Maya’s parent company, staff will write and produce the new publication in Mexico. It is expected to average 80 pages with 70 percent editorial and 30 percent ad content.

“With over eight years providing the Hispanic market with magazines such as TVNotas, H Para Hombres and H Extremo, we realized there is a lack of a product that, every week, satisfies the Latin soccer fanatics’ thirst for information they need to stay up to date with their favorite Mexican and international teams,” said Ana Laura Rivaroli, general manager, Maya Magazines.

“Being the only Hispanic publisher that runs weekly (TVNotas) in combination with the experience of the editorial team in charge of the number one sports newspaper in Mexico, Record, creating a weekly magazine about soccer is the natural step to follow in order to position ourselves in this market.”

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Articles will center on soccer features, interviews and notes about the life and style of the players of interest to Spanish dominant men 18 to 34 years old living in the United States. The editor is Alejandro Gomez.

Récord Semanario de Fútbol will be available at newsstands and by subscription. Initial production will be 50,000 copies with an expected reach of 200,000.

Notmusa has been in business for 51 years in Latin America. Other publications in its roster include Veintitantos, Ser Mama, and Notas Para Ti. In the United States, where it is represented by Miami Beach based Maya Magazines, its first publication was TVnotasUSA.